By JG Vibes
October 25, 2012
Since police officers are held above the law and are able to get away with so much, sick people who want to do bad things are naturally drawn towards these positions because of the legal protection that it offers.
Stories in the news about police brutality and random tazer attacks are now an everyday occurrence, but just this week an NYPD officer has been arrested for planning to carry out crimes that are on the same scale as a serial killer.
Gilberto Valle, a 28 year old, six-year veteran of the NYPD was arrested Wednesday by the FBI for compiling a database of women that he planned to kidnap, cook and eat, as well as stalking them and planning the attacks.
ABC has obtained the criminal complaint against Valle, which alleges that he and a co-conspirator, named only as ‘CC-1,” corresponded over email and instant messages to create a file of over 100 potential victims, all women.
The FBI alleges that Valle used the National Crime Information Center database to compile the list, and that Valle had no authority to use the database. The FBI spoke to 10 of the women, who confirmed that they knew Valle in some capacity.
According to The Smoking Gun:
“The complaint alleges that Valle illegally used federal and state law enforcement databases to “locate potential victims,” and that he surveilled some of these women at their homes and places of employment.
He also allegedly drafted an “operation plan” to abduct and cook one woman, and researched “methods of disabling and drugging women.”
In one July communication, Valle wrote that he was contemplating tying one “tasty” woman “onto some kind of apparatus…cook her over a low heat, keep her alive as long as possible.” When asked about the size of his oven, Valle replied, “Big enough to fit one of these girls if I folded their legs.”
Agents found a document on Valle’s computer titled “Abducting and Cooking [Victim-1]: a Blueprint.” The document included the woman’s name, date of birth, height, weight, and bra size, along with a “Materials Needed” section (car, chloroform, and rope).
Valle’s computer also revealed that he and a co-conspirator “negotiated and agreed to a price at which Valle would kidnap” another woman, who is referred to as “Victim-2” in the complaint. Valle wrote, “$5,000 and she is all yours,” noting that, “I’m putting my neck on the line here. If something goes wrong somehow, I am in deep shit.” He subsequently added, “I think I would rather not get involved in the rape. You paid for her. She is all yours and I don’t want to be tempted the next time I abduct a girl.”
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