October 31, 2011

Christian Church Teams Up With High Priestess of Isis Famous Denomination Welcoming Paganism With Guided Meditations

*Source: WorldNetDaily

High priestess Loreon Vigne of Isis Oasis

A Protestant church in California is coming under fire from some Christians over its upcoming conference featuring "guided meditations" by a high priestess of the pagan fertility goddess Isis.

The fifth annual "Faith and Feminism Conference" taking place Nov. 11–13 is being hosted by the Ebenezer Lutheran Church in San Francisco, which bills itself as "herchurch."

Among the scheduled participants is Loreon Vigne, high priestess of Isis Oasis – a temple, retreat and animal sanctuary Vigne founded in 1978 in Geyserville, Calif.

"I personally see Isis as Mother Nature," Vigne told WND, "and that she encompasses everything with her wings. She's a winged goddess. She encompasses any other goddess from any culture."

Vigne, who plans to bring several other priestesses to the conference, will conduct prayers, songs and meditation.

"Guided meditation is where the audience closes their eyes and you take them on a little journey," she explained. "I've taken people to their past lives in Egypt, as [that culture] had all the secrets. They're the ones that knew. Their main concept is to know thyself, know thy heart, know thy soul and know thy purpose."

A depiction of the Egyptian goddess Isis and her son Horus

She says the belief system is based on the ancient Egyptian concept of balance, with 42 laws that are actually 42 ideals.

"It's kind of like a Ten Commandments, but all done in a positive concept," she said. "'I shalt not kill,' [is rendered as] 'I honor all lives as sacred.'"

Besides honoring the goddess, the staff of Isis Oasis also provides massage therapy along with tarot and astrology readings, according to its website.

But the San Francisco event blending non-existent, heathen deities with the Christian faith is leaving some outraged.

"You can't make this stuff up!" exclaimed Dan Skogen of Marion, Iowa, who describes himself as a Lutheran fed up with the "constant mockery of God's word" by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, or ELCA, which boasts some 4.2 million members in 10,000 congregations.

"God tells us in Exodus 20:3 'You shall have no other gods before me.' Yet this ELCA church brings followers of other gods in to speak and teach at their conference!"

Skogen said the ELCA leadership "accepts and promotes the thought that salvation is secured even for people who do not have faith in Christ."

"So bringing worshippers of Isis to this conference to teach is acceptable to them," said. "Of course, this is a distinct departure from the orthodox teaching of the Christian church."

Throughout the Bible, there are many warnings against worshiping false gods.

The Israelites were nearly exterminated by God when they made a golden calf to worship, but said it was a "festival to the LORD." (Exodus 32:5, New Living Translation)

And they were later warned: "But if your heart turns away and you refuse to listen, and if you are drawn away to serve and worship other gods, then I warn you now that you will certainly be destroyed." (Deuteronomy 30:17-18, NLT)

Skogen said, "Over the years, the ELCA has been drifting farther and farther away from the truth and authority of Scripture. When a church does not trust, adhere to and believe what the Bible clearly states, heresies emerge, resulting in false teachings and blatant disobedience."

Rev. Megan Rohrer, an openly transgender Lutheran pastor

Defending the event is one of its organizers, Rev. Megan Rohrer, the first openly transgender Lutheran minister ordained in the United States.

"I think the world is much more interested in interfaith connection than exclusivity," Rohrer told WND. "It's really not that unusual. Christianity was founded in the time of the beginnings of lots of things."

While acknowledging concern about mixing paganism with Christianity is a "hot-button issue," the pastor said, "Christians that say that probably don't know what paganism is."

"Anything that's not what anyone's church teaches is against God's ways," she added.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines "pagan" as "heathen, especially: a follower of a polytheistic religion (as in ancient Rome)." It defines the word "heathen" as "an unconverted member of a people or nation that does not acknowledge the God of the Bible."

This particular Lutheran church in San Francisco is far from what many might consider mainstream.

For instance, it heavily promotes a female identity for God, with a giant banner hanging from its purple exterior declaring "God/dess loves all her children."

"We are a diverse community, standing firmly within the Christian tradition in order to re-image the divine by claiming her feminine persona," the church proclaims.

"Our Christian/Lutheran feminist prayers and liturgy reach back into the storehouse of tradition to bring forth names as Mother, Shaddai, Sophia, Womb, Midwife, Shekinah, She Who Is. They do so out of renewed insights into the nature of the Gospel empowered by the risen Christ-Sophia."

The Ebenezer Lutheran Church in San Francisco calls itself "herchurch."

Asked to explain the church's theology, Rev. Rohrer said, "Being Christian and being feminist are not two opposite ends of the spectrum."

She said her church is "creating caring economics and creating a world where every person's identity is held up with its integrity, creating equal playing fields for every human being."

"The U.N. continues to say if we're able to educate women globally, we will probably eliminate poverty," she added.

Other events at the conference include a chanting workshop with another Isis priestess, Katie Kethcum, "inclusive" hymns, sacred walks, sacred drums, sacred dance and Kundalini Yoga mantras, which the church says "are composed of basic phonetic sounds common to all languages and have been used to invoke the presence of the Divine for centuries."

Also speaking at the conference is Mary Streufert, director for Justice for Women at ELCA's headquarters in Chicago. She refused comment when asked about her participation.

Interest in the Egyptian goddess is certainly not new in the U.S. In the mid-1970s, she became a flying superhero on the CBS Saturday-morning TV series "Isis."

