September 28, 2012

California Gov. Signs Bill Allowing Non-Doctors to Perform Abortions.

*Source: The Blaze

California Gov. Jerry Brown Allows Non Doctors to Provide Abortions

Over the weekend, Governor Jerry Brown (D-Calif.) signed legislation that expands a controversial trial program allowing less-trained members of the medical community to provide abortions.

Whereas typically only licensed doctors can perform the delicate procedure, the bill states that due to a shortage of doctors, now a number of certified nurses, midwives, and physician assistants are also qualified.
Sen. Christine Kehoe (D-San Diego), who introduced the bill, said its purpose is to expand access to abortion for women, particularly those in rural areas where abortionists are apparently harder to find.
Supported by Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California and the American Civil Liberties Union of California, the procedure has the novices using a tube to “empty” the uterus with a suction, according to Silicon Valley’s Mercury News.

LifeNews adds:
The California Pro-Life Council sent a legislative alert asking for pro-life residents of the state to contact the governor to urge him to veto it.
…“Since [the program's] inception 41 nurse-midwives, nurse-practitioners and physician assistants have been trained to kill unborn children.  The purpose of this training, funding by abortion businesses and sympathizers is designed to expand the pool people will to perform abortions.  Already abortions can result in serious injury and death to mothers and of course almost always the unborn child.”
“The materials presented in this training teach these newbies to the abortion industry how to validate the ‘moral’ decision to kill unborn children,” CPLC added.
Brown also signed a bill allowing more nurses, midwives, and physician assistants to prescribe birth control pills, patches, and rings to women.
“At a time when some seek to turn back the clock and restrict women’s health choices, California is expanding access to birth control and reaffirming every woman’s basic Constitutional rights,” Brown said.
Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards added: “by enacting this bill, California [is] once again setting an example of national leadership at a critical time when access to healthcare is under attack.”

US Envoy To UN Skips Netanyahu Speech To Have Lunch

*Source: RT

Susan Rice (Mario Tama / Getty Images / AFP)  
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the United Nations General Assembly this week, but don’t ask around Washington if you want to hear the highlights: the US ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, skipped the Thursday afternoon speech.

Not only did Rice walk out of the General Assembly before Prime Minister Netanyahu gave a speech amid worsening tensions between the US and Israel, but her behavior fell perfectly in line with the attitude of the rest of the Obama administration as of late. US President Barack Obama had earlier refused a private meeting with the prime minister, and although he asked Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to listen in on Thursday’s address on behalf of the White House, neither Mrs. Clinton nor Ambassador Rice was in attendance.

In an op-ed published by Fox News this week, reporter Anne Bayefsky writes that Rice “is said to have had more important things to do” than attend Netanyahu’s address.

On-the-air, Fox commentator Greta Van Susteren explained exactly what urgent matters kept the United States’ ambassador from attending.

“Today, our UN ambassador, Susan Rice, did not attend the speech by the prime minister because the speeches went long today. Instead she elected to go to a lunch with foreign ministers, and so she wasn’t present,” Van Susteren explained.
“We had our envoy there and we had our US ambassador to Israel there, but for some reason it would appear to me that in light of the problems we’ve had showing our closeness with this country — she should have been there,” she added.

John Bolton, the United States’ ambassador to the UN under former President George W Bush, said he was shocked by Rice’s behavior as well, but isn’t surprised entirely when he considers it with the rest of the Obama administration’s actions during the last three-and-a-half years.

“From the Obama administration point of view, I would have thought she would have attended both the Netanyahu speech and Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority,” Bolton told Van Susteren. “Instead she went to have lunch with Hillary Clinton and the foreign ministers of the five permanent members of the Security Council.”
“Ultimately that’s Hillary Clinton’s call,” Bolton said. If he was still representing the United States, however, he would have probably acted otherwise.

“As I say, I would have recommended being in the hall to have a higher ranking official there,” Bolton quipped. Under this administration, however, he doesn’t necessarily expect anything more.
Under US President Barack Obama, said Bolton, the United States has shown “Utter disdain for both Prime Minister Netanyahu and the state of Israel.”

“It’s simply one more brick in the wall of the case that the president is perfectly prepared to isolate Israel and that he does not hold the US/Israel relationship in the same high regard as every president going back to Harry Truman,” Bolton added, referring to the commander-in-chief who oversaw America from 1945 until 1953.

Earlier in the month, Israeli authorities asked the White House for a personal sit-down with President Obama during Prime Minister Netanyahu’s visit to the United States. The Obama administration declined, citing scheduling conflicts. The president later appeared on “The View” television program with his wife.

On Thursday, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney confirmed that President Obama made plans to speak with Prime Minister Netanyahu over the phone this week. Earlier in the month, they held an hour-long telephone conversation as "part of their ongoing consultations," the White House said, and on Friday administration spokespeople confirmed that the two are in “full agreement” on preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapon following their latest talk.

Netanyahu Plays Cartoonist, Goes Apocalyptic Over ‘Iranian Bomb’ at UN.

*Source: RT

Unable to win US support for a figurative ‘red line’ on Iran’s nuclear program, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu drew a literal one during a speech to the UN General Assembly, and offered an apocalyptic vision of a nuclear bombing of Israel.

­Netanyahu used a large diagram of a cartoonish bomb to represent Tehran’s alleged ambition to create a nuclear weapon. The drawing was divided into three sections, with marks indicating 70 percent and 90 percent of the uranium enrichment required to build an atomic bomb.

“Iran is 70 percent of the way there, and are well into the second stage. By next summer, at current enrichment rates, they will have finished the medium enrichment and move on to the final stage. From there it is only a few more weeks before they have enriched enough for a bomb,” he said.
The Israeli leader used a red marker to show the line at which he believes the world should intervene to halt the enrichment, claiming that this was the only way to peacefully resolve the issue.

“I believe that faced with a clear red line, Iran will back down – and it will give more time for sanctions and diplomacy,” he said, adding that the deadline may come as soon as next Spring.

The alternative, Netanyahu said, is a nuclear-armed Iran, which he likened to a nuclear-armed Al Qaeda. He called the Iranian leadership “apocalyptic,” and argued that they would use a nuclear weapon against Israel even if it meant the destruction of their own country.

The diagram implied that Iran is amassing enriched uranium with the intention of creating a nuclear device, and that at the 90 percent mark it would be very close to completion. Netanyahu did not offer any new evidence that Iran had overcome the numerous other scientific and technological hurdles necessary to create a nuclear weapon.

Tehran dismissed Netanyahu’s charges as “baseless and absurd.” Israel, “on a daily basis, threatens countries in the region, particularly my country with military attack,” Iran’s Deputy Ambassador to the UN Asman al-Habib Es'haq Al-e-Habib said. He warned that Iran would retaliate if Israel attempted to attack Iranian nuclear facilities.

He also said, that Israel “has ignored repeated calls by the international community to accede promptly and without any conditions to the Non-Proliferation Treaty as a non-nuclear weapons party and place all its nuclear-related facilities under the International Atomic Energy Agency verification system.”

Netanyahu is not the first politician to use props at the United Nations to call for international action against a sovereign country. In February 2003, then-US Secretary of State Collin Powell spoke before the UN Security Council holding a vial that he said could contain anthrax produced by Saddam Hussein. No anthrax or other alleged weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq after it was invaded and occupied by a US-led coalition.

Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, pauses after drawing a red line on a graphic of a bomb while discussing Iran during an address to the United Nations General Assembly.(AFP Photo / Mario Tama)

Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, pauses after drawing a red line on a graphic of a bomb while discussing Iran during an address to the United Nations General Assembly.(AFP Photo / Mario Tama)
­Netanyahu has been campaigning for a “clear red line” to curb Iran’s alleged nuclear ambitions since the beginning of September. The hard pressure apparently cost him a meeting with US President Barack Obama. The American leader refused to sit down to talks with Netanyahu on the outlines of the 67th UN General Assembly after the Israeli PM lashed out at Washington’s unwillingness “to set deadlines” for Iran.
The address to global leaders may well be a final warning before Israel takes matters into its own hands. The country's leadership has been relentlessly issuing warnings that it may soon stage a unilateral attack on Iran, flouting even American wishes.

Israel considers Iran an "existential" peril, given the rhetoric coming from the Islamic Republic's leaders that Israel will be eliminited.

Nevertheless, Iran insists that its nuclear program seeks to meet energy supplies and medical needs.
The US, while trying to keep Israel away from attacking Iran, believes that Tehran is yet to make a final decision on whether to use its uranium stocks to build weapons. So far, in Washington's opinion, the Islamic Republic does not appear to possess the necessary infrascture to do so.

‘Nothing will happen until November’

Netanyahu does not need to convince the entire world of his fears, as one actor is sufficient, Shikha Dalmia, senior policy analyst at the think tank Reason Foundation told RT.

“He is trying to raise the alarm level in the world over the possibility of a nuclear Iran,” she said. “But the fact of the matter is that he does not have to convince the whole world of his case. He just has to convince one country and essentially one person, and that is President Obama. Without US support for some kind of military intervention, he can draw whatever maps and charts and other graphs that he wants. It’s not going to mean a lot.”

And no matter what the US administration opts to do, it will have to wait until November, says Dalmia.
“One can argue that Iran would not be a full-fledged war, it would be a surgical strike, but it is till quite a lot,” she said. “So whether Obama is going to be able to undertake an action like that is completely up in the air, but one thing is clear: he will not want it before November, before the elections.”
+2 (6 votes)

Planned Parenthood: 'There's A Little Bit of Slut In All of Us!'

*Source: Breitbart

Just in case you were wondering whether Planned Parenthood supports sexual promiscuity, they’ve elucidated their position: “slut” is a positive word. Their Facebook page for teenagers carries a video from MTV Voices with Francisco Ramirez, subtly titled “Sextra Credit 2.” In it, Ramirez, a gay activist, says, “A lot of people define slut as someone who has too much sex or too many partners – but according to who? The slut fairy?”

Ramirez wasn’t done yet: “Did you know that some people use slut in a positive way? They use it to define a woman who is confident in her sexuality and being the sexual being that she is. I personally think there’s a little bit of slut in all of us. So embrace it!”

Terrific. From a company that provides abortion to cover their costs to promote sexual promiscuity seems less than shocking.

Karen Handel, a former top executive at Komen for the Cure who quit after Komen became the focus of a targeted Obama administration assault over their lack of support for Planned Parenthood, wasn’t surprised. “Planned Parenthood promotes promiscuity, STDs and abortion instead of academic achievement, integrity and hand work as defining characteristics of young women,” said the author of the new bestselling book, Planned Bullyhood. “Planned Parenthood glorifies ‘sluttiness’ at the expense of self respect among women, defining them as sexual objects instead of our next generation of scientists, doctors, entrepreneurs, and mothers."

Pictured: 'Beautiful' Family Slain Hours After Church by 'Mentally Ill Father Who Was tormented by the Prospect of Obama Winning the Election'

*Source: Daily Mail

  • Albert, Kathleen, Mathew and Christopher Peterson were found dead Tuesday in their Herndon, Virginia home
  • Police say Albert shot dead his family before turning the weapon on himself
  • A friend of the family says that Albert suffered from debilitating paranoia, exacerbated by the upcoming election
  • 'He just did not want his kids inheriting this mess,' the friend said

Albert Peterson shot dead his wife and two sons hours after going to church because he dreaded the thought of Obama winning the election, a family friend has revealed.
A confidante of the family for the past 25 years has spoken to MailOnline about the strength and grace of the Peterson family, as well as the torment that plagued Albert which drove him to shoot dead his wife Kathleen and his two sons Christopher and Mathew at their suburban home in DC on Sunday.
A history of mental illness, the loss of a dear uncle, and a growing fear of Obama winning a second term in the White House took its toll on the mind of Mr Peterson, a wealthy defense contractor, the friend said.
'He just did not want his kids inheriting this mess,' Maggie L, who did not wish to reveal her last name, told MailOnline. 'Sometimes we thought he might take his own life when he was so depressed. We never thought he would take Kathie's.'

Gone: Albert Peterson, left, shot dead his wife Kathleen, right, and two sons hours after going to church. The couple is pictured on January 4, 2010.
Gone: Albert Peterson, left, shot dead his wife Kathleen, right, and two sons hours after going to church. The couple is pictured on January 4, 2010.

Just Beginning: Christopher, 13, right was an eighth grader at Rachel Carson Middle School and Matthew, 16, left, was a sophomore at Westfield High School. Both were avid soccer players and active at their church

Albert, 57, Kathleen, 52, Matthew, 16, and Christopher, 13, were found Tuesday just after noon inside their home in Herndon, Virgina. Co-workers reported to police that they were concerned that Mr and Mrs Peterson had not reported to work for the past two days.
Mr Peterson was a defense contractor and Mrs Peterson worked at Blackbird Technologies, a company that specializes in defense, law enforcement and intelligence work.
Chris was an eighth grader at Rachel Carson Middle School and Matthew was a sophomore at Westfield High School. Both were avid soccer players and active at their church.
The preliminary police investigation indicates that Albert Peterson killed his wife and their children before taking his own life. Each of the deceased died of gunshot wounds to the upper body.

Maggie had been a friend of the family for the past three decades. 
'I've known Kathie since I was 21. She's been like a sister to me,' Maggie said. 'If she knew her husband would have done this to her, she would have protected those boys till the end.'
Albert and Kathleen Ortiz were married some 25 years ago, Maggie said, and met over a mutual love of fitness.Mrs Peterson, who was Puerto Rican, had an indomitable spirit, always active and pursuing adventure, Maggie said.
'That girl had such a zest for life,' Maggie sad. 'She was a consummate planner. She never wanted to waste an ounce of life.'
She continued: 'If I was having a crappy day, she would come. If I needed advice, I said, "Kathie, what do I do? What do I say?" and she always set me straight. She always had advice. She was always there.'

Mother: Mrs Peterson worked at Blackbird Technologies, a company that specializes in defense, law enforcement and intelligence work

But as time went on, Mr Peterson's paranoia and the demons from his past prevented him from enjoying life, his friends and his family.
'He's had difficulty his whole life,' Maggie said. 'He had a rough time with paranoia.'
At a young age, Maggie said, both his father and his uncle committed suicide.
'His dad suffered from alopecia and it was something he couldn't live with,' Maggie said.
After Mr Peterson's Uncle John killed himself, Maggie said that both Petersons were unnerved as they had frequently sent their children to his home to spend time with him.
'When Uncle John died, [Mr Peterson] kicked himself and said "God, what would have happened if our sons were there when it happened?"' Maggie recalled.
Thinking back on the eerie precursor, Maggie is still dumbfounded.
'It just never crossed our minds,' she said.

