August 31, 2012

Cop Tasers, Pepper Sprays, and Kicks Defenseless Man On Ground In Throat

*Source: The Intel Hub

By Alexander Higgins
August 31, 201

A cop who knew he was being videotaped kicks a defenseless man laying on the ground in the throat after tasing and pepper spraying him.

The victim asks the cop over and over again what he is being arrested for but the officer refuses to answer.

“Can you tell me what’s going on? You don’t have a warrant for my arrest,” the man pleads as he coughs as a result of being pepper sprayed and tased.

The officer clearly sees he is being videotaped but simply does not care as he assaults the man lying on the ground.

Why should he care when the taxpayer will foot the bill for any lawsuits brought against him and he knows damn well his buddies with pull out all stops to cover it up.

You can enter this one in the books as just one more case of police brutality for which no justice will be served.

The Daily Sheeple reports:

The clip, which was uploaded to You Tube yesterday, begins with the man prostrate on the floor. According to the man filming the footage, he has already been tased and maced in the face.

The victim asks the cop over and over again what he is being arrested for but the officer refuses to answer.

“Can you tell me what’s going on? You don’t have a warrant for my arrest,” the man pleads as he coughs as a result of being pepper sprayed.

At the 1:15 mark in the video, the cop kicks the man in the throat for no apparent reason.

Source: Infowars via Liberty Mill

Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

Alexander Higgins is an independent journalist and frequent Intel Hub contributor. He also writes on his own website,

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August 29, 2012

The Occult Symbolism of the 2012 Olympics Opening and Closing Ceremonies.

*Source: The Vigilant Citizen

Watched by almost a billion viewers across all five continents, the 2012 Olympic ceremonies were, for a few hours, the focal point of the world. As is the case for most high-profile media events, the world elite’s messages, symbols and agenda were part of the show. We’ll look at the occult symbolism of the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2012 London Olympics.

Olympic ceremonies are often among the most watched TV events on the planet. They are an exceptional chance for the host countries to showcase their greatness through a grandiose, elaborate and massive show. The 2012 London Olympics were no exception as England’s history, culture and accomplishments were thoroughly celebrated and applauded. Some moments were grand, others were funny; some were dark and even disturbing. Other moments were highly symbolic, reflecting the agenda of the occult elite. Given that London is one of the power capitals of the world, it would have been more surprising if the symbolism and philosophy of the global elite had not been infused throughout the ceremonies.

Of course, not everything was symbolic in that sense and not everything was in-your-face, but over the course of the several hours that the ceremonies lasted, a good deal of symbolism was communicated to billion of viewers around the world. Let’s look at the most symbolic moments of the 2012 London Olympics.

Opening Ceremony

The ceremonies were designed and coordinated by Danny Boyle, director of the movies Trainspotting and Slumdog Millionaire. Entitled Isles of Wonder, the opening ceremony focused on the history of England and the actors that influenced it. The journey began in ancient and mythical England then traveled through the industrial revolution, ending in modern times. The story was told using specific symbols and references that recall the occult side of Great Britain.

Green and Pleasant Land

The show begins in pastoral England, complete with farmers and cricket players. There are also many symbols alluding to its ancient mystical lore. The focal point of the show is a hill that is said to have magical properties: Glastonbury Tor.

The mythical spirally hill named Glastonbury Tor overlooks pastoral England. This recreation of the Tor is topped by a giant oak tree, a tree considered sacred by Celtic Druids and representative of the Supreme Deity.

Glastonbury Tor is one of the oldest sacred sites in England. Believed to be at the intersection of powerful ley lines, the Tor is related to many mystical stories and legends. For instance, it is thought to be Avalon from the legend of King Arthur and his 12 knights, a story that is esoterically associated with the sun and the twelve signs of the zodiac. Another legend claims that Joseph of Arimathea, the great uncle of Jesus Christ who was a tin merchant, brought young Jesus on a trip to Glastonbury. He later came back to the site and threw the chalice used by Jesus during the last supper (the fabled Holy Grail) in Chalice Well – an area of Glastonbury said to have magical powers. Archeologists have also discovered that the construction of the Gastonbury abbey involved sacred geometry “known by the builders of Egyptian pyramids” and passed down through societies of stonemasons (the originators of modern Freemasonry).