The program featured actress JoAnna Cameron playing a science teacher who, after unearthing an ancient amulet on an archaeological dig, transforms herself into a superpower-endowed do-gooder by uttering the incantation, "Oh mighty Isis."

Another catchphrase on the show was, "Oh zephyr winds that blow on high. Lift me now so I can fly."

Vigne says today there are "many thousands" of followers of Isis worldwide.

"The important thing is that it's growing enormously. There is this resurgence of interest," she said.

"I think that people are getting annoyed with the normal churches, the established kind of organized religion. I call mine a disorganized religion, humorously. I say I have catma, not dogma."

October 28, 2011

Raw Milk Freedom Riders Challenge FDA: Liz Reitzig Reports

The Mayan Elders, The 13 Elders & the Importance of their Upcoming Ceremonial Pilgrimage Across the USA.

*This is nothing more than the beckoning of ancient demonic spirits. They say they seek to activate the Great Cosmic Spirit which is nothing more than the Prince of the Air spoke of in Ephesians 2:2. LET NO MAN DECIEVE YOU!*

*Source: TheSpiritOfMa'at

I first heard about the Crystal Skull journey back on the twenty-third of July. At the time I wasn't quite sure how it would all come together because so many variables, both logistical and ethereal, had to be taken into consideration. Since that day many things have been arranged and rearranged. After several meetings, Hunbatz Men, Mayan Daykeeper and Elder Priest of the Mayan Itza Council, and Pedro Pablo Chuc Pech, President of the Mayan Council of Elders, have announced their plans to lead a group of Mayan Elders on a ceremonial pilgrimage that will carry the Thirteen Crystal Skulls from one coast of the United States to the other. The journey will begin in Manhattan on the 27th of October, 2011; it will culminate in Los Angeles on November 11th, 2011.

On 11:11:11, another group of thirteen Elders will arrive in LA from the Mayaland to come together in a Gateway Event that will be highlighted by the performance of the Mayan Crystal Skull Ceremony. The Elders, whose traditions have always been kept within their inner circle, have been instructed to perform all of their ceremonies in public from this point on; for this reason, the Ceremony of the Thirteen Crystal Skulls, a ceremony that was last performed 26,000 years ago, will be open to the general public.

Enroute from New York to Los Angeles the Elders will stop at specific power points to fulfill a prophecy which states that the time has come to reawaken the Spirit of the North American Continent so that it can reclaim itself as the sacred ground in whose soil would be sown the seeds for the enlightenment of all mankind. At each stop along the way ceremonial gatherings will be held to open the ground and raise the ancient energies that will fuel the Gateway Event in Los Angeles on 11:11:11. All of these gatherings will be open to anyone who feels called to participate.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the significance of the Thirteen Crystal Skulls, these ancient relics are said to contain information about the history of our planet and the future of mankind. Carved out of pure quartz crystal, and other crystals such as jade, the Skulls generate an energy field that activates human consciousness in a way that expands our perceptions of reality. Ultimately they are the manifestation of Spirit in a form that is now helping to shift the magnetic frequency of Mother Earth. When the Spirits of the Skulls are ceremonially awakened, ancient wisdom, wisdom that has been preserved in a crystalline matrix for eons, enters the unified field and fills the collective consciousness with all the knowledge of everything that has happened on the planet in the last 26,000 years, and perhaps beyond.

If it boggles the mind to consider the full import of these events, the following message from Hunbatz Men and the Mayan Elders will help you to put everything into perspective:


We are very glad to inform all of you initiates from all over the world that on October 27th, 2011, the pilgrimage journey in which we are going to take the sacred Crystal Skulls, is going to leave from Manhattan, New York, with destination to Los Ángeles, CA, in the United States.

All along the way we are going to invoke and implore the Great Cosmic Spirit to enlighten our pathway and the roads we are going to walk on carrying our sacred crystal skulls. This way the skulls will enlighten and activate all the sites where the Great Cosmic Spirit is going to be present. Thus, the sacred sites we are going to visit like Great Serpent Mound, OH; the temples of Cahokia, IL; Sedona, AZ; and many other sacred centers will be activated through this cosmic resonance. Tamuanchán (the original Mayan name for the USA) will be once again the sacred site that must enlighten the whole of mankind in this world.

Please help us make this journey of spiritual greatness so the sacred Crystal Skulls take us in these our beloved lands of our eternal Tamuanchán where our Father Sun and our Mother Earth will take care of our sacred spirit forever.

May the Great Spirit be always with you,

Hunbatz Men
Council of Maya Itza Priests and Elders

They say 'there's no such thing as too much of a good thing'; believe it or not, there is even more good news fueling this story. The "11:11:11 Crystal Skulls, World Mysteries, LA Gateway Event", along with all of the ceremonial gatherings that take place as the Elders travel across the United States, are just the beginning; they are a 'gateway' to a series of unprecedented live events that will bring the secrets of the ages to the attention of the entire world.

As it turns out, Unify Earth, the organization that is sponsored by the people who gave us 'Live Aid', ''We are the World', and other mega-events with a humanitarian purpose, has gotten behind Hunbatz Men, Pedro Pablo Chuc Pech, and the Mayan Council and they want to provide a vehicle for the Elders' message to be spread to every corner of the Earth. In collaboration with Cirque de Soleil, 'Google', NBC, Santana, Elevate Films, and others, all of the above have come together to sponsor a series of spectacular performances that will carry the seeds that are sown in the soon to be actualized Crystal Skull Ceremonies to hearts and minds all over the planet.