Young: Mathew, left, and Christopher, right, pose for a photograph at an earlier date
Young: Mathew, left, and Christopher, right, pose for a photograph at an earlier date

Mr Peterson's life was punctuated by bouts of paranoia that became so severe, he wallowed in his depression, gained weight, and contemplated taking his own life.
In one dark episode, after his mother died five years ago, his wife had to pull him from the brink of suicide.
'Kathie was a strong person and she probably put her foot down, like she did five years ago,' Maggie said. 'Kathie couldn't believe the way he was acting and how he thought.'
'She wanted to be out doing something - biking, hiking, tubing and I know that frustrated Al. She just wanted to be living life and he took that from her,' she said.
Maggie said that this spring, Mr Peterson lost his Uncle Bill to an infection, whom he looked up to as the family patriarch. 'He felt like there was no one left in his family,' Maggie said.
Mrs Peterson's family never fully warmed to Mr Peterson, Maggie said.
'I know that Kathie's brother hates him right now. Kathie's brother didn't speak to Al,' Maggie said. 'He saw something in Al that probably didn't sit well with him.'
Recently, Mr Peterson began writing paranoid emails to his friends and family about politics on a daily basis, sometimes even more frequently, Maggie said.

Tragic: The preliminary police investigation indicates that Albert Peterson killed his wife and their children before taking his own life

Shock: Each of the deceased died of gunshot wounds to the upper body

'I got emails and the emails stopped all of a sudden last week,' Maggie said. 'He felt that our God-given rights were being taken away. He didn't like where the country was going.'
Mr Peterson, also mentioned pressures at work that troubled Maggie.
Explaining his increasingly erratic behavior, she said: 'He said he wanted to expose something at work. He also got the impression at work, that if they didn't vote for Obama and get him elected, they would lose their jobs,'
'We don't know. Maybe she put her foot down Sunday night and told him "Al get it together,"' Maggie said, noting that both Kathleen and Albert had security clearances.
'When Al was here last time, he was pretty worked up,' Maggie said. 'They were very well off people and they saved a lot of money. He couldn't understand how the government could be so irresponsible and he thought it would be on the backs of his boys.'

Community: The reverend of Floris United Methodist Church revealed the family's names
Community: A candlelight vigil for the family was held at Floris United Methodist Church, pictured, on Wednesday evening
imgresRachelCarsonMiddleSchoolLoss: Students at Rachel Carson Middle School, left, and Westfield High School, right, wore black to school on Wednesday to commemorate their classmates. On Thursday, they wore white as a sign of peace

As close as she was to the family, she still cannot come to grips with what happened.
'To think that their father could do this to them...' Maggie said, weeping. 'The boys were so beautiful.'
Matthew was born premature, Maggie said, and she remembers how small he was- tiny enough to fit in the palm of her hand.
'This boy was something special. Matthew didn’t have a mean bone in body. He protected kids that were bullied in school,' she said.
Last weekend, Maggie, Kathleen, Matthew and Christopher attended a Mitt Romney rally together.
That's when Matthew told Maggie his plans for college.
'I asked him where he wanted to go to college. He said Liberty University. He was so excited about going,' she said, weeping.
Mr Peterson never made it to the rally. He got stuck trying to park the car and since his knees were bad, he couldn't walk to the event.
'Those boys were raised by one of the best Moms. Kathie knew every minute where her boys were. Those boys were never in trouble.'
Students at Rachel Carson Middle School and Westfield High School wore black to school on Wednesday to mourn their classmates. On Thursday, they wore white as a sign of peace.

September 27, 2012

Islamic Leaders in Dearborn Mich. Plan Rally to Support Speech Prohibition

Source: Breitbart

Islamic leaders in Dearborn, Mich. are holding a rally this Friday night to build momentum for the passage of laws that prohibit speech or expression that hurts "the religious feelings of Muslims." 

Put together in response to the film "Innocence of Muslims,"  rally organizer Tarek Baydoun said, "We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to sow the seeds of hate and discord against the religious beliefs of others." Rally co-organizer Osama Siblani added, "There is a need for deterrent legal measures against those individuals or groups that want to damage relations between people, spread hate and incite violence."

In other words, it appears one of the goals of the rally will be the eventual creation of blasphemy laws: laws that would reflect an international movement toward banning speech that is critical of Islam or Mohammed.
Ironically, this rally comes at a time when hate crimes toward Muslims in America have dropped more 50% in the last ten years. For example, in 2001 hate crimes against Muslims constituted approximately 28% of all such crimes in America, but in 2010 that category of crime against Muslims only constituted 12.7%.
This drop in crime was not due to blasphemy laws or other curbs on free speech.

Dr. Scott Johnson: End Time Preparedness/Prepper Mega Study.

End Time Preparedness/Prepper Mega Study

*Part 1 Table of Contents:

  • Part 1: When The Music Stops – How America’s Cities May Explode In Violence 

*Part 2 Table of Contents:

  • Part 2: When The Music Stops – How America’s Cities May Explode In Violence
  • Biblical Resistance to Tyranny
  • Black mob violence and the media silence–BIG LIST of racial attacks, assaults and threats

*Part 3 Table of Contents:

  • Long Term Food Company Recommendation
  • Proactive Measures In the Event of a Pandemic
  • Book–Dare To Prepare
  • Book–Strategic Relocation: North American Guide to Safe Places
  • Book–Prudent Places USA
  • The Top 5 Priorities of Emergency Preparedness
  • Christian Believer’s Immune Boosting Tip
  • Excellent Emergency Medical Supplies
  • Doomsday Bunkers Shows–Helping People Prepare For The End Times 
  • Emergency Response Protocols: Establishing Operational Guidelines for Times of Crisis
  • 22 Page Comprehensive Review from a Listener–He Writes: This is a guide to the gear that I recommend you buy, gear that will LAST…

****PDF: End Time Preparedness/Prepper Mega Study****

**Dr. Scott Johnson

DARPA Continues Human Experiments to Create Military Super Soldiers

*Source: Occupy Corporatism

Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
September 25, 2012

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has a $2 billion yearly budget for research into creating a super solider as well as developing a synthetic police force. Working with the human genome, DARPA hopes to manipulate certain gene expressions. In experimentation, DARPA and the military industrial pharmaceutical complex are using natural abilities that are enhanced through genetic engineering.
Some of the medical feats DARPA would like to enhance are the ability of military soldiers to regrow limbs destroyed in battle.
By eliminating empathy, the Department of Defense (DoD) hopes to “enhance” a soldier’s ability to “kill without care or remorse, shows no fear, can fight battle after battle without fatigue and generally behave more like a machine than a man.”
Scientists are researching the construction of soldiers that feel no pain, terror and do not suffer from fatigue as tests on the wiring of the human brain are furthered by Jonathan Moreno, professor of bioethics at Pennsylvania State University. Moreno is working with the DoD in understanding neuroscience. The Pentagon allocated $400 million to this research.
Further study could be passed onto the general public in order to maximize profits as well as enhance the drug’s effectiveness. According to Joel Garreau, professor at Arizona University, DARPA is learning how to genetically modify human fat into pure energy by rewiring the metabolic switch which would create soldiers that require less food. By using gene therapy and combining enhancements to alter the color of the human eye is a blending of mutations that have no basis in the natural world.
In 2011, the British Academy of Medical Sciences published a paper explaining the necessity for “new rules to avoid ethical missteps.” Specifying the injection of human brain cells into animals that may give animals human memories or thought consciousness as the goal should be dealt with differently than a non-modified animal.