The “real” Glastonbury Tor, topped by St. Michael’s Church. The hill is the site of Christian pilgrimages and seasonal rituals practiced by ritual magicians, witches, pagans, and of various occult and spiritual festivals.

The presence of Glastonbury Tor in the Olympic stadium provides a definitively mystical and esoteric undertone to the opening ceremonies.

While countrymen work the land and run around maypoles (which incidentally bear a cosmic and phallic occult meaning), a young boy in the crowd stands up and sings part of a classical English hymn, William Blake’s Jerusalem.

William Blake is often described as a “visionary” whose artistic works were heavily inspired by Druidism, Gnosticism and Freemasonry (his depiction of the “Grand Geometrician” holding a Masonic compass is above the Rockefeller Center in New York). While some of his creations had Christian connotations, they were often told from a Gnostic and esoteric point of view. Jerusalem refers to the apocryphal story described above of Jesus visiting the “green and pleasant land” of Glastonbury with his great-uncle, Joseph of Arimathea.

And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England’s mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England’s pleasant pastures seen?
And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark Satanic Mills?
The poem asks if Jesus walked in England and founded New Jerusalem (as described in Revelation) among these “dark Satanic Mills”. This enigmatic expression is said to refer to England’s industrial revolution and the dark buildings that came with it.
Coincidentally, the next part of the opening ceremonies describe just that: The construction of “dark Satanic Mills”.

The Industrial Revolution

After the singing of the hymns, men in top hats, enter England’s Green and Pleasant land and bring about important change.

The men in top hats survey the land and shake each hands. This small elite group will coordinate the industrial revolution and get the masses to work.

The top-hat guys are lead by civil engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel, who stands at the base of the Tor and give a speech quoting Shakespeare’s The Tempest. The oak tree then rises from the ground and hundreds of workers emerge from under the Tor and begin transforming England’s landscape.

At this point, there are a few facts that deserve to be pointed out. First, the legend of King Arthur stipulates that the top of the Tor provided entrance to Annwn, the ancient word for the Underworld. Second, the official name of the segment about the industrial revolution is Pandemonium, which is the name of the capital of Hell in Milton’s classical work Paradise Lost. These clues indicate that London did not become New Jerusalem (a metaphor for heaven) as stated by Blake’s hymn, but literally hell on earth. And all of this pandemonium was brought about by a handful of elite men who got thousands of workers apparently emerge from the underworld and build industrial England.

Peasants of the country worked in hellish conditions to bring to reality the elite’s vision.

It is now an established fact that the bringing down of monarchies and the push for industrial revolution during the 18th century was heavily influenced by Secret Societies such as the Grand Orient Freemasons and the Bavarian Illuminati, who called for an “unshackling of science” and a “new age of Reason”. The men in top hats coordinating the transformation can therefore be associated with the secretive groups that historically engendered a new economic, political and social system during the 18th Century.

The unfolding of “Pandemonium” is depicted using two very distinct groups: Elite “thinkers” who decide and oversee the project and “workers” who work in the field and take orders. All of this happens in the Olympic stadium, which is surrounded by giant triangles with illuminated capstones – a classic symbol representing an elite ruling above masses.

The final product of Pandemonium is one big messy grey mass full of “Satanic mills” and seven phallic chimneys spitting out smoke.

Leave the Kids Alone

The next important sequence of the ceremony paid tribute to the National Health Service (NHS) and Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). The set combined sick kids on hospital beds with characters from English children’s literature and had a very strange and dark undertone from the start, when it began with the theme from The Exorcist, which is, in case you don’t know, a movie about a child possessed by the Devil. Odd choice.

The sequence begins with children on hospital beds who get put to sleep by nurses. Then J.K. Rowling appears and reads a quote from Peter Pan alluding to Neverland, which becomes real in the “two minutes before you go to sleep”. I couldn’t say if that was done on purpose, but many elements of this set, mostly the mix of vulnerable children in a hospital with fairy tales and the concept of blurring the lines between reality and fiction, are all associated with mind control programming. Like the Wizard of Oz and Alice of Wonderland, the story of Peter Pan is heavily used in mind control programming as victims are told to escape to “Neverland” while inducing dissociation from reality.

A child reading Peter Pan. On the page, we see a scary Captain Hook standing next to … a kid strapped to a bed? According to Franz Springmeier, Monarch programming uses a technique called “Peter Pan Programming”, in which Captain Hook represents the handler.