Throughout 2012, on the March 21st Spring Equinox, the June 21st Summer Solstice, and the September 21st, Autumn Equinox, Cirque de Soleil will present special performances with themes that embody the wisdom of the ancients, the secrets of the Great Shift of the Ages, and the connection between the mysteries of the heart and the awakening of human consciousness. At the heart of each performance will be the wish to open the mind and the heart of humanity to the Ascension process, and to the prospect of a beautiful future in a whole new world.

This series of blockbuster performances will culminate in a fourth mega-event that will broadcast live, from the Great Pyramid at Chichen Itza on the 2012 Winter Solstice. On that night Cirque de Soleil will take over the entire Chichen Itza Temple complex. The Chichen Itza Pyramid will be transformed into a stage, upon which the artists and performers of the Cirque de Soleil will work their incredible magic. Carlos Santana, the man who has been a clear channel for the Music of the Spheres for over fifty-years, will be the Master of Ceremonies for the main event. If that isn't enough, the Winter Solstice show will include an unprecedented, full regalia ceremony with the Mayan Elders. Yes, that's right folks; the Elders will be there too; they are coming down from the mountains to be part of this.

At 11:11 PM, on the night of the 2012 Winter Solstice spectacular, at the exact moment when our Sun and the Earth go into alignment with the center of the galaxy, the Elders, and the Cirque de Soleil performers will present a guided meditation that will unite over two-billion viewers in their hearts and open the space for all of humanity to embrace the unconditionally-loving light of the Divine Feminine. The time has come; the 'Quarantine' is about to be lifted. This event, and all of the ceremonies and performances leading up to it, are the manifestation of a dream, and of a rise in consciousness that will help us to remember who we really are and guide us out of the darkness into the Light.

For those of you who would like to participate in any of these events, please refer to the following itinerary and be sure to go to www.cosmicmysteries.com/journey for more detailed information.


Oct 26 The Elders arrive in New York

Oct 27 New York Ceremony with the 13 Crystal Skulls

Oct 28 Leave New York to go to the Serpent Mound, OH.

Oct 29 Serpent Mound Ceremony with the 13 Crystal Skulls followed by a day of rest.

Oct 30 Leave the Serpent Mound to go to Cahokia, IL.

Oct 31 Cahokia Ceremony with the 13 Crystal Skulls and a day of rest.

Nov 1 Leave Cahokia to go to Hays, KS

Nov 2 Leave Hays to go to Crestone, CO

Nov 3 Crestone Ceremony with the 13 Crystal Skulls, and day of rest.

Nov 4 Leave Crestone to go to to Kaatsi, AZ.

Nov 5 Private Meeting in Kaatsi with Hopi and Tibetan monks including Rinpoche.

Nov 6 The Elders will spend more time with Hopis and Tibetan Bhakha Tulku Rinpoche after which they will drive to Sedona, AZ.

Nov 7 Sedona Ceremony with the 13 Crystal Skulls plus a public event.

Nov 8 The Elders will leave Sedona and drive to Los Angeles

Nov 9 Los Angeles will be a day of rest for some, and return home for others.

Nov 10 This is the day that another group of 13 elders arrive in Los Angeles from Merida

11:11:11 Gateway Ceremony with 13 Mayan Elders and the 13 Crystal Skulls at Crystal Skull Conference in Los Angeles

Nov 12 Crystal Skull Conference in Los Angeles with 13 Mayan Elders and Pilgrimage Participants present.

Nov 13 Host Gabriel Romero is sponsoring a one day seminar in which Mayan Day Keeper Hunbatz Men will impart his wisdom. The seminar will take place on Sunday, November 13, 2011. Please feel free to distribute this information to anyone who might be interested in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hear the real Maya talk about 2012 and the sacred Crystal Skulls.

You will find more information about the "11-11-11 Gateway Event" in Los Angeles and the one-day seminar with Hunbatz Men by clicking on the Calendar Listings at: http://www.cosmicmysteries.com/journey

Russ Dizdar "Dark Side of New Age Spirituality: Pt. 4 Betrayal" podcast.

The coming betrayal of psychics, remote viewers, psi warriors, new agers, shamins, gnostics, masons, secret societies, 2012ers, crystal skull handlers, and more
Those who embrace the mask of the dark side.

"Dark Side of New Age Spirituality: Pt. 4 Betrayal"

*Russ Dizdar Official Site: http://www.ShatterTheDarkness.net
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @ http://preemptionbroadcast.podomatic.com/

October 27, 2011

Mark Dice on WPKN Speaking on The Orwellian Nightmare.

*Purchase Mark Dice Books @ Amazon.com
*Mark Dice Official Site
*Mark Dice's YouTube Channel
*Mark Dice Facebook
*Mark Dice @ Twitter

Mark Dice is a media analyst, social critic, political activist, and author who, in an entertaining and educational way, gets people to question our celebrity obsessed culture, and the role the mainstream media plays in shaping our lives. Check out Mark's books on Amazon.com, Kindle or Nook.

Mark frequently stirs up controversy from his commentaries, protests, and boycotts, and has repeatedly been featured in major media outlets around the world.