Human embryos can strengthen or deteriorate the animal test subject which prompted Senator Sam Brownback to push the Human Chimera Prohibition Act of 2005. Brownback expressed need for prevention of closed-door experiments that “blur the lines between human and animal, male and female, parent and child, and one individual and another individual.” The ethical aspect could be defined by two mandates of consideration:
1. They could target the hypothetical scientists creating monsters in petri dishes.
2. They could take a close look at the science that’s really happening in labs around the world.
In addition to genetically modifying the human genome, global Elite are obsessed with the merging man and machine, transhumanism and immortality. Basing advancements on scientific research, the 2045 Program will create “a new vision of human development that meets global challenges humanity faces today, realization of the possibility of a radical extension of human life by means of cybernetic technology, as well as the formation of a new culture associated with these technologies.”
The globalists at the 2045 Program assert that humanity “is in need of a new evolutionary strategy” consisting of a balance between the complexity of technological advances and the acceleration of informational processes to expand the “limited, primitive human” into a “highly self-organized” and technologically “higher intelligence”.
The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) published a document entitled Rebuilding America’s Defenses in 2000 which frameworks a strategy for American hegemony in the near future, identifying “problem areas” of the world and advising regime change of unfavorable governments so that in the end the nations of the world will be unified under the banner of American democracy.
The revelation of former US President George Bush’s “axis of evil” defined American policy under the guidelines of the PNAC with the identification of Iran, Iraq and North Korea which is literally mentioned in the PNAC as governments that require a regime change.
In the PNAC, the globalists have described the use of scientific enhancement and clinical trials turning the US armed forces into gueinia pigs for the advancement of a super solider.
While Roger Pitman , professor of psychiatry at Harvard University is experimenting with propranolol which is a beta blocker that is believed to erase “terrifying memories”, soldiers are subjected to more research while serving to alleviate the psychological effects of war. Moreno explains: “The problem is: what else are they blocking when they do this? Do we want a generation of veterans who return without guilt?”
Allan Snyder, professor of neuroscience in Australia, has been working to understand how transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can effect higher mental processing with the use of magnetic fields to promote unfettered reasoning.
The US Academy of Sciences reported in 2009 that they expected to be successful in using TMS against soldiers to “enhance [their] fighting capabilities.” Moreno reveals that TMS helmets could be used in battlefields to expand a soldier’s technical expertise and become a more proficient marksman and master electronics used in training exercises.

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September 26, 2012

Henry Kissinger Says Luke Rudkowski Is A Sick Person for Questioning Him on NSM 200


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Freemason Semi-Truck Hauling FEMA Coffins? in Wisconsin Sept. 2012

Ahmadinejad Talks Peace & Justice As US Boycotts Address.

*Source: RT

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks during the 67th United Nations General Assembly at U.N. headquarters in New York.(Reuters / Mike Segar)

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s eighth address to the UN General Assembly was defined mostly by its absences: The Syrian conflict and an infamous anti-Muslim film weren’t mentioned, and the US delegation wasn’t present in the chamber.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for world leaders to serve their people, not rule over them during his speech before the UN General Assembly on Wednesday.
In a surprise turn, Ahmadinejad’s speech took on an almost poetic bent evoking “the spring of humanity and the greenery of all ages.”
During his address, the word “peace” was used 12 times, “justice” 15 and “love” 13.
Peace and love were not the only items on the agenda, as Ahmadinejad enumerated a litany of injustices that had occurred throughout history despite the striving of “righteous people and justice seekers.”
Several barbs were specifically directed towards the West.
Ahmadinejad decried the “current abysmal situation of the world,” saying it resulted from “the self-proclaimed centers of power who have entrusted themselves to the Devil.”
He further lambasted the“arms race” and “nuclear intimidation" being perpetuated by “hegemonic powers," as well as “the continued threat by uncivilized Zionists to resort to military action.”

US leans on Jewish holiday to explain UN absence

The Iranian leader's comments came as the seats for the US diplomatic mission remained conspicuously empty.
The US had called for a boycott of Ahmadinejad's address on Wednesday, accusing the Iranian President of spouting "paranoid theories and repulsive slurs against Israel."
"It’s particularly unfortunate that Mr. Ahmadinejad will have the platform of the UN General Assembly on Yom Kippur, which is why the United States has decided not to attend," a statement posted by Erin Pelton, the spokesperson for the US Mission to the United Nations, read.
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Ahmadinejad's last serenade

Before delivering his last address the the UN assembly before his term expires next year, the president of the Islamic Republic had made several comments in the run-up to Wednesday's address which incited the ire of  Western powers.
On Tuesday, Ahmadinejiad talked at length with the AP on the sidelines of the UN summit in which he unfavorably characterized Western policy regarding Iran.
Speaking through a translator, the Iranian president claimed that Western outrage over Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons program was a pretext for dominating Iran, as “even elementary school kids throughout the world have understood that the United States government is following an international policy of bullying.”
While speaking before the UN General assembly on Wednesday, US President Barack Obama said that the window of opportunity to resolve the dispute over Iran’s nuclear program. Though Obama charged that the US would not allow Tehran to acquire of nuclear weapons, Ahmadinejiad reiterated his country’s longstanding claim that their uranium enrichment program was strictly for energy production.
“Everyone is aware the nuclear issue is the imposition of the will of the United States,” Ahmadinejiad said. “I see the nuclear issue as a non-issue. It has become a form of one-upmanship.”

'Same slave masters rule the world'

One problem central to the current tensions is that the US never accepted the legitimacy of Iran’s 1979 Islamic revolution, Ahmadinejiad said, calling for the creation of a new, less polarized world order.
"I do believe the system of empires has reached the end of the road. The world can no longer see an emperor commanding it," he said.
His comments echoed the contentious statements he made before the UN Generally Assembly last year, when he referred to current international powers as “the same slave masters” who “imposed colonialism for over four centuries upon this world.”
He incited further walkouts with his insinuations that the US government was behind the 9/11 attacks, proclaiming that “instead of assigning a fact-finding team, they killed the main perpetrator [Osama bin Laden] and threw his body into the sea.”

'Israel has no roots'

The Iranian president also stirred controversy on Monday when he referred to modern-day Israel as a mere blip in world history.
“Iran has been around for the last seven, ten thousand years. They [Israelis] have been occupying those territories for the last 60 to 70 years, with the support and force of the Westerners. They have no roots there in history,” Reuters quoted him as saying. “We don't even count them as any part of any equation for Iran. During a historical phase, they [Israelis] represent minimal disturbances that come into the picture and are then eliminated.”
Ahmadinejiad also dismissed threats of an Israeli strike against Iranian nuclear facilities: "Fundamentally we do not take seriously the threats of the Zionists…We have all the defensive means at our disposal and we are ready to defend ourselves."
Despite Western condemnation of his remarks, the Iranian president refused to back down during Wednesday interviews.
“When have we threatened to attack the Zionists? We have never threatened them,” Ahmadinejiad said in an interview broadcast on CBS’s ‘Early Morning.’ He argued that Israel’s “occupation,” “war-like behavior” and “terrorism” need to end, repeating his long-running claim that Palestinians should be allowed to achieve democratic self-determination on their own historical lands.
He also called on the United States to patient, as he routinely was forced to exercise patience as he listened to the US president berate Iran before the General Assembly.
Having served two terms as Iran’s president, Ahmadinejiad will step down once his term ends next year.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Calls For New World Order.

*Source: The Telegraph

A new world order needs to emerge, away from years of American bullying and domination, according to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president.