After J.K. Rowling’s appearance, hordes of ghouls and villains from English literature enter the stage, running after the children and scaring the crap out of them.

As if under the spell of this gigantic figure of Lord Voldemort, this young girl’s bed hovers high above the ground. Does this represent dissociation engendered by intense trauma?

While the evil characters run after the children, the nurses are completely immobile and powerless as if declaring “Health workers can do nothing when the elite’s mind control is happening behind closed doors”.

Luckily, a whole bunch of Mary Poppins fly down and shoo away the scary characters. Then, a rather creepy giant baby appears on stage.

Is it just me or does the giant baby have a big “separation” on the forehead?

The odd combination of children in a hospital and fairy tales might have been a clever way to combine two important aspects of British culture. It can also be a sick way of referring to Monarch mind control. On that note, let’s bring out Mr. Bean!

Abide With Me

Right before the Parade of Nations, the ceremony presented a dark segment that confused and disturbed more than a few viewers. Supposedly dedicated to victims of the 7/7 London Bombings, it had the feel of a dark ritual. Also, once again, we see an innocent child being preyed upon by dark forces. Despite the fact that the Christian hymn Abide With Me was playing in the background, the performance had an eerie feel, as if we were witnessing some kind of occult child sacrifice.

The set begins with a group of performers feverishly dancing under a giant orange ball resembling the sun orb. Then a young boy appears, looking somewhat lost and confused. One of the dancers approach the boy and looks to take something precious from him.

The dancer takes from the young boy an imaginary ball, which can represent his life force or maybe his soul.

Once the dancer takes the child’s soul, he taunts him with it and takes it away from him. The boy attempts to take it back but it is no use, he cannot do it. Apparently drained and resigned, the boy embraces the dancer who stole his soul.

The boy hugs the man who preyed on him and is ultimately integrated into the “dark side”.

At the end of the set, the child is at the center of the dancers and raises his hands in the air as if saying “I am reborn with the dark side”. On that creepy, disturbing note, let’s bring out the athletes!

Nations and Flames

As it is always the case, the Parade of Nations is done in a very orderly manner, with each country entering the stadium separately, in alphabetical order (we’ll see how it contrasts with the closing ceremony). Each flag was then placed at the feet of the Tor and the magical oak tree.

Once that was accomplished, the ceremony then focused on the almighty torch and the “fire that never dies”. The occult symbolism behind the torch bearer carrying the Olympic flame was discussed in my article London 2012: The Olympic torch relay and Prometheus so I won’t dwell on that aspect, though it is very significant.

The show ended with the lighting of the Olympic cauldron which was composed of petals representing each nation present during the Olympics.

Viewed from above, the Olympic Stadium resembled a gigantic eye whose pupil was being lit.

Combined with the ever-present pyramidal structures around the Stadium, the the event became one big tribute to the Illuminati elite. Two weeks later, the closing ceremony took the Illuminati symbolism to another level.

The Closing Ceremony

Contrary to the opening ceremony that reflected on the past, the closing ceremony looked towards the future … as envisioned by the elite. Not unlike the opening ceremony, it featured a whole lot of British music and I am pretty sure that record companies paid top dollar to have their artists perform on this unique world stage. I’ll skip the music performances and focus on the core message of the closing ceremony: Celebrating the Illuminati’s New World Order.

Praise Illuminati

Contrarily to the opening ceremony, the closing ceremony was all about nations blending together into one giant global community – one of the goals of the New World Order. While, at the beginning of the games, athletes entered the stadium behind their national flag and a banner bearing the name of their countries, all of that was gone at closing ceremony. Everyone was mixed together.

We then witnessed a weird segment.

Performers used blocks to build a pyramid at the center of the stage…and began literally revering it.

“We all lay down before the almighty Illuminati pyramid”. This Illuminati blatant-ness lasted several odd minutes.


Musical performances began with a specific song, John Lennon’s Imagine, and a specific verse from it - which was considered, by some observers, to be somewhat out of place in the context of the Olympic ceremony.

As if to emphasize the words said in that verse, John Lennon was shown singing it.

Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace

You, you may say
I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world

Under the cauldron representing all countries joined together “as one”, young children sing Imagine.