Several of Mark's YouTube videos have gone viral, earning him a mention on ABC's The View, Fox News' O'Reilly Factor, TMZ.com, and other mainstream media outlets. Mark has also been featured in (or attacked in) the New York Post's Page Six, Rolling Stone Magazine, USA Today, The New York Daily News, and in major papers in Pakistan and Iran.

Mark Dice appears in several documentary films including Invisible Empire, and The 9/11 Chronicles, and was featured on the History Channel's Decoded and the Sundance Channel's Love/Lust: Secret Societies. He enjoys enlightening zombies, as he calls them, (ignorant people) about the mass media's effect on our culture, pointing out Big Brother's prying eyes, and exposing elite secret societies along with scumbag politicians and their corrupt political agendas.

He also habitually calls into several top-rated talk shows, including the Sean Hannity Show, Glenn Beck, and Michael Savage, and verbally battles with the hosts on various issues since he has never been asked to be a guest on them as of yet. Audio of some of these calls are then posted online.

The term "fighting the New World Order" is used by Mark to describe some of his activities, and refers to his and others' resistance and opposition (The Resistance) to the overall system of political corruption, illegal wars, elite secret societies, mainstream media, Big Brother and privacy issues; as well as various economic and social issues.

Dice and his supporters sometimes refer to being "awake" or "enlightened" and see their knowledge of these topics as part of their own personal Resistance to the corrupt New World Order. This Resistance involves self-improvement, self-sufficiency, personal responsibility and spiritual growth.

Mark Dice is the author of several books on current events, secret societies and conspiracies, including his newest book, Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True. He lives in San Diego, California.

Russ Dizdar "Dark Side of New Age Spirituality: Pt. 3 Layering" podcast.

"Dark Side of New Age Spirituality: Pt. 3 Layering"

*Russ Dizdar Official Site: http://www.ShatterTheDarkness.net
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @ http://preemptionbroadcast.podomatic.com/

New World Order: Implantable RFID Chips Capable of Remotely Killing Non-Compliant 'Slaves' Are Here.

*Source: NaturalNews

Positioned as the solution to eliminating identify theft, lost wallets and purses, and a host of other information breaches, the all-inclusive implantable RFID tracking chip is gaining momentum for widespread implementation. Recent news reports indicate that an RFID tracking chip capable of killing humans (that presumably do not comply with rogue government demands) has already been invented.

There is simply no denying the fact that "the powers that be" are working towards microchipping all of humanity. Countless news reports, including those compiled in the following YouTube clip, openly speak of microchips designed for implant into human skin:

But what many people do not realize is that this technology exists now, and has already been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in humans. Not only do these chips "silently and invisibly" store and transmit personal data, but they can also be encoded to perform a variety of other functions (http://arstechnica.com/old/content/...).

Beginning at 00:42, the YouTube clip contains a segment on a "killer" RFID microchip that, upon being remotely triggered, can send a lethal dose of cyanide into a person's skin. The FOX News reporter that introduces the segment can be heard saying that the chip "will kill you if you get out of line" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yl2L...).

Later in the YouTube compilation around 04:45, Chairman and CEO of Applied Digital Solutions Scott Silverman, who happens to have a "VeriChip" in his own arm, promotes the technology as useful and beneficial during a CNBC segment. Several of the hosts can be heard questioning Silverman about the "slippery slope" of the technology, and how it could be used to control the world's populations.

The PositiveID Corporation, which produces the VeriChip, has also announced that the Israeli Military recently ordered implantable microchips for its soldiers. The stated reason for this is that the chips will supposedly aid in "disaster preparedness and emergency management" (http://www.rfidnews.org/2011/10/11/...).

Assuming that they will only be used for the benign-sounding purposes that their proponents claim (which is highly unlikely), human microchips are a privacy nightmare that is much worse than credit cards and cash. Because human microchips transmit information via RFID and GPS signals, criminals can easily hijack personal information by intercepting transmission signals.

Sources for this article include:

October 26, 2011

Anders Manga "Peaceful Liquid Shell" & "These Colors Never Run"

Found this song on Anders Manga's Soundcloud page where he post unreleased material and the other song is from his 2008 album "X's & the Eyes".

Anders Manga "Peaceful Liquid Shell" by Anders Manga

*Anders Manga's Official Site
*Anders Manga SoundCloud page

The World of Weather Control aka HAARP

HAARP is a project funded by the US Senate and opperated by the US Navy & AirForce. HAARP or "High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program", was supposedly started to communicate with submarines deep in the ocean using ELF radio waves which can penetrate the ocean as well as the earths surface.

In 1983 Ronald Regan ordered the scientific community to began research apon world peace by creation of technology that would make all future nuclear war impossible. The "Star Wars" age of weapons technology was started. Over 100 projects were funded, many died in construction, while quite a few are still operating today, some completed.

HAARP is a bed of 48 - 72 foot tall antennas. These antennas which lie in Gakona Alaska in the Copper River valley are on land owned by the DOD or (Department of Defense) and are located about 260 miles Northeast of Anchorage Alaska. The entrance to HAARP is at mile marker 11.3 from Route 1's junction with Route 4. Only partially finished the entire array will consist of 180 antennas and will be more power full than all other antenna array for ionosphere heating ever built. Ionosphere heaters simply use radio waves to heat a portion of the ionosphere which surrounds the earth, many already exist, but this is the largest ever. The government explains Ionospheric heaters simply as a small scale stimulation of natural solar heating of our atmosphere. The antenna array is under control by the U.S. Laboratory located at Hanscom Air Force Base, Massachusetts, (ONR & NRL) National Research Laboratory, Office Of Navel Research. Haarp covers 58 acres, of which 22 were wetlands. Wetland of course is useless for building so the government filled this area in with gravel in order to create a level ground for the project. Of course it only makes sense to spend millions in tax payers dollars to build something on unsable ground.