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

In a wide ranging interview with The Associated Press on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly - his last as president of Iran, he also discussed solutions for the Syrian civil war, dismissed the question of Iran's nuclear ambition and claimed that despite Western sanctions his country is better off than it was when he took office in 2005.
"God willing, a new order will come together and we'll do away with everything that distances us," Mr Ahmadinejad said, speaking through a translator. "I do believe the system of empires has reached the end of the road. The world can no longer see an emperor commanding it."
"Now even elementary school kids throughout the world have understood that the United States government is following an international policy of bullying," he said.
President Barack Obama warned Iran earlier Tuesday that time is running out to resolve the dispute over its nuclear program. In a speech to the General Assembly, Obama said the United States could not tolerate an Iran with atomic weapons.

Mr Ahmadinejad would not respond directly to the president's remarks, saying he did not want to influence the US presidential election in November.

But he argued that the international outcry over Iran's nuclear enrichment program was just an excuse by the West to dominate his country. He claimed that the United States has never accepted Iran's choice of government after the 1979 Islamic revolution.

"Everyone is aware the nuclear issue is the imposition of the will of the United States," he said. "I see the nuclear issue as a non-issue. It has become a form of one-upmanship."

Mr Ahmadinejad said he favored more dialogue, even though negotiations with world powers remain stalled after three rounds of high-level meetings since April.

He said some world leaders have suggested to him that Iran would be better off holding nuclear talks only with the United States.

"Of course I am not dismissing such talks," he said, asked if he were open to discussions with the winner of the American presidential election.

Israeli leaders, however, are still openly contemplating military action again Iranian nuclear facilities, dismissing diplomacy as a dead end. Israel and many in the West suspect that Iran is seeking to acquire nuclear weapons, and cite its failure to cooperate fully with nuclear inspectors. Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only.

Mr Ahmadinejad also proposed forming a new group of 10 or 11 countries to work to end the 18-month Syrian civil war. Representatives of the nations in the Middle East and elsewhere would meet in New York "very soon," he said.

Critics have accused Tehran of giving support to Syrian President Bashar Assad in carrying out massacres and other human rights violations in an attempt to crush the uprising against his rule. Activists say nearly 30,000 people have died.

He said the so-called contact group hopes to get the Syrian government and opposition to sit across from each other.

"I will do everything in my power to create stability, peace and understanding in Syria," Ahmadinejad said.
Earlier this month, Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi announced the formation of a four-member contact group with Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. But Saudi Arabia so far has not participated.

He denied Iranian involvement in plotting attacks on Israelis abroad, despite arrests and accusations by police in various countries. He also vehemently disputed the U.S. claim that Iranian agents played a role in a foiled plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States last year.

Mr Ahmadinejad will leave office next June after serving two four-year terms. He threw out numbers and statistics during the interview to show that Iran's economy and the lives of average Iranians have improved under his watch. Since his 2005 election, he claimed, Iran went from being the world's 22nd-largest economy to the 17th-largest; non-petroleum related exports increased sevenfold; and the basic production of goods has doubled. Median income increased by $4,000, he said.

"Today's conditions in Iran are completely different to where they were seven years ago in the economy, in technical achievement, in scientific know-how," Ahmadinejad said. "All of these achievements, though, have been reached under conditions in which we were brought under heavy sanctions.

"Iran has called for the U.S. and its European allies to ease the sanctions that have hit its critical oil exports and left it blackballed from key international banking networks.

Mr Ahmadinejad said he had no knowledge of the whereabouts of Robert Levinson, a private investigator and former FBI agent who vanished in Iran five years ago. He said he directed Iranian intelligence services two years ago to work with their counterparts in the US to locate him.

"And if any help there is that I can bring to bear, I would be happy to do so," he said.

He also claimed never to have heard of Amir Hekmati, a former U.S. Marine who is imprisoned on espionage charges in Iran. Hekmati was arrested while visiting his grandmothers in Iran in August 2011, and his family has been using Ahmadinejad's visit to New York to plead for his release.

Muse’s Matt Bellamy Says He No Longer Thinks 9/11 Was an ‘Inside Job’

*Source: The Vigilant Citizen

Muse is a band that is somewhat popular among truthers due its messages alluding to conspiracies and resistance to corrupt powers. The band’s 2009 album The Resistance was perceived by many as a true anti-Illuminati manifesto with rebellious anthems such as Uprising. The lyrics of this song refer to dumbed-down masses being controlled by higher powers, a theme that is often discussed by truthers. Here are the lyrics:
Paranoia is in bloom,
The PR transmissions will resume,
They’ll try to push drugs that keep us all dumbed down,
And hope that we will never see the truth around
(So come on)
Another promise, another scene,
Another packaged lie to keep us trapped in greed,
And all the green belts wrapped around our minds,
And endless red tape to keep the truth confined
(So come on)
They will not force us,
They will stop degrading us,
They will not control us,
We will be victorious
(So come on)
Interchanging mind control,
Come let the revolution take it’s toll,
If you could flick a switch and open your third eye,
You’d see that
We should never be afraid to die
(So come on)
Rise up and take the power back,
It’s time the fat cats had a heart attack,
You know that their time’s coming to an end,
We have to unify and watch our flag ascend
Another title of this album is entitled MK-Ultra, which describes mind control and how it is used on a large scale to control the masses. Here are the lyrics:
The wavelength gently grows,
Coercive notions re-evolve,
A universe is trapped inside a tear,
It resonates the core,
Creates unnatural laws,
Replaces love and happiness with fearHow much deception can you take?
How many lies will you create?
How much longer until you break?
Your mind’s about to fall
And they are breaking through,
They are breaking through,
Now we’re falling,
We are losing controlInvisible to all,
The mind becomes a wall.
All of history deleted with one strokeHow much deception can you take?
How many lies will you create?
How much longer until you break?
Your mind’s about to fallAnd they are breaking through,
They are breaking through,
Now we’re falling,
We are losing control
Since the release of Resistance, Muse enjoyed mainstream success, even partaking in the MTV Music awards and the Illuminati ritual that was the 2012 Olympics Ceremonies. The band’s acceptance into the music business seems to have modified its message, turning it into something that is more in line with the rest of mainstream media. In a recent interview with Metro, lead singer Matt Bellamy stated that he did not believe that 9/11 was an inside job anymore – rallying himself with the official version of the story. Did the music industry get to him?

Muse’s Matt Bellamy says he no longer thinks 9/11 was an ‘inside job’

Muse‘s Matt Bellamyhas revealed that he no longer thinks the terrorist attacks which were carried out on the World Trade Center on September 11 were an “inside job”.Previously, the frontman had claimed that there was “massive evidence” to support theories that US authorities had either allowed the attacks to take place or had made them happen. In a 2006 interview with CMU, he stated: “There was a document called ‘Project For The New America Century’… which clearly says, ‘We need a Pearl Harbour-level event so we can have an excuse to invade the Middle East’.”
Speaking to the Metro, however, Bellamy said that his political views were “more nuanced now” and that he no longer believed in conspiracy theories surrounding the tragedy.
He said: “I don’t believe that any more, although there are lots of questions to be answered.”
He went on to add: “I still read a lot about political history, the influence of corporations and the military, but I make sure I’m reading from credible sources. I think my political views are a bit more nuanced now.”Discussing the band’s plans for their forthcoming tour dates, meanwhile, he revealed: “We have a symbolic upside-down pyramid suspended over us as we play. It will screen videos and images that relate to the songs. At some point, the pyramid will turn inside out and consume Dom ‘s drum kit. Then Dom becomes a ninja who starts battling with corrupt businessmen… I’m serious. That’s not a joke.”
So the idea of 9/11 being a false flag operation to justify military operations is not “credible” to Bellamy anymore? Maybe he should check out this video of Patrick Clawson of the influential Washington Institute for Near East openly calling for a false-flag operation to justify the invasion of Iran.