In the context of the Olympics, where people come from all countries and all religions, this verse was a little out of place. More importantly, no countries, no religions, no possessions and “a world as one” is a good way to describe the global socialist system the elite is trying to create with the New World Order. Was Lennon envisioning a secretive group of politicians and bankers creating his perfect world? Probably not. But when you get killed by a MK-Ultra patsy, the elite can pretty do what it wants with your work and image.

Let’s Worship the Fire for, Like, a Half an Hour

After a bunch of performances (featuring a whole lot of Jessie J for some reason), the ceremony heavily focused on the Olympic cauldron. Before it is extinguished, it slightly opens up and a fiery phoenix appears above it.

As if emerging from the fire produced by the petals (representing Nations of the world), a phoenix appears above the cauldron.

The symbol of the phoenix, the bird that is reborn from its ashes, is extremely important to occult secret societies and, consequently, to the occult elite.

“The phoenix is the most celebrated of all the symbolic creatures fabricated by the ancient Mysteries for the purpose of concealing the great truths of esoteric philosophy. (…) MediƦval Hermetists regarded the phoenix as a symbol of the accomplishment of alchemical transmutation, a process equivalent to human regeneration. The name phoenix was also given to one of the secret alchemical formula. (…) In the Mysteries it was customary to refer to initiates as phoenixes or men who had been born again, for just as physical birth gives man consciousness in the physical world, so the neophyte, after nine degrees in the womb of the Mysteries, was born into a consciousness of the Spiritual world. This is the mystery of initiation to which Christ referred when he said, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John iii. 3). The phoenix is a fitting symbol of this spiritual truth.”
- Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages

While the phoenix represents spiritual rebirth on an individual level, it can also represent the rebirth of the entire world from its ashes – as a New World Order.

This gigantic mural situated inside the UN’s Security Council Chamber in New York features a phoenix rising from a world in ashes.

Right after the apparition of the phoenix above the Olympic cauldron, the boy band Take That performed a song with a rather symbolic title, considering the context: Rule The World.

With a phoenix rising above all nations as a backdrop, Take That sings “Rule the World”. This is getting pretty blatant.

After the song, a bunch of ballet dancers dressed as phoenixes hopped around, as if revering and giving tribute to the fiery bird above them.

Praising the phoenix in a ritualistic and celebratory manner.

At midnight, the Olympic cauldron and the petals representing each country are slowly extinguished, but the phoenix, representing the occult elite and the New World Order, stays lit above it. In other words, as the nations of the world slowly disappear, a New World Order will emerge. On that note, let’s listen to The Who!

In Conclusion

Olympic Ceremonies traditionally showcase the host Nation’s history and culture, but also celebrates those behind the games: the occult elite. Since London is a power capital of the world with a rich occult history ranging from the Knight Templars to influential Masonic lodges, and not forgetting prominent occultists advising the royals such as John Dee and Sir Francis Bacon, is it surprising to see this aspect of History being referred to in a symbolic matter?

While obviously not everything during Olympic ceremonies related to Illuminati symbolism, there were plenty of elements inserted throughout to get the message across. In the end, the Olympic games, like many other media events, turned into a worldwide mega ritual celebrating the goals and the symbolism of the world elite. On that note, let’s bring out the Spice Girls!

Hand-Gun Fired: Nebraska School Says Deaf Toddler’s Name Sign Violates Weapons Policy

*Source: RT

Kent Nishimura / Getty Images / AFP

A Nebraska public school is barring a deaf three-year-old boy from using sign language to sign his name because, it claims, the gesture resembles a gun. The school’s policies have prompted outrage from parents, rights groups and ordinary citizens.

­Hunter Spanjer’s parents were informed by the Grand Island Public School that the way their child signed his name was a violation of the school’s weapons policy.

He's deaf, and his name sign, they say, is a violation of their weapons policy,” the boy’s father Brian Spanjer told Nebraska Central News (NCN).

The three-year-old uses Signing Exact English (SEE), a manual communication system mostly used by deaf children and based on the American Sign Language (ASL).

Spanjer crosses his index and middle fingers to show that his name sign is uniquely his.

It’s a symbol,” his father stressed. “It's an actual sign, a registered sign, through SEE.

But the Grand Island Public Schools board policy 8470 prohibits students from possessing, handling or transmitting a “firearm, weapon” or anything that “looks like a weapon.”