Technical Aspects Of Current Prototype In 1995
Antennas 48 of 180.
Proposed 15 columns 12 rows of antennas.
X shaped antennas (dipoles)
Antennas opperate at 2.8-7Mhz or 7Mhz-10Mhz
Screen Under antennas catch radio waves and redirect them upward in order to intensify the power of the radio waves.
30 Shelters each holding 12 desiel transmitters Each rated at 10,000 RF watts totalling 3.6 Million watts of power

With the power HAARP has it can focus all its radio wave sinto a single beam in the sky, which effectively exceeds its 3.6 Million watt power status. Still to get a better idea, its 72,000 times more powerfull than the U.S's most powerfull radio station. With this much power the possibilites for use are endless, like block communication, intercept missiles, control minds through its waves, modify the weather, create a whole in the ionosphere, trigger earthquakes, volcanos, and avalanches or make already existing storms bigger than they already are.

Girls Scouts say yes to the BOY who wants to join them.

*Source: Daily Mail

Colorado 7-year-old Bobby Montoya wants what most little girls want: Dolls, My Little Pony figures and to join the Girl Scouts.

But there’s one problem: Bobby's a boy.

He said he wants to follow his sister in joining the group, but when a troop leader said it wouldn’t work out, the rejection left him devastated.

Scroll down for video

Girl talk: Bobby Montoya, who looks and dresses like a girl, loves playing with dolls

Girl talk: Bobby Montoya, who looks and dresses like a girl, loves playing with dolls

Bobby, who said he’s been bullied for looking and dressing like a girl, told KUSA-TV: 'It's hurting my heart. It hurts me and my mom both.'

His mother, Felisha Archuleta, said she allows Bobby to dress and behave how he wants to be.

Ms Archuleta told KUSA: "He's been doing this since he was about 2 years old. He's loved girl stuff, so we just let him dress how he wants.'

She added: 'As long as he's happy.'

Mom: Felisha Archuleta, Bobby's mother, says her son has loved 'girl stuff' since he was two years old

Mom: Felisha Archuleta, Bobby's mother, says her son has loved 'girl stuff' since he was two years old

But when she tried to sign Bobby up for Girl Scouts, she was rebuffed, and told that they couldn’t let him in because he wasn't a girl.

Ms Archuleta said she was told by a troop leader that 'It doesn't matter how he looks, he has boy parts, he can't be in Girl Scouts.'

The troop leader added that she didn’t want to get into trouble by parents or her Girl Scouts supervisor.

But today, the Girl Scouts of Colorado said it made a mistake when it rejected Bobby’s application to join.

Girl world: Bobby Montoya enjoys playing with dolls and My Little Pony figures

Girl world: Bobby Montoya enjoys playing with dolls and My Little Pony figures

The Girl Scouts issued a statement to KUSA saying that a worker unfamiliar with the group's policies gave Bobby’s family wrong information.

In a statement, the group said: 'If a child identifies as a girl and the child's family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a Girl Scout.

'In this case, an associate delivering our program was not aware of our approach. She contacted her supervisor, who immediately began working with the family to get the child involved and supported in Girl Scouts. We are accelerating our support systems and training so that we're better able to serve all girls, families and volunteers.'

The organization said requests for support of transgender kids have grown, and Girl Scouts of Colorado is working to support the children, their families and the volunteers who serve them.

Equality: The Girl Scouts of Colorado says it's working to support transgender children, their families and the volunteers who serve them

Equality: The Girl Scouts of Colorado says it's working to support transgender children, their families and the volunteers who serve them

October 25, 2011

Russ Dizdar "Dark Side of New Age Spirituality: Pt. 2 Encroachment ..Trappings" podcast.

"Dark Side of New Age Spirituality: Pt. 2 Encroachment ..Trappings"

*Russ Dizdar Official Site: http://www.ShatterTheDarkness.net
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @ http://preemptionbroadcast.podomatic.com/

The Brain Numbing Effects of Fluoride.


Another source of harmful chemicals is found in the modern man’s water supplies and soft drinks. As of 2002, the CDC statistics show that almost 60% of the U.S. population receives fluoridated water through the taps in their homes. The official reason for the presence of fluoride in our tap water? It prevents tooth decay. Ok … really? Is this mildly important benefit worth the consuming of great amounts of this substance by the population? Some studies even denied the dental benefits of fluorided water.
“Scientists now believe that the main protective action from fluoride does not come from ingesting the chemical, with the teeth absorbing it from inside the body, but from direct absorption through topical application to teeth. This means swallowing water is a far less effective way to fight cavities than brushing with fluoridated toothpaste.”
- Source
So why is fluoride still found in tap water? Here are some quick facts about fluoridation chemicals:
  • they were once used as pesticides
  • they are registered as “poisonous” under the 1972 Poisons Act, in the same group of toxins as arsenic, mercury and paraquat
  • fluoride is scientifically classed as more toxic than lead, but there is about 20 times more fluoride than lead in tap water
Many studies have been conducted on the effects of fluoride on the human body and some notable adverse effects have been noted: it changes bone structure and strength, impairs the immune system and it was linked to some cancers. Another alarming consequence of fluoridation is its effects on brain functions:
“In 1995, neurotoxicologist and former Director of toxicology at Forsyth Dental Center in Boston, Dr. Phyllis Mullenix published research showing that fluoride built up in the brains of animals when exposed to moderate levels. Damage to the brain occured and the behavior patterns of the animals was adversely effected. Offspring of pregnant animals receiving relatively low doses of fluoride showed permanent effects to the brain which were seen as hyperactivity (ADD-like symptoms). Young animals and adult animals given fluoride experienced the opposite effect — hypoactivity or sluggishness. The toxic effects of fluoride on the central nervous system was subsequently confirmed by previously-classified government research. Two new epidemiological studies which tend to confirm fluoride’s neurotoxic effects on the brain have shown that children exposed to higher levels of fluoride had lower IQs.”
- Source