Innocence of Muslims Film was Made by Terrorists.

*Source: Walid Shoebat

There is more to the story of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula than what we are told by the media. Court documents reveal that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, producer of the movie Innocence of Muslims, partnered in a scheme with Eiad Salameh, my first cousin, a Palestinian Muslim from Beit Sahour in the Palestinian district of Bethlehem.

To prove my claim, I revealed Eiad Salameh long before this whole fiasco erupted—in 2008 and the first real reportage of Eiad and Nakoula was revealed on September 14th, 2012.
Now do I have your attention?

The narrative that circulates the media fails to answer crucial questions behind the mystery of this film.
For example, to date, no one has stepped forward or can confirm for certain that whoever holds an identity by the name of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula is that man’s true identity. In the Middle East, if a man by the name of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula indeed exists while being blamed for creating a mess of international proportions—which included the anger of over one billion Muslims—it would not be that difficult to find the entire family in Egypt, including brothers, cousins, aunts, siblings wife, wives, ex-wives, mistresses, pets and all.

In the Middle East, no one can hide. Egypt is where the demonstrations that have taken place all over the Middle East and Asia were sparked. Yet, it cannot produce this man’s background?
Besides, why would Nakoula, who claims to be a religious Coptic activist, have extensive connections with Eiad? My cousin hated Copts with a passion and is well-known in the Middle East as a master schemer, probably one of the best the Middle East has produced. He also has multiple contacts with terror networks.

Eiad is from Beit Sahour, Bethlehem. He is a dubious individual who was well known in the Arab community as the main contact for obtaining authentic, legitimate identifications from passports to credit cards, under many nationalities. He then places these identifications into the hands of dubious characters whose names are not the names written on the passports.

Eiad is a Muslim terror supporter and is not an Egyptian Copt. Both my cousin Eiad and whoever this man is who pretends to be Nakoula, had multiple, fraudulent identifications and the two connected for a decade in multiple scheming operations—the type that usually links to terrorism.

The Daily Beast reported regarding Nakoula’s bust:
"The bust came around the time the feds were launching Operation Mountain Express, which would become a huge investigation into pseudoephedrine-dealing involving numerous people of a Middle Eastern background. The authorities initially insisted there were no links to terrorism, but suddenly switched and decided that a chunk of the money was going to Hizbullah."
Eiad, like Nakoula, portrayed and identified himself as an Israeli Jew, a thing Eiad did for years. He even fraudulently holds an authentic Israeli passport.

No one knows for certain that Nakoula is even who he claims to be, but we are 100% certain that both my cousin Eiad and Nakoula had multiple fraudulent identifications and what has never been disclosed until now is that the two were linked for at least a decade.

First of all, clan Nakoula also exists in Eiad’s village Beit Sahour Bethlehem. It is still the little town of Bethlehem, just as it was in Biblical times.

The feds are also silent and have kept much of this issue away from public view. Despite Nakoula’s previous offenses, the Justice Department lawyers and federal agents defended him, giving several excuses to Judge Snyder and pushed for leniency, all because of him supposedly promising to help them catch Eiad.
Via the sentencing transcript:
…he [Nakoula] has implicated Mr. Salamay [aka Salameh] there is no question that Mr. Salamay at some point is gonna be indicted if he hasn’t already been… we all know what’s gonna happen. Salamay is gonna get arrested some day and based on the debriefing information turned over he is gonna enter a guilty plea, or if he doesn’t, then Mr. Nakoula is going to be called in to testify…
This claim by the Feds is false.

If the feds were indeed interested in catching Eiad, he was in fact doing his shenanigans for three decades without a single arrest and despite several arrest warrants issued.

He was in fact finally locked up in January 2011 in Canada as we were told by our contact out of the Intelligence Bureau in Canada (IBC) who wrote us by email (which we have the evidence).
While the Canadians wanted to keep Eiad in custody as long as it took and were working with the Feds to extradite him to the United States, the U.S. preferred not to bring Eiad in to face justice. Instead, they asked the Canadians to fly him to freedom in Palestine.

I received my last email from my contact on July 15th, 2011, which stated: “He is awaiting deportation to Palestine, unless the US hurry up and indict him…” The feds never responded to the Canadian’s last appeal and within a few days, Eiad was put on a plane, courtesy of the Canadian taxpayers.
Where did he go?


The Palestinian terror connection to this film increases once we learned that Nakoula used Eiad’s last name “Erwin Salameh” portraying himself as his brother. As we also obtained from our contact in the IBC, Eiad was also involved with someone having the last name “Tanas” as late as 2011 and Nakoula had used the name “Thomas J. Tanas”.

In addition, the naming convention used by Nakoula in 2009 looks remarkably similar to one of Eiad’s embezzlement operations in 2000.

Nakoula used a fictitious company called M & A Trading in 2009, which he simply switched from Eiad’s A & M Trading as revealed in the U.S. Trustee report in 2001.
I can provide much evidence privately to reliable media, on the condition that the names of the agents remain anonymous (as per their request) but I have disclosed Eiad in all of my seminars to hundreds of FBI agents and police force.

Full Report Here.

So who is this man behind the film Innocence of Muslims?

To identify his motives, I then obtained a radio interview in Arabic that this supposed Nakoula gave in which he stated that he is not Christian but a secular liberal. He was asked, “What is your position on the Jewish and the Christian faith?” Nakoula responded, “I have no calling for these religions.”

Nakoula, who stated that he was an author of several books on Islam (written in Arabic) refused to give his name to the interviewer. Yet, if court documents give his legal name as Nakoula Bacile/Bassele Nakoula, I found no books under that name. Nothing. And neither did anyone produce them.

Nakoula was lying again and is no Coptic author.

A court document refers to a letter from a friend who referred to Nakoula as “a God-fearing man whose first priority is his family.”

This contradicts what he said in Arabic; he is not interested in Christianity or Judaism and is possibly a Muslim.

Nakoula claimed that he produced the film with his son, Abanob Basseley, and the money for it (between $50,000 and $60,000) came from his wife’s family in Egypt.

None of this has been proven.

What has been proven is that he embezzled millions with Eiad and the money must have come from these scandalous operations, which are usually linked to terrorist activity.

Why would any anti-Islam Christian or even Jewish activist want the destruction of his own? It makes zero sense, unless of course this person intends to do harm to his real enemies—Israel and the Copts.

Both are Eiad’s ardent enemies.

How is it possible that these two would snuggle up together for a decade?

On one hand, we have a Meth-dealer-Egyptian-Coptic-anti-Muslim-activist-fundamentalist-Christian. Then on the other hand, we have a Muslim-fundamentalist-Palestinian-scam-artist-terrorist.

The results of this entire fiasco will not be the apprehension of terrorists, but the continual chipping away at the First-Amendment, since Americans by and large are still practicing the art of self-blame while they ignore the real culprits who enter our country with the intent of doing it much harm.

Using Precisely-Targeted Lasers, Researchers Manipulate Neurons in Worms' Brains and Take Control of Their Behavior.

