World Council of Churches (WCC) have been corrupted beyond hope. WCC evaluation paper claim the Holy Spirit can be found in every religion.
Theology is often the science of how to best nullify the Word of God. Emmanuel Clapsis is one of the deceivers of the flock.
The One World religion is emerging from the ecumenical talks between the WCC and Islam.
This month, the WCC published a report with the theology that shall bring all religions inn under the same umbrella. The new key to unity, is the claim that The Holy Spirit is “in the World”. Not only in the Church.
Here are some highlights from a keynote address given by the Greek Orthodox priest Emmanuel Clapsis in a ecumenical forum arranged by the WCC.
It is named “The Tension of the Particular with the Universal”
” Professor Karmires states that we must have an unshakeable hope and conviction, that God in his boundless mercy and wisdom knows and possesses other ways, other unknown to us “incomprehensible ways” by which he grants salvation to those that live beyond the distinctive boundaries of the Church but possess the natural knowledge of God and faith as well as ethical consciousness.”
Their salvation originates in God’s providence and is achieved through the – incomprehensible to us – working of the Holy Spirit in the world that brings all into unity with the risen Christ and consequently in the Church in its wider sense.
The Church does not reject whatever is holy and true existing either in history or in other religious communities because it considers them as rays of the divine truth that enlightens and leads their people to God.
Emmanuel Clapsis is a tenured professor of systematic theology at the Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, Massachusetts.
Source: WCC
Download a PDF-file of the document:WCC
My comment:
I have earlier been occupied with the blunt antisemitism that has been promoted by the WCC. When Church leaders refuse to obey the scriptures, they will obviously also mock the Holy Spirit.
Mark 3:29
But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin.”
It is simply not possible to find an ecumenical compromise between the Worlds religions, without becoming a God mocker. The final antichrist can easily emerge on the new ecumenical ideology, presented by the WCC in the name of “Christ”
Many religious people, even claimed to be “Christians” wish that there were salvation, without confessing faith in Jesus as Messiah and God.
To believe in salvation in “other ways”, other unknown to us “incomprehensible ways” is a bid to make the Word of God null and void.
God has made known to all men, His salvation. Every man who refused to tell his neighbor about how to get saved, never loved his neighbor. He placed him self under a fair and just judgment. All men are sinners. In his sin he will die and perish.
The WCC presents the Bible as either not understandable, or a fabrication. The WCC rejects that Jesus alone can save men from their sins. The truth is that only by faith in Jesus, it is possible for men to please God.
It is sad that a claimed to be “Global Church forum” take this stand against God. Simply because tens of thousands of fellowships who take this position, will deceive tens of millions of people.
Jesus the Messiah warned us against massive deception in the last days. To claim that the Holy Spirit can be separated from Jesus, is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. This view is idolatry, heretic teaching about the tribune Creator. God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit can never appear in disunity.
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. It is a mortal sin, that leads its promoters through the gates of Hell. Without any hope of being led into repentance. Such people have cursed them selves, and have been totally abandoned by God of the Bible.
Have absolutely nothing to do with such evil people.
Written by Ivar1 Corinthians 5:11
But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat.
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