Such items will be considered weapons for the purposed (sic) of this policy,” the document states. “Students who are in possession of the aforementioned articles will be subject to mandatory suspension or expulsion procedures.

The school has so far failed to produce an adequate explanation for how a three-year-old’s crossed index and middle fingers could be grounds for expulsion. A spokesperson for the facility said it was trying to arrive at the “best possible solution” for the child.

A number of civil rights groups derided the school’s policies, which effectively mean that the child would either have to change the way he signs his name or be deprived of the right to education.

A name sign is the equivalent of a person's name, and to prohibit a name sign is to prohibit a person's name,” Howard Rosenblum, the CEO of the National Association of the Deaf was quoted by The Huffington Post as stating.

The American Civil Liberties Union also sent a letter to the local school district, asking it to rethink its policies.

Brian Spanjer also started a Facebook page to garner support for his son to be able to keep his name sign. The page has been liked by over 1,000 users. Most of the commenters were amazed by the school’s extreme policies.

What is this world coming to?” Facebook user Louise Arsenault Lanyon Kissinger noted. “There is so much more wrong in this world they could be worrying about [than] this little [boy's] name in sign language. Oh please…

Stacey Coar Philips remarked that the policy was right out of classic dystopian novels 1984 or Brave New World. Many others complained that the school was devoting too much attention to trivial issues instead of concentrating on real issues like education and actual gun control.

Rand Paul Confronted for Trying to Get Journalist Fired

WeAreChange confronts Rand Paul about how he tried to get Abby Martin of RT America and fired and stripped of her press credentials for asking him tough questions in the Capitol building.



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Henry Paulson Confronted on Threatening Congress With Martial Law.

Matt and Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange try yet again, on two separate occasion's, to question former U.S Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson about the banker bailouts. Watch what happens as the secret service and private security guards go out of their way to make sure no question is uttered to Mr. Paulson. Of course, this never stops WeAreChange and leads to interesting encounters on both occasions.


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August 28, 2012

City To Be Watched By Permanent Eye In The Sky.

*Source: InfoWars

Surveillance plane will record “mundane” activity

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, August 27, 2012

The Californian city of Lancaster will be the first to experience a “new era in law enforcement surveillance” with residents set to be watched by a permanent eye in the sky which will beam constant video footage back to police headquarters including crimes in progress as well as “scenes of mundane day-to-day life.”

A Cessna plane fitted with sophisticated video surveillance technology will fly loops around the city and send footage directly back to a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department dispatch center. Officials plan to add a second aircraft to the arsenal at a later date.

“About a few hours into its maiden flight Friday, the plane’s video feed captured its first incident: a motorcycle rider who had crashed at 20th Street East and Avenue K. Using the video, deputies in the dispatch were able to help paramedics assess the situation before they got to the scene. Later, the department got word that a group fight was brewing at Eastside High School. The plane moved into position and conducted surveillance above the campus. No fight occurred,” reports the L.A. Times.

According to a report by ABC 7, the camera can zoom in to a person walking down the street from three miles away. The system also has a 5 second response time, meaning it can swiftly pinpoint a car and track its movements indefinitely.

Despite claims that the surveillance system will only target crimes in progress, officials admit that the video footage will be stored for two years and can be reviewed in case a crime or suspect was “unwittingly” captured on camera.

Despite the fact that Mayor R. Rex Parris admits the city is cash-strapped, $1.3 million dollars a year will be invested into the project, the same amount of money it would cost to pay for five police patrol cars each with a two deputy crew.

Lancaster resident David Abber called the program a “violation of the Fourth Amendment.” The ACLU looked into the matter and came back with a lukewarm response, stating that some of their fears had been allayed but not all.

The program is unprecedented because, as the L.A. Times notes, “Lancaster appears to be the first city where a camera will send video continuously to the ground, to be used as an integral part of daily policing.”

As we have previously highlighted, the idea of having a permanent eye in the sky, whether that be via manned aircraft or surveillance drones, remains the priority of law enforcement bodies across the country despite the significant costs involved during a time of economic hardship when some cities are struggling to afford vital services such as firefighters.

Last year, the Ogden Police Department applied to fly an unmanned surveillance blimp at a height of just 400 feet over high crime areas of the city to watch for “suspicious activity.”