*Source: Science Daily

ScienceDaily (Sep. 23, 2012) — In the quest to understand how the brain turns sensory input into behavior, Harvard scientists have crossed a major threshold. Using precisely-targeted lasers, researchers have been able to take over an animal's brain, instruct it to turn in any direction they choose, and even to implant false sensory information, fooling the animal into thinking food was nearby.
 As described in a September 23 paper published in Nature, a team made up of Sharad Ramanathan, an Assistant Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology, and of Applied Physics, Askin Kocabas, a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Molecular and Cellular Biology, Ching-Han Shen, a Research Assistant in Molecular and Cellular Biology, and Zengcai V. Guo, from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute were able to take control of Caenorhabditis elegans -- tiny, transparent worms -- by manipulating neurons in the worms' "brain."
The work, Ramanathan said, is important because, by taking control of complex behaviors in a relatively simple animal -- C. elegans have just 302 neurons -we can understand how its nervous system functions..
"If we can understand simple nervous systems to the point of completely controlling them, then it may be a possibility that we can gain a comprehensive understanding of more complex systems," Ramanathan said. "This gives us a framework to think about neural circuits, how to manipulate them, which circuit to manipulate and what activity patterns to produce in them ."
"Extremely important work in the literature has focused on ablating neurons, or studying mutants that affect neuronal function and mapping out the connectivity of the entire nervous system. " he added. "Most of these approaches have discovered neurons necessary for specific behavior by destroying them. The question we were trying to answer was: Instead of breaking the system to understand it, can we essentially hijack the key neurons that are sufficient to control behavior and use these neurons to force the animal to do what we want?"

Before Ramanathan and his team could begin to answer that question, however, they needed to overcome a number of technical challenges.

Using genetic tools, researchers engineered worms whose neurons gave off fluorescent light, allowing them to be tracked during experiments. Researchers also altered genes in the worms which made neurons sensitive to light, meaning they could be activated with pulses of laser light.

The largest challenges, though, came in developing the hardware necessary to track the worms and target the correct neuron in a fraction of a second.

"The goal is to activate only one neuron," he explained. "That's challenging because the animal is moving, and the neurons are densely packed near its head, so the challenge is to acquire an image of the animal, process that image, identify the neuron, track the animal, position your laser and shoot the particularly neuron -- and do it all in 20 milliseconds, or about 50 times a second. The engineering challenges involved seemed insurmountable when we started. But Askin Kocabas found ways to overcome these challenges"

The system researchers eventually developed uses a movable table to keep the crawling worm centered beneath a camera and laser. They also custom-built computer hardware and software, Ramanathan said, to ensure the system works at the split-second speeds they need.

The end result, he said, was a system capable of not only controlling the worms' behavior, but their senses as well. In one test described in the paper, researchers were able to use the system to trick a worm's brain into believing food was nearby, causing it to make a beeline toward the imaginary meal.

Going forward, Ramanathan and his team plan to explore what other behaviors the system can control in C. elegans. Other efforts include designing new cameras and computer hardware with the goal of speeding up the system from 20 milliseconds to one. The increased speed would allow them to test the system in more complex animals, like zebrafish.

"By manipulating the neural system of this animal, we can make it turn left, we can make it turn right, we can make it go in a loop, we can make it think there is food nearby," Ramanathan said. "We want to understand the brain of this animal, which has only a few hundred neurons, completely and essentially turn it into a video game, where we can control all of its behaviors."

Funding for the research was provided by the Human Frontier Science Program, the NIH Pioneer Award and the National Science Foundation.

Howard Zinn: Governments Always Lie


The Illuminati CFR's Tax Returns Show 438 MILLION DOLLARS in Assets!!

EXCLUSIVE: The Council on Foreign Relations 2010 tax returns show they have 438 MILLION DOLLARS in assets and tens of millions in expenses to promote their New World Order as they pretend to be a government agency, when in reality they are an Illuminati front group and a private organization influencing American foreign policy.  Wanna know why the wars start and continue?  It’s because corrupt power-mad organizations like this have hijacked our government.
Download the PDFs below:

Council on Foreign Relations 2009 Tax Returns 39 pages
Council on Foreign Relations 2010 Tax Returns 60 pages

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CREWS: Homosexuals in the Military Demand Special Privileges.

 *Source: The Washington Times

Toleration doesn’t cut both ways.



By Col. Ron Crews

The American armed forces exist to defend our nation, not to conduct social science lab experiments in which our troops serve as human subjects. Try telling that to this administration.

The first anniversary of the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” Sept. 20, has come and gone. Now, there is mounting evidence that proves our warnings were not idle chatter. The threat to freedom posed by this radical sexual experiment on our military is real: It is grave and it is growing.

Activists inside and outside our government who pushed the repeal have deployed a smoke screen around the fact that once the military was forced to exalt homosexuality in the ranks, the all-too-foreseen consequence reared its ugly head.

Senior military officials have allowed personnel in favor of repeal to speak to media while those who have concerns have been ordered to be silent. Two airmen were publicly harassed in a Post Exchange food court as they were privately discussing their concerns about the impact of repeal. A chaplain was encouraged by military officials to resign his commission unless he could “get in line with the new policy,” demonstrating no tolerance for that chaplain’s religious viewpoint. Another chaplain was threatened with early retirement, and then reassigned to be more “closely supervised” because he had expressed concerns with the policy change, again demonstrating no tolerance for that chaplain’s religious viewpoint.

At an officer training service school, a male serviceman sexually harassed another male serviceman through text messages, emails, phone calls and in-person confrontations. The harassing male insisted the two would “make a great couple.” The harassed serviceman reported the harassment, but the command failed to take disciplinary action.

Service members engaged in homosexual behavior protested a service school’s open-door policy for all students that prohibited the closing of room doors for the purpose of hiding sexual behavior. The protesters claimed that they had a right to participate in sexual behavior with their same-sex roommates.

A senior chaplain was stripped of his authority over the chapel under his charge because, in accordance with federal law, he proclaimed the chapel to be a “sacred space” where marriage ceremonies would only be between one man and one woman.

The Navy has allowed sailors openly engaged in homosexual behavior to choose their bunkmates. Imagine in this new age of “tolerance” if a sailor asked to be moved from a close-quarters berthing area because of his concern about another sailor’s sexual appetites. We already know what would happen, because tolerance has never been a two-way street.

Obviously, the recent “study” (aka propaganda) claiming that the repeal went off without a hitch should be shredded post-haste. It has no connection to reality.

This is just the first wave in the first year of the assault on the constitutionally protected freedom of our service members. Remember, the groups that forced their sexual experiment on the armed forces represent the lesbian, homosexual, bisexual and transgender community. It’s only a matter of time before a man who claims to be transgender demands to be placed with women during training, in the showers and in the barracks. The women in the units will have no recourse, especially if their objection to living, changing, bathing and bunking with a man is based on sincerely held religious beliefs. They would have two choices: Either accept this outrageous imposition silently or be charged with bigotry, hatred, intolerance and every other name the advocates of this agenda can throw at them. Neither choice is acceptable. When “sensitivity training” is in full force, these women just might face discipline and punitive separation merely for speaking up and requesting a reasonable measure of privacy and protection of their religious freedom.

This outrageous social science lab experiment could have been easily prevented. The Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty has worked closely with members of Congress to enact legislation, which has already passed the House, to protect freedom of conscience for chaplains and those they serve.

