The ancient and honourable, he is the head; and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail. Through the wrath of the Lord of hosts is in the land darkened, and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire: no man shall spare his brother. And he shall snatch on the right hand, and be hungry; And he shall eat on the left hand, and they shall not be satisfied; They shall eat every man the flesh of his own arm. For all His anger is not turned away, but His Hand is stretched out still. THE SOYLENT HOLOCAUST: “high energy delicacy”HEK 293: Human Embryonic KidneyMany are old enough to recall the horror that followed the October, 1972 crash of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571. Weather conditions were most certainly the causative factor for the flight’s 45 travelers and crew which sustained a fatal impact at a then unnamed mountain peak, currently known as Cerro Seler, carrying members of the Stella Maris College’s Rugby Team from Montevideo to Chile. Of the 45 crew and passengers on Flight 571, twelve died instantly or shortly thereafter. The survivors who had sustained significant non-life threatening injuries, including broken limbs from the impact in the remote and harsh Chilean mountains, found themselves in freezing mountains at a high altitude with thinly stretched provisions. Using the improvisational rations from the scant food aboard, the frigid cold augmented not only the physical aspects of the hardship, but the harrowing emotional desperation was not yet perceptible. Finally, after an incredible 72 days on the inhospitable mountain, rescuers reached the significantly lower count of survivors, 16 in all, in various stages of dehydration, scurvy, malnutrition, frostbite and other maladies. The story of these survivors has been the feature of two books and four movie and documentary presentations since the ordeal. It was not until months later that revelations of just how these survivors lived were disclosed, and for much of the civilized world, the abhorrent details of human cannibalism were revealed. Compelled by human determination to live, the survivors were forced into a gut-wrenching choice. As Rugby team member Nando Parrado explains in a story of friendship, calamity and choice, he ponders the barbarity of ‘fate’ while considering the consequences and ethics of a situation without an alternative:
The gamut of the complexity of such action continues to be a difficult topic, and we in the west have, for the most part, been exempt from such decisions via a voluminous roster of food products. A former “constant” in our lives has methodically, patiently and efficiently been spoon-fed for two generations, but is now becoming arguably the most consuming issue of our time. A world with a population exploding at over 7+ billion as of October, 2011, is beginning to see instability: not only the agrarian segment but in primary and secondary animal provisions. Shortages of grain caused by weather anomalies lead to the inability to maintain large herds resulting in the premature slaughtering of millions of farm animals with the cyclical effect of shortages in dairy and other by products. Attempts to produce faster, healthier and nutritionally superior products have advanced – untested with yet to be determined long-term effects of supplemental enhancement of livestock. But a far greater threat looms. Just over ten years ago, the world was introduced to a controversy which to this day has not been eased, while desperate and quite often unqualified systems to monitor the food situation have advanced at breakneck speed in unregulated, undisputed and profit mongering provisional laboratories. Startup slaughterhouse laboratories are growing to accommodate the global food requirements and are quite often unexamined and unregulated. Products of indeterminate content, and disorganized production are already within the reach of public and private wholesalers. Just when it appears that nothing could possibly degenerate further into the trans-breeding of species – a subject which, without the determined research and resolve of Steve Quayle, Tom Horn and the diligence of like minded others, has garnered passionate dissemination. The unknown implications of inter-species/transdimensional and post humanist warnings (whilst evolving at warp speed), are emerging, and a grotesque scenario – even more imminent and gruesome in nature – is not only finding rapid acceptance but cultural prominence as well. Often used by self-help groups to encourage and motivate, but now recognized as an organized formula, the Hegelian/Marxist Dialectic for social evolution (initially designed to support the economic theory of communism and “reinvented collectivism” by acceptance rather than conflict) is loosely articulated: A (thesis) versus B (antithesis) equals C (synthesis):
This process is gradually introduced into mainstream society by way of an attitudinal change and adjustment. SIX STEP ATTITUDINAL MECHANISM:
A familiar correlation is the metaphor of the ‘frog in in the kettle:’ an abrupt conversion from ambient surroundings to boiling water results in an efforts of extrication. However, an incremental heating of the water is virtually imperceptible, hence the soggy frog croaks none the wiser. It is rather commonly acknowledged that the United States has been engaged in an accelerated downward spiral since the decade of the 60’s. War, peace, drugs, defiance. ‘No God’ in classrooms. Sharply subjacent values. Abandonment of orthodox religion and rebellion. Roe v Wade. From the backward lens of Scriptural history, it is exceedingly clear that the disregard for “innocent blood” is where the line for judgment is drawn. It was during this time that many will recall Billy Graham’s comparison of the US and Sodom and Gomorrah, “If God does not judge America soon, He will have to apologize for Sodom and Gomorrah.” And it is since those years that the United States has continued to deteriorate, and the decay has increased exponentially.