The use of surveillance drones and blimps to carry out sweeping surveillance of the public with total disregard for privacy rights is expected to accelerate in the coming years. The FAA has forecast that 30,000 surveillance drones will be in U.S. skies by the end of the decade.

Last month, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano told a House Committee on Homeland Security that the federal agency was working on deploying drones for purposes of “public safety.”

As we reported earlier this year, the DHS is already using another type of airborne drone surveillance, also utilized to track insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq, for the purposes of “emergency and non-emergency incidents” within the United States.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

A spectator seeks exoneration.He says he was arrested for "not smiling" during the 2012 London Olympic Men's Cycling Road Race.

What The Mormon Church Won't Tell You.

*Source: Now The End Begins

"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any [man] preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. " Galatians 2

Most of us have had a Mormon Missionary knock at our door. If you have ever invited them in and listened to a presentation of their beliefs, you probably found most but not all of what they said very similar to those beliefs held by Christians.

Watch this animated video taken directly from Mormon doctrine and teachings. See how much YOU agree with.

However, while trying to convince you that your Church is wrong and the Mormon Church is right, there are several points they intentionally leave out.

Below is a list of Mormon beliefs the missionaries will be reluctant to tell you about:

God was not always God - "We have imagined and supposed that God was God from all eternity. I will refute that idea, and take away the veil, so that you may see." (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pg. 345)
Jesus and Satan are brothers - "The appointment of Jesus to be the Savior of the world was contested by one of the other sons of God. He was called Lucifer, son of the morning. Haughty, ambitious, and covetous of power and glory, this spirit-brother of Jesus desperately tried to become the Savior of mankind." (Milton R. Hunter, Gospel Through the Ages, pg.15)

Jesus was a polygamist -"I discover that some of the Eastern papers represent me as a great blasphemer, because I said, in my lecture on Marriage, at our last Conference, that Jesus Christ was married at Cana of Galilee, that Mary, Martha, and others were his wives, and that he begat children." (Orson Hyde, Journal of Discourses 2:210)

The grand reason of the burst of public sentiment in anathemas upon Christ and his disciples, causing his crucifixion, was evidently based upon polygamy, according to the testimony of the philosophers who rose in that age. A belief in the doctrine of a plurality of wives caused the persecution of Jesus and his followers. We might almost think they were 'Mormons'" (Jedediah M. Grant, Journal of Discourses, 1:346)

Adam was God - "Now hear it, O inhabitants of the earth, Jew and Gentile, Saint and sinner! When our father Adam came into the garden of Eden, he came into it with a celestial body, and brought Eve, one of his wives, with him. He helped to make and organize this world. He is Michael, the Archangel, the Ancient of Days! about whom holy men have written and spoken--He is our Father, and our God, and the only God with whom we have to do." (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 1:50)

"I have learned by experience that there is but one God that pertains to this people and he is the god that pertains to this earth--The first man. That first man sent his own son to redeem the world..."(Heber C. Kimball, Journal of Discourses 4:1)

Brigham Young said only polygamists become gods - "The only men who become Gods, even the Sons of God, are those who enter into polygamy." (Journal of Discourses 11:269)

The bible cannot be trusted - "I believe the Bible as it read when it came from the pen of the original writers. Ignorant translators, careless transcribers, or designing and corrupt priests have committed many errors." (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph smith, pg.327)

"But the Bible has been robbed of its plainness; many sacred books having been lost, others rejected by the Romish Church, and what few we have left, were copied and recopied so many times, that it is admitted that almost every verse has been corrupted and mutilated to that degree that any two of them read alike." (Orson Pratt, The Seer, pg.213)

You must accept Joseph Smith as a prophet to be saved - "There is "no salvation without accepting Joseph Smith. The word "salvation," used in this context, must really mean "exaltation" because former Mormon apostle Bruce R. McConkie stated in his book Mormon Doctrine that general salvation is given to everyone regardless of belief. Personal salvation or exaltation to the highest form of Mormon heaven comes only by accepting Joseph Smith as a prophet of god and by following the laws of the LDS church." (Tenth LDS President Joseph Fielding Smith in his book, Doctrines of Salvation)
source - Jesus-Is-Savior

The tithes that Mormon followers are commanded to give to the church builds buildings like these all over the world.