Even more outrageous is that we have to ask Congress to protect freedom of conscience for chaplains and those who serve in the military. The fact that Congress excluded a religious freedom protection amendment (authored in partnership with Alliance Defending Freedom), to the repeal sends a clear message that our current leadership does not consider, much less respect, the constitutional implications of their actions while they bow in allegiance to the powerful and aggressive lobby of those who supported the repeal.

Col. Ron Crews, a retired Army chaplain, is executive director for Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty.

September 25, 2012

Russ Dizdar Interview on Canary Cry Radio End of Days, Super Soldiers, SRA and More.

"An Interview With Gonz from Canary Cry Radio... End of Days, Super Soldiers, SRA and More"

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Russ Dizdar "Nephilim Mounds Update Are You Coming?"

"Nephilim Mounds Update Are You Coming?"

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September 24, 2012

Russ Dizdar "Clear And Present Danger Hidden Roots"

"Clear And Present Danger Hidden Roots"

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In New York, Defiant Ahmadinejad Says Israel Will Be 'Eliminated'

*Source: Reuters

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad attends the opening ceremony of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) summit in Mecca August 14, 2012. REUTERS/Saudi Press Agency/Handout

(Reuters) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Monday disregarded a U.N. warning to avoid incendiary rhetoric and declared ahead of the annual General Assembly session that Israel has no roots in the Middle East and would be "eliminated."

In remarks to reporters in New York, Ahmadinejad also said he did not take seriously the threat that Israel could launch a military strike against Iran's nuclear facilities, denied sending arms into Syria, and alluded to Iran's threats against the life of British author Salman Rushdie.

The United States quickly dismissed the Iranian president's comments as "disgusting, offensive and outrageous."

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has hinted Israel could strike Iran's nuclear sites and criticized U.S. President Barack Obama's position that sanctions and diplomacy should be given more time to stop Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

Iran denies it is seeking nuclear arms and says its atomic work is peaceful and aimed at generating electricity.
"Fundamentally we do not take seriously the threats of the Zionists," Ahmadinejad said. "We have all the defensive means at our disposal and we are ready to defend ourselves."
On Sunday, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon met with Ahmadinejad and warned him of the dangers of incendiary rhetoric in the Middle East.
Ahmadinejad did not heed the warning and, speaking to reporters through an interpreter, alluded to his previous rejection of Israel's right to exist.
"Iran has been around for the last seven, 10 thousand years. They (the Israelis) have been occupying those territories for the last 60 to 70 years, with the support and force of the Westerners. They have no roots there in history," he said, referring to the founding of the modern state of Israel in 1948.

"We do believe that they have found themselves at a dead end and they are seeking new adventures in order to escape this dead end. Iran will not be damaged with foreign bombs," Ahmadinejad said.

"We don't even count them as any part of any equation for Iran. During a historical phase, they (the Israelis) represent minimal disturbances that come into the picture and are then eliminated," Ahmadinejad added.
In 2005, Ahmadinejad called Israel a "tumour" and echoed the words of the former Iranian Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, by saying that Israel should be wiped off the map.

In Washington, White House spokesman Tommy Vietor denounced the Iranian president's latest comments and reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to Israel's security.

"President Ahmadinejad's comments are characteristically disgusting, offensive and outrageous. They underscore again why America's commitment to the security of Israel must be unshakeable, and why the world must hold Iran accountable for its utter failure to meet its obligations," Vietor said.

The United States also officially linked Iran's state oil company to the country's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, a move that enables Washington to apply new sanctions on foreign banks dealing with the National Iranian Oil Company.

Later on Monday, Ahmadinejad addressed a high-level U.N. meeting on the rule of law, and his remarks there prompted a walkout by the Israeli delegation.

Amir Ali Hajizadeh, a brigadier general in Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, was quoted on Sunday as saying that Iran could launch a pre-emptive strike on Israel if it was sure the Jewish state was preparing to attack it.

Ahmadinejad said the nuclear issue was ultimately between the United States and Iran, and must be resolved with negotiations.

"The nuclear issue is not a problem," he added. "But the approach of the United States on Iran is important. We are ready for dialogue, for a fundamental resolution of the problems, but under conditions that are based on fairness and mutual respect."

"We are not expecting a 33-year-old problem between the United States and Iran to be resolved in a speedy fashion," he said. "But there is no other way besides dialogue."

Obama will underscore his commitment to preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon and address Muslim unrest related to an anti-Islamic video in his speech to General Assembly on Tuesday, the White House said.


In his address to the meeting on the rule of law, Ahmadinejad said states should not yield to international law as imposed "by bullying countries." He is due to speak at U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday.

In the past, Ahmadinejad has used his U.N. speeches to defend Iran's nuclear program and to attack Israel, the United States and Europe. He has also questioned the Holocaust and cast doubt on whether 19 hijackers were really responsible for the September 11 attacks on the United States in 2001.

Western envoys typically walk out of Ahmadinejad's speeches in protest.

Ahmadinejad said on Monday that Iran - under U.N., U.S. and European Union sanctions over its nuclear program - is used to economic restrictions and was not severely affected by them.
"The conditions in Iran are not as bad as they are portrayed by some," Ahmadinejad said, adding that his country can survive without oil revenues.

Ahmadinejad added that Iran's economy was in much better shape than that of the EU, which he said was "on the verge of disintegration and collapse."

There will be high-level side meetings on Iran's nuclear program and the Syrian conflict during the General Assembly, but U.N. diplomats do not expect either issue to be resolved soon.

Ahmadinejad's annual visits to New York, a city with a sizable Jewish population, are routinely met with protests against his anti-Israel rhetoric.

The New York Post newspaper said on Monday it tried unsuccessfully to deliver to his delegation a Jewish-themed welcome basket containing traditional Jewish foods, such as Gold's Borscht and Manischewitz Gefilte Fish, as well as a ticket to the off-Broadway play "Old Jews Telling Jokes."


The United Nations and Western officials have accused Iran of supplying weapons to Syria's pro-government forces, while Syria's government has accused Qatar and Saudi Arabia of arming rebels determined to topple President Bashar al-Assad.

Ahmadinejad rejected the charge that Iran was sending arms to Syria. "The so-called news that you alluded to has been denied vehemently, officially," Ahmadinejad said to a question.

"We see both sides as equally our brothers," he said. "The intervention and meddling from outside have made conditions that much tougher. We must help to quell the violence and help ... (facilitate) a national dialogue."
Ahmadinejad was also asked about a move by an Iranian religious foundation, in response to the "The Innocence of Muslims," to increase its reward for the killing Rushdie.

"Where is he now?" Ahmadinejad asked of Rushdie. "Is he in the United States? If he is, you shouldn't broadcast that for his own safety.

Rushdie, an Indian-born British novelist who has nothing to do with the video, was condemned to death in 1989 by Khomeini, Iran's late leader, over his novel "The Satanic Verses," saying its depiction of the Prophet Mohammad was blasphemous.

Ahmadinejad also addressed the issue of a California-made anti-Islam video, "The Innocence of Muslims," that has sparked anti-American protests around the Muslim world. He appeared to reject Washington's position that while it condemns the video's content, freedom of expression must be upheld.

"Freedoms must not interfere with the freedoms of others," Ahmadinejad said. "If someone insults, what would you do? ... Is insulting other people not a form of crime?"

Iran has a two-term limit for presidents. Ahmadinejad, widely seen as out of favour with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, ends his second term next year. "But that does not mean I will be separating myself from politics," he said.

(Additional reporting by Matt Spetalnick; Writing by Michelle Nichols and David Brunnstrom; Editing by Will Dunham)