A lesser known, but extremely important side effect of fluoride is the calcification of the pineal gland.

Up until the 1990s, no research had ever been conducted to determine the impact of fluoride on the pineal gland – a small gland located between the two hemispheres of the brain that regulates the production of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate the onset of puberty and helps protect the body from cell damage caused by free radicals.
It is now known – thanks to the meticulous research of Dr. Jennifer Luke from the University of Surrey in England – that the pineal gland is the primary target of fluoride accumulation within the body.
The soft tissue of the adult pineal gland contains more fluoride than any other soft tissue in the body – a level of fluoride (~300 ppm) capable of inhibiting enzymes.
The pineal gland also contains hard tissue (hyroxyapatite crystals), and this hard tissue accumulates more fluoride (up to 21,000 ppm) than any other hard tissue in the body (e.g. teeth and bone).
- Source
Other than regulating vital hormones, the pineal gland is known to serve an esoteric function. It is known by mystic groups as the “third eye” and has been considered by many cultures to be part of the brain responsible for spiritual enlightenment and the “link to the divine”. Is enlightenment out of bounds for the modern man?
“In the human brain there is a tiny gland called the pineal body, which is the sacred eye of the ancients, and corresponds to the third eye of the Cyclops. Little is known concerning the function of the pineal body, which Descartes suggested (more wisely than he knew) might be the abode of the spirit of man.”
– Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages

Vatican Calls for New World Economic Order

*Source: Fox News

The Vatican called Monday for radical reform of the world's financial systems, including the creation of a global political authority to manage the economy.

A proposal by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace calls for a new world economic order based on ethics and the "achievement of a universal common good." It follows Pope Benedict XVI's 2009 economic encyclical that denounced a profit-at-all-cost mentality as responsible for the global financial meltdown.

The proposal acknowledges, however, that a "long road still needs to be traveled before arriving at the creation of a public authority with universal jurisdiction" and suggests the reform process begin with the United Nations as a point of reference.

Vatican pronouncements on the economy are meant to guide world leaders as well as the global church. United States Roman Catholic bishops, for example, have released a voter guide for the 2012 election that highlights social concerns such as ending poverty.

"It is an exercise of responsibility not only toward the current but above all toward future generations, so that hope for a better future and confidence in human dignity and capacity for good may never be extinguished," the document said.

It highlights that reforms must assure that financial and monetary policies will not damage the weakest economies while also achieving fair distribution of the world's wealth.

The proposal also called for a "minimum, shared body of rules to manage the global financial market," lamenting the "overall abrogation of controls" on capital movements.

While past Vatican pronouncements have condemned unfettered capitalism, the latest criticized "an economic liberalism that spurns rules and controls."

It also attacked "utilitarian thinking," saying what is useful to the individual does not always favor the common gooD

Aquarius: The Age of Evil

This documentary by Keith Thompson examines the history of the New World Order and demonstrates that the New World Order is 'New Age' oriented. The Zeitgeist films and movement are exposed and shown to have ties to the New Age, Theosophy, Freemasonry and the New World Order movements.

*Keith Thompson official site
*Keith Thompson's YouTube channel

Russ Dizdar "Dark Side of New Age Spirituality: Overview & Pt. 1 Origins" podcast.

Dark Side of New Age Spirituality: Overview

ORIGINS: The roots of the new age movement and its influence in the world today
TRAPPINGS: What are the ‘toys’ events, experiences, encounters and engagements of new age spirituality? Can you spot and avoid them?
LAYERING: What is the concept of ‘layering’ that I talk about so much? Has it happened? Is it happening? Will 2012 be the broadest layering yet?
COMING BETRAYAL: The quest for spirituality and supernaturalism is massive, the issue is what is the source of and where will new age spirituality led you?
TRIUMPH OF GOD'S LIGHT: There is a massive difference to the ‘light’ of the new age spirituality and the ‘light’ of God…The light of God/Christ

Dark Side of New Age Spirituality: Pt. 1 Origins

*Russ Dizdar Official Site: http://www.ShatterTheDarkness.net
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @ http://preemptionbroadcast.podomatic.com/

October 23, 2011

The World of Mind Control Through the Eyes of an Artist with 13 Alter Personas

*Source: The Vigilant Citizen

Kim Noble is a rare occurrence: a trauma-based mind control survivor with over 13 alter personas who don’t know each other but who all paint. She has suffered DID and MPD (dissociative identity disorder and multiple personality disorder) for most of her life, as a result of an extremely traumatic childhood. Each one of her alters paints with a personal and distinctive style but they all have one thing in common: they reveal the dark world of mind control programming, from its horrific techniques to its symbolism. We’ll look at the works of this unique artist who reveals a world that is totally hidden from the masses.