New Wind Turbine Makes Drinking Water

*Source: Newser

Inventor Marc Parent seeks solution to world water shortage

(Newser) – A French inventor may have an answer for the millions of people who scramble to find fresh drinking water each day: a wind turbine that literally pulls H2O from the air. Marc Parent, head of Eoie Water, designed the turbine while living in the Caribbean and enduring water shortages. His solution is called the WMS1000, which gathers moisture from the air and turns it into drinking water, ABC News reports. On average, each unit creates over 62 liters per hour when the temperature is 75 Fahrenheit with 45% humidity, according to the company website.

"Let me highlight this word: CREATE," says Eole Water executive Thibault Janin. "All existing solutions (wells, desalination, lakes/rivers pumping, etc) only treat an existing source of water." He adds that the world's water scarcity will affect more than the 150 million possible WMS1000 customers; household water needs are also growing, so Eole Water is seeking other solutions—especially affordable ones. Once testing is complete, each WMS1000 should cost $600,000 and last for 20 years.

The History of the Department of Homeland Security’s Ammunition Purchases.

*Source: The Intel Hub

By James Smith
August 25, 2012

“This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future.”
– Adolf Hitler

The question of whether a leader is good or a tyrant is an age old question. Being the one who wears the crown opens you up to criticism from all levels, and to be quite frank, you can’t make everyone love you.

This article is to outline purchases by the Department of Human resources since August 2002, a ten year span.

The Department of Homeland Security was created by then President Bush as a preventative measure from further terror attacks on American soil. And since its inception, has been fodder for skeptics and fuel for those demanding a smaller, unintrusive government.

Below you will find the lists of solicitations, hyper linked to their pages located at The following filters were used:

  • US Coast Guard and Secret Service were not accounted for. The USCG rarely requested ammunition, and the Secret Service were mainly “Award Only” notices. No amounts of ammunition could be obtained.
  • Any “Award Notice” only entries were omitted due to the lack of needed information.

In the first chart, you find the hyper linked solicitation, the total number of rounds requested, and the agency requesting the ammunition.

Of all of the sub-departments, only Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) ordered ammunition outside the filters discussed above.

Solicitation Link Date Quantity Agency
Solicitation Number: NFU040075 3/2/2004 970,000 ICE
Solicitation Number:04FAD0085 6/23/2004 200,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: 05FAD0041 7/6/2005 100,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: 05FAD0059 8/22/2005 300,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: 05FAD0060 8/26/2005 100,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number:HSCEOP-05-P-00778 9/10/2005 1,222,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: LGL06Q00043 12/12/2005 1,500,000 FTETC
Solicitation Number: 06CHS0034 1/10/2006 317,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number:NFU060173 4/19/2006 166,000 ICE
Solicitation Number:NFU060209 5/4/2006 39,600 ICE
Solicitation Number: 06FAD0044 5/12/2006 300,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: HSCEOP-06-R-00011 6/7/2006 100,000,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: LGL06R00063 6/29/2006 21,570,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number:06CBPBP069 7/25/2006 270,000 FLETC
Contract Award Number: LAR06P00100 7/25/2006 5,000,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: 0088 8/9/2006 50,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: 06FAD0079 9/13/2006 200,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: 06FAD0076 9/21/2006 15,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: LGL07Q00011 3/14/2007 32,425,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: HSCEOP07P01183 6/25/2007 106,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: HSCEOP07P01185 6/26/2007 83,000 ICE
Solicitation Number:07CBPBP060-061 8/9/2007 109,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number:07ART0450 8/28/2007 100,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: HSCEOP-07-R-0020 8/31/2007 256,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: HSBP1007Q1489 9/25/2007 57,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: HSCESS-08-Q00003 4/17/2008 375,000,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: HSCESS-08-Q-00005 5/12/2008 100,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: NFU080145 6/4/2008 149,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: NFU080174 6/6/2008 85,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: 08ART0181A 6/18/2008 600,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: 08ART0181 7/2/2008 6,000,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: HSTS0708Q00081 7/22/2008 19,572,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: 08CBPBP072 7/25/2008 208,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: NFO080239 8/8/2008 200,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: HSCESS-08-Q-00018 8/20/2008 7,375,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: HSCESS-09-Q-00003 12/19/2008 200,000,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: 192109NFU00000064 2/2/2009 240,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: 192109NFU00000061-62 2/3/2009 135,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: 09FAD0034 3/4/2009 25,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: HSCESS-09-R-00003 4/28/2009 18,000,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: NFU00000242 7/6/2009 30,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: NFU00000247 7/7/2009 92,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: NFU00000253 7/8/2009 65,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: 192109NFU0000291 8/24/2009 130,800 ICE
Solicitation Number: 09CBPBP076 8/25/2009 69,920 FLETC
Solicitation Number: HSFLAR-10-Q-00018A 4/19/2010 213,920 FLETC
Solicitation Number: NFU00000246 8/12/2010 109,200 ICE
Solicitation Number: NFU00000264 8/12/2010 350,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: 20056107 8/22/2010 49,400 ICE
Solicitation Number: HSCEMS-11-Q-00002 12/17/2010 375,000,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: SSA-RFQ-10-2159 5/9/2011 25,750,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: HSCEMS-11-R-00004 7/12/2011 450,000,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: 20066169 8/8/2011 24,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: HSCEMS-12-R-00002 2/6/2012 165,000,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: HSFLGL-12-Q-00119 3/1/2012 10,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: HSFLGL-12-Q-00029 4/12/2012 8,450 FLETC
Solicitation Number: HSFLGL-12-B-00003 4/17/2012 70,000,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: HSCEMS-12-P-0000 6/6/2012 12,000 ICE
Solicitation Number: HSFLAR-12-Q-00046 7/20/2012 43,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: HSFLAR-12-Q-00063 8/16/2012 75,000 FLETC
Solicitation Number: HSFLAR-11-Q-00090 8/17/2012 58,000 FLETC