Thus we find ourselves at the heart of this insentient evil. The Tiananmen Square massacre of June, 1989, energized not only the Chinese citizenry, but through a litany of various trade agreements, led to the withdrawal of Most Favored Nation status (MFN). This included not only economic and emigration sanctions but led to similar reprimands by other western countries. Beginning in May of 1996, then President Clinton, in recognition of China’s adherence to the agreements as defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, essentially reinstituted many of the peripheral agreements with China which easily challenge US economic prowess. For over twenty-five years, China, with the largest population base on Earth, uses ambitious “Fertility Targets” (women) via population control funded, in part, by the United Nations. It does appear that the Rise of the Occidental Age is firmly in place. In addition to keeping the birthrate low to enhance the ‘quality’ of the population (including financial incentives endeavoring to keep Chinese families at the “Rule of One”), other measures, far more insidious are becoming less obscure. Forced abortions of female babies are commonplace, even routine. Though enforcement varies from region to region, these abortions can be – and often are – performed as late as nine months into the pregnancy. Those who do not comply with regional policies have suffered miserable fates: homes burned down, loss of employment, denial of citizenship, and as those in positions to decide, i.e. the government, the police at hospitals, etc., some children are injected with poison on the spot if a government Certificate of Permission card is not produced. WARNING: The images contained in the report below are extremely graphic. If these intemperate measures are not enough, there now exists the most macabre ‘delicacy’ imaginable: Fetal or Fetus Soup. The Seoul Times reports:
Though rumors of this horrific ‘delicacy’ have circulated for years, most have believed them to be the ’fodder’ for horror films. A Google search brings up hundreds reports, though there are thousands of linked corroborative sites ranging from the sarcastic twilight zone humor to actual recipes, restaurants and video and photographic descriptions and details. At a price of $30 to $40 per bowl, instructions and condiments supplied, these grotesque attractions come with all of the artistry, composition and ranking as the “high ground” of an etherealness of an indulgent ambrosia. Although China has laws prohibiting the eating of the human fetus, the strict one child policy provides additional income and high incentive for such barbaric catachresis and brutal atrocities. And if this barbarity permits only a moral reaction consider the next elevation: the Jezebel of Jezebels: use of “gourmet” body parts as the newest and most demanded version of the Fountain of Youth. With the express interest of accurate journalistic confirmation, THE NEXT MAGAZINE personally escorted reporter, a “Ms. Liu” to a location where a fetus was being prepared. The reporter observed a woman chopping up a male fetus and making soup from the placenta. During the process, the woman even tried to comfort everyone by saying, “Don’t be afraid, this is just the flesh of a higher animal.”The magazine continues with the disclosure of health benefits and beauty remedies as “high demand” supplements for the enormous and aging population. But only those that have the “right connections” and ability to pay receive the prime “highest quality” of aborted fetuses. In 2004, while pilfering through a garbage dumpster in the area of Jiuquan City, fetal body parts were discovered consisting of two heads, two torsos, four arms and six legs. These fetuses were determined to be no more than a week old before being dismembered for cooking. In accordance with the customs of the region, one young boy’s remains were cremated quietly and discreetly in the mountains. The ’disposal’ of the “leftovers” is of peculiar interest. Cremation is by far the preferred mechanism. Most recently, in May of 2012, reports from multiple well established and reliable news agencies presented yet another product: Powdered Baby Flesh capsules:
Appallingly, The Washington Post posted an Associated Press video (1:22 minutes) which focused not on the morality of the “stamina boosters,” but on the dangers of potential unknown harmful effects on the consumer. Dead baby pills: This is ground baby powder which tests discovered is 99.7 per cent human last year. South Korean officials have stopped 17,000 dead baby pills being imported since last August. © 2012, SBS Images Could there be a sinister cosmic connection? Our understanding of the European Holocaust is exceedingly specific in definition of terms. “Holo” obviously is recognized as “whole.” “Caust” is “fire.” “Holocaust” = “Whole Fire.” History is replete with similar examples. The concept of “mass ritual sacrifice” by fire has been used for millennia to appease the principalities of darkness with the rapacious expectation of benevolent favor. Of note, male fetuses are considered significantly