Many articles on this site point out the presence of mind control symbolism in popular culture. Photo shoots, music videos and movies often glamorize and trivialize mind control and its symbolism by associating it with famous stars and trendy happenings. The fact however remains that these references celebrate one of the most abominable practices known to man: trauma based mind control, also called Monarch programming. Originating from the secret CIA project called MK-Ultra, Monarch programming subjects its victims to some of the most sadistic tortures conceivable (for more details on Monarch programming see the article entitled Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control).

The works of Kim Noble vividly document the life of a mind control slave through the eyes of 13 alter personas. While a few of these alters paint peaceful landscapes and nature scenes, most of them depict horrific aspects of mind control such as physical torture, electroshock, violent sexual abuse, dehumanization and dark occult rituals. The stories told by these paintings are almost too much to bear, yet they likely actually happened to Kim Noble as they precisely reflect accounts of other Monarch survivors. Looking at the works of Kim Noble not only reveals gritty details of an abominable practice carried on by “elite” organizations, it reveals the symbolism that is also thrown in our faces on a daily basis through corporate-owned mass media. Let’s look at the life and works of Kim Noble.

Who Is Kim Noble?

I have the feeling that Kim Noble herself would have trouble answering this question. Here’s the biography found on her official website.

“Kim Noble is a woman who, from the age of 14 years, spent 20 years in and out of hospital until she made contact with Dr Valerie Sinason and Dr Rob Hale at the Tavistock and Portman Clinics. In 1995 she began therapy and was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (originally named multiple personality disorder). D.I.D is a creative way to cope with unbearable pain. The main personality splits into several parts with dissociative or amnesic barriers between them. It is a controversial disorder but Kim has had extensive tests over 2 years by leading psychology professor at UCL, John Morton, who has established there is no memory between the personalities and that she has the misfortune of representing the British gold standard over genuine dissociation.

Having no formal art training, Kim and 13 of her personalities (alters) became interested in painting in 2004 after spending a short time with an art therapist. These 12 artists each have their own distinctive style, colours and themes, ranging from solitary desert scenes to sea scenes to abstracts, collages, and paintings with traumatic content. Many alters are unaware that they share a body with other artists.

What is remarkable to all is both the quality of their work and the speed of their progress. Within five years of starting to paint they have already had seventeen successful solo exhibitions and participated in an equal number of group exhibitions. Kim was also the first Artist in Residence at Springfield University Hospital in Tooting, South West London.”
- kimnoble.com

Despite the fact that she has to live with 13 alter personas – who randomly take control of her body – Kim Noble is fortunate enough to be living a relatively normal life. The fact that the programming stopped at a young age has helped her become “well-adjusted”. She has a teenage daughter named Aimee, who was mostly raised by the motherly alter named Bonny.

In the past few years, Kim Noble enjoyed some mainstream exposure and was featured in national newspapers such as The Telegraph, The Guardian, The Independent and several others. She even appeared at the Oprah Show, where she was interviewed and was shown switching personas. As you might expect from mainstream media, the coverage of Noble’s condition was extremely superficial and focused on exploiting the “freak” aspect of her condition for shock value. The true cause of her condition, trauma-based mind control, which is extensively described in her works, is almost never mentioned.

Although most articles and interviews about Noble “applauded” her courage and whatnot, none of them dared discussing the core message of her work and the system that it describes. Many of Noble’s paintings depict terrible scenes of organized, institutionalized and systematic violence, torture, and child abuse combined with elaborate occult symbolism. It is obvious that the trauma Noble went through was not caused by a single sadistic father but by an organized entity that held many children. The only article I found delving into the mind control aspect of Noble’s work was The Art of Dissociation from the excellent website Pseudo-Occult Media. However, to most newspapers, Noble’s work is nothing more than an example of “outsider art” (a term popularized by trendy art-world douches to identify art created by people with mental problems). Most observers are fascinated by the fact that each one of Noble’s alters paint with a distinctive style, but it’s as easy to recognize that her collective works describe her past as a Monarch programming victim.

The “real” Kim Noble does not recall any of the abuse she suffered – several of her alters do, however, and they express all of it in their paintings.

“To all intents and purposes, each of Kim’s personalities is an artist in their own right: Patricia paints the solitary desert landscapes, Bonny’s pictures often feature robotic dancing figures or “frieze people”, Suzy repeatedly paints a kneeling mother, Judy’s canvasses are large, conceptual pieces while Ria’s work reveals deeply traumatic events involving children.

These disturbing images are at the root of Kim’s extraordinary condition; DID is a creative mental survival strategy whereby the personality splits at a young age due to severe and chronic trauma. The number of personalities that exist often depends on how long the trauma lasts. But Kim herself has no memory of being abused as a child; she has been protected over the years by her alters.

“I’ve been told I was abused and to me at this moment in time, it’s too much. It goes in one ear and out the other. It’s no good retraumatising me and telling me something I don’t want to know – in any case, there would be a switch.”

Kim has good reason to fear learning about her past as it’s possible that if she acquires too much information, she won’t be able to cope and will “disappear”. It’s happened twice before. (omega)

This is where it gets really weird – for Kim isn’t Kim at all. The personality I am interviewing is Patricia and it is she who manages her and Aimee’s lives, but Patricia wasn’t always the dominant personality. Before Patricia took over, Bonny held the fort and two years previous to Bonny, it was Hayley.