The second chart, show below, demonstrates the total number of ammunition requested by year.

After that chart, is the breakdown by percentage of the year against the total amount requested. As can be seen, 58% of all the ammunition that has been ordered, was ordered under the Obama Administration.

2004 0.06%
2005 0.17%
2006 6.80%
2007 1.76%
2008 32.40%
2009 1.00%
2010 19.98%
2011 25.30%
2012 12.51%

The last chart provides the chilling breakdown of just how much ammunition was requested.

The grand total? A mere 1.88 BILLION rounds ordered in less than eight years time.

Oddities were discovered during this examination. A solicitation for an emergency allotment of 18,000,000 rounds of .40 S&W ammunition was requested to cover a shortfall of until December of 2009, but no major purchase could be found until December of 2010.

Justification for Other Than Full and Open Competition to purchase an “interim supply” of 18,000,000 rounds of .40 Smith & Wesson (S&W) Caliber 135 grain ammunition to bridge the gap in inventory until long term Indefinite Delivery / Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts can be put in place. Contract awarded to Federal Cartridge Company of Anoka, MN

This also provides justification for such large numbers of ammunition purchases, ie, training.

However, in order to be more fiscally sound, the ammunition should be a ball type, or full metal jacket, not a jacketed hollow point, where the cost would be anywhere from two to five times less expensive.

To put this in very simple terms: in the 8 years, 5 months, 23 days that have elapsed since the first ammunition order,

  • 7 rounds every second would need to be shot in order to use every last round ordered as of today.
  • That would be 5.9 rounds per American.
  • For every letter in the King James Bible, 608 rounds.
  • If you were to put the ammunition in the small 50 round box of .45 ACP, it would be approximately 496,382 cubic feet, or 63 Olympic sized swimming pools.

The question of whether all these ammunition purchases are for an outbreak of civilian riots cannot be answered here. There are too many variables to accurately ascertain the likelihood.

Many of those who would fight for the government would place family above duty and thereby weaken the chances of a successful martial law across the fruited plain. In limited areas, yes, martial law could and would be implemented.

Those areas unmolested by civil disorder would do best by informing the public to arm themselves for the possibility of malcontents and criminals that may want to stir up trouble.

But perhaps what this Administration forgets is the most basics of warfare. It is not ammunition nor weapons that decides a war. It is the indomitable human spirit that cries for freedom that decides who wins and who dies.

Tyranny may win a battles, but Freedom and Liberty will win the war. Every time. Just ask any American, Spanish, English, Frenchman or Pole.

”Weapons are an important factor in war, but not the decisive one; it is man and not materials that counts.”
- Mao Tse-tung 1938

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