more profitable as the primary benefits include heightened enhancement and provide superior enrichment of ‘normal’ physical limitations. The armies of the mighty Kings of the East may indeed be the neurodegenerative cannibalistic results of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease or the undetermined consequence. Through the efforts of many to expose the devastation and mutilation which results and accompanies sub-molecular experimentation, the psychasthenic effect carries a catastrophic and incomparable consequence: is this yet another rehearsal of futuristic events? The borg mentality, revealing the all too real possibility of the end of human life and the implementation of a brutal, organized, managed ‘super soldier,’ void of conscience and achieved through an organized linguistic campaign. How often, in recent years, have we heard broadcasters by increasingly and subtle references to “handlers,” and “controllers?” Horrifically, with daily food shortages climbing, desperate families may feel an overwhelming justification to use the most horrific of all situations to care for their current families. The vulnerability of silent echoes – never given a voice, never given a choice. In February, 2008 “THE SEVEN SORROWS OF CHINA” was be released for publication. Promoted as “heart wrenching in detail” author Thaddeus M Baklinski writes,
While contrasting eastern and western morals and transcending dignity and the inherent right to life, Dr. Baklinski reveals the humanism, hedonism and heresy of materialism and ultimately the unmitigated egoism which is ultimately responsible for this “terrorism in the womb.” He then considers the various possibilities which most certainly bring scandal to the Peoples’ Republic and effect a less than anticipated financial explosion resulting from the ethics of self-inflicted Chinese genocide. And we continue to call our ‘achievements’ the “height” of man’s progression. But it couldn’t happen here. Really?Generation Next for Obama – Uniting Generations“Ordinary business operations”Consider the February 28, 2012 ruling of President Obama’s Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) decision regarding PepsiCo’s use of HEK (Human Embryonic Kidney) 293, human embryonic cells derived from aborted fetal remains to produce flavor enhancers: From Natural News, March 17, 2012:
Pepsico contracts Senomyx, a US biotech company whose research goals are to amplify and enhance flavors in food products. HEK 293 is also used in products, Kraft Foods, Cadbury Adams, Campbell’s Soup, Nestlé SA, Trident, Dentyne and Halls cough drops (see below). Soylent Green – or worse? It can’t be: it’s not on the label -In 2005, the New York Times published an article, Sugar and Spice, and Biochemistry:
In September, 2011, health activist Dr. Joseph Mercola added yet another twist to the biotech/DNA spiral: What you don’t know about flavor enhancers can harm you:
Morally Tainted: Products Made Possible by the Killing of Innocent Human Life
In response to nearly a year of intense campaigning to bring awareness to the use of aborted fetal cells as flavor enhancers, on April 30, 2012, PepsiCo announced that it would no longer use HEK-293:
Pepsico Says It Will Halt Use of Aborted Fetal Cells in Flavor Research
A small victory: the US is in desperate need of the fear of God. But will anyone out there hear? Not if we don’t listen: remember Idaho and the coming Free Trade Zone? Sue Bradley, updated, May, 2012 © 2008, 2012 smbrad1229@aol.comSteve QuayleRaiders News Network A special thanks to Tom Whittemore for technical assistance. Related: Isaiah 9:The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery That Holds The Secret Of America’s Future, Jonathan Cahn, © January, 2012The Watchmen, 911 and The HarbingersThe Watchmen, 911 and The Harbingers, Update Genetic Armageddon, Today’s Technology, Tomorrow’s MonstersStephen Quayle, © 2003 Suspected Chinese serial killer ‘Sold human flesh as ostrich meat.’Global Post, May 25, 2012 Doctors in Beed Feed Aborted Female foetuses to Dogs (to hide sex-selection abortions)India Today, May 23,, May, 23, 2012 Eating babies to improve sexual performance: the grotesque fall-out of abortionLifeSiteNews, May 15, 2012 Forced Cannibalism in AmericaU.A.F.F. News, February 24, 2012 Obama agency rules Pepsi’s use of aborted fetal cells in soft drinks constitutes ‘ordinary business operations.’The Daily Paul, March 17, 2012 Scalable production of influenza virus in HEK-293 cells for efficient vaccine manufacturingScience Direct, March 26, 2010 Pangolin Photos: Fetus Soup, Other “Cures” Drive Trade National Geographic, October 28, 2010 Human receptors for sweet and umami taste, PNASProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences for the United States of America, April, 2002 Obama agency rules PepsiCo cannibalizing aborted fetus is “ordinary business.” (pdf) Partial list of products using aborted fetal cells. |
May 27, 2012
THE SOYLENT HOLOCAUST: “They Shall Eat Every Man The Flesh Of His Own Arm”.
*Source: Inklings Of Other Worlds
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