March 19, 2009

Eccentrik Festival VI (2009) Band Submissions

This comes @ you via the Eccentrik Festival Live Journal Community

Eccentrik Festival VI (2009) Band Submissions
Factors that influence to whom we make offers (in no particular order):

*Genre – We try to balance Steampunk and Gothic with their sub-genres. Artists are sometimes selected who are not as "strong" as others, but they receive an offer simply because we need more artists of that particular genre.

*Perceived Drawing Power – How much we feel that having a particular artist in our lineup will help festival attendance.

*Artist's Performance History – If an artist is known to cancel shows frequently for any reason, they will not be considered to play at the Eccentrik Festival.

*Stage Presence – Good stage presence is a major plus in our consideration.

*Expense – The total expense needed to get that particular artist on stage, versus the other factors listed here.

*Geographical Location – We try to make sure various cities and regions are represented at the festival.

How to submit:

Please send us an email to Bands @ providing the following details.

1) Artist Name
2) Website
3) Contact Name
4) Contact Phone
5) Contact E-mail
6) Number of live musicians
7) City, State/Province, Country the Band is based out of
8) Label affiliation (if any)
9) What genre best describes your style of music?

A CD may be required, so we will give you the mailing address once we receive your submission.

Eccentrik Festival Official site

March 11, 2009

Tribute to the lovely Ulorin Vex, I love this woman.

I found this Ulorin Vex Tribute while messing around on Youtube. You can see more of Ulorin Vex's model & art work @ her official site Oh yeah Ulorin is also the model in my background image.

March 1, 2009

Eccentrik Festival VI 2009 Update...

*The following post was taken from the Official "Eccentrik Festival" Live Journal. Any questions contact DJ Mouse.*

I apologize for the silence in regards to this year's festival. I know that normally by this time, I've already started the deluge of information about what's going on. However, this year I actually stuck to my promise of setting some time aside to not work on the festival and it seemed to last a little longer than I planned.

Anyway, I am very happy to announce that we have a venue for the entire festival...

462 West Franklin Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Tickets for all 3 nights will be $25 advance/$35 All 3 days or $15 for the individual nights. More information coming soon!

SCHEDULE (Tentative):

Thursday, October 29th - A night of DJs to amuse and tantalize you. DJS - TBA.

Friday, October 30th - Performances by 3 bands with DJs during the breaks - TBA.

Saturday, October 31st - Performances by 3 bands with DJs during the breaks - TBA.

Sunday, November 1st - An All Saints Day Picnic - more information TBA.

For more info on Eccentrik Festival and Past performers & DJ's check the following sites.
*Offical Eccentrik Festival website
*Eccentrik's official Myspace
*Eccentrik official live journal

Eccentrik Festival VI 2009

Eccentrik [ec*cen*trik] n. A festival that deviates markedly from the established norm, for people of odd or unconventional behavior.