October 11, 2012

UK Approves Sale of Medicine with Embedded Microchip

*Source: Beginning And End

In yet another step to groom society to the everyday use of microchips on and in the body, the UK has now approved the sale of prescription “smart pills” that contain RFID microchips in them.
Patients take their drugs along with an extra tablet embedded with a tiny edible sensor which sends back information to a receiver in the form of a patch worn on the shoulder or arm.                                                                                                                             This tracks when the drugs were taken and the dose, as well as monitoring heart rate and body temperature. It also alerts a patient to when the next dose is due and records whether the patient is sleeping well or taking enough exercise. (source)

The proposed benefit of the smart pill is that it will keep track of pill dosage for medical patients who often forget or miss doses of their prescription medicine. The smart pills can even update the patient’s medical data to their smart phone to review and provide reminders of when the next dose is needed.
Steve Gray, healthcare services director of Lloyds pharmacy, said: ‘Anyone taking several medications knows how easy it can be to lose track of whether or not you’ve taken the correct tablets that day.
‘Add to that complex health issues and families caring for loved ones who may not live with them and you can appreciate the benefits of an information service that helps patients get the most from their treatments and for families to help them remain well.’
As the story mentions, there are also major privacy concerns as people will now have very personal medical information, that would normally be confidential, on a computer network and being completely tracked.

The Bible prophesies that in the final years before the Second Coming of Christ, also known as the Great Tribulation, almost the entire world will be using a system that will track every citizen all over the planet:
16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (Revelation 13).
The Mark of the Beast will be the ultimate societal control mechanism and it will all be controlled and administered via a “mark” in the right hand or forehead. Without, a person will not be able to buy or sell any goods since it tracks everyone’s finances and would obviously require knowing and identifying every individual in order to properly debit their bank accounts. The ease of purchasing, no longer carrying cash, credit cards or even worrying about PIN numbers will surely be seen as benefits of this system. But the Mark, (as we discuss in our article “The Mark of The Beast: Humanity’s Ultimate Choice”) will represent the ultimate rebellion against God. It will be a sign of full allegiance to the Antichrist, Satan’s false messiah, and worship of him. The sad aspect of this prophecy is that people of the world at that time who do not have faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior, will be deceived into wanting this technology and embracing the Antichrist as the Son of God. And Satan has been laying the groundwork to have the world receive his evil false christ subtly and steadily.

The amount of microchip technologies used to track human activity seems to be increasing exponentially.  While the “mark” may not be a microchip, these types of technologies make it clear that the ability to create the mark now exists in society. And the preparation of society to welcome and embrace this type of technology is well underway.
Here is a video for the new smart pill.

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