May 31, 2012

Russ Dizdar "Armageddon....Ramifications #1 What It Is Not" Podcast.

It is coming; there is nothing that can be done to stop it. It will occur just as this prophetic Intel unveils. Armageddon is not a contemporary thought; it’s not something that someone brought up because of past wars, Armageddon is an old conception that finds its origins in the ancient past and is a plot that will be fiercely forced into the minds, hearts and dreams of millions.
We will look over 17 ramifications of what is revealed as the mother of all wars, the final war in fallen human history and the ultimate goal of dark spiritual power. We will see that it’s rooted in the past, spiritually conceived and has been developing in an incremental, spiritually empowered …..evolutionarily way.
By knowing its origins, reasons and how it will go down… the future, you should be able to see its development, guard yourself an others from it and ……….the bottom line to make sure you’re not on the ground looking up as a deceived participant of this hell bound dream

The 17 ramifications of R1919 are:

"Armageddon....Ramifications #1 What It Is Not"

*Russ Dizdar Official Site:
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @
*The Black Awakening official site:
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @

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