Kim watches me closely as she explains: “You see Kim is just the ‘house’, the body. There isn’t a ‘Kim’ at all – she has completely split. So we answer to the name Kim but really I am Patricia. When people call us ‘Kim’ I suppose many of us just assume it’s a nickname, but once people know you they don’t use your name very often in conversation.”

Of the 20 or so personalities who share “Kim”, some are easily identifiable: there is 15-year-old Judy who is anorexic and bulimic, maternal Bonny, religious Salome, depressed Ken, sensible Hayley, Dawn, Patricia and elective mute MJ. There are also a handful of children “frozen” in time. A few of the alters know about the DID but many are unaware – or refuse to accept it.

“Judy doesn’t believe in the DID,” explains Kim. “She’s only a teenager and she calls our therapist a nutter when she tries to explain it to her. She’s so young, she doesn’t even think Aimee is her daughter. She knows about me and she thinks that I’m a terrible mother because I’m always leaving Aimee. To her, it’s totally normal to keep coming and going. She probably thinks that you come and go too.”

There are certain “triggers” that can force a change and gradually Kim has learnt what they are in order to avoid them – but it doesn’t stop her switching up to three or four times a day.”
- The Independent, “Kim Noble, a Woman Divided”

Let’s look at some of the works created by some of Kim Noble’s alters as they each provide a different look at the shady world of Monarch programming. Regular readers of the Vigilant Citizen might realize that a lot of the symbolism found in Noble’s paintings are also found in popular culture.

Warning: Several of these paintings depict disturbing scenes which might not be suitable for young or sensitive readers.


Bonny, who was Kim’s “dominant” alter for a few years, is a warm and motherly figure. Most of her paintings portray humans as mechanical robots – which is one of the ways one could describe a mind control slave. Other pieces are more directly related to Monarch programming such as this one, aptly titled “I’m Just Another Personality”.

"I'm Just Another Personality" visually represents the splitting of the subject in several alters. The central figure, or the core personality has become simply "another personality". It is blindfolded, representing the victims total blindness to its condition.

This kind of imagery is sometimes found in popular culture by acts who exploit mind control imagery.

Lady Gaga on the cover of V with two alter personas.

Another piece made by Bonny, ironically named I-Test, symbolically depicts the reality of a mind control slave.

"I-Test" portrays a blank, emotionless face with blindfolded eyes. The skull is cracked, representing the fracturing of the psyche. One of the eyes is bloody and we can assume that it has been poked out. The symbol of the missing/hidden eye is extremely important in the world of Monarch mind control. It symbolically represents the loss of half of victim's vision of the world - the other half being "taken out" and controlled by the handlers. In occult symbolism, the emphasis on one eye can refer to the Eye of Horus, the All-Seeing Eye, a symbol of the occult elite.

A promotional t-shirt of the movie Sucker Punch (which was all about Monarch Programming - see “Sucker Punch” or How to Make Monarch Mind Control Sexy) featuring a bloodied eye.

A cracked face on a promotional poster of Black Swan - another movie with heavy mind control elements.

Golden Dawn

Golden Dawn is the alter that saw the birth her daughter Aimee. However, Dawn believes that Aimee is still a baby and does not recognize the teenage girl that lives with her. The name “Golden Dawn” has a heavy occult connotation as it is the name of an important and powerful secret society that taught Hermetic Kabbalah, astrology, occult tarot, geomancy, and alchemy to its initiates. It held within its ranks prominent occultists such as Arthur Edward Waite and Aleister Crowley. The process of Monarch mind control combines state-of-the-art “science” (if you can call torture “science”) with ancient occultism, whether it be in hermetic theories, kabbalistic symbolism or invocation rituals. It is therefore no surprise that she was given this occult-inspired name.

Her piece entitled “The Naming” visually depicts the process of creating and naming a new alter.

"The Naming" is an auto-portrait of Kim with one eye that was removed from the face and placed above her, bloody, which conveys the violent nature of the process. Once again, mind control is symbolized by the loss of an eye which appears to have been replaced by a text/poem that was probably used to program her.

Most of Dawn’s other paintings feature limbless, mannequin-like figures who are subjected to various methods of torture.

"Armless Goddess" portrays a hopelessly powerless figure, ironically referred to as goddess.

"Armed Goddess" depicts another traumatic torture scene.


The alter “Key” appears to have a profound understanding of the process of mind control and its underlying occult aspect. The name “Key” might refer to terms such as the “Key of the Mysteries” or “Solomon’s Key” as she seemed to have been programmed to understand some of the occult concepts utilized in mind control. Most of this alter’s works describe the programming process as a kabbalistic “Great Work”, with the Tree of Life (the main symbol of the Kaballah) as the main object of focus.

“It Happens” is an extremely detailed work describing the several layers of programming required to traumatize and program a mind control victim. The title “It Happens” is a disabused way of saying that … all of this really happened.

"It Happens" is comprised of overlapping layers surrounding a central figure: a helpless person strapped to a bed. The head is symbolically "decapitated" from the body using a line, representing the concept of dissociation. Each one of the overlapping layers contains a set of pictographs representing either traumatic events or occult symbolism. The outer layer depicts scenes of victims being electrshocked, hung from a tree, being caged, raped (sometimes with animals), caged, buried alive and more. From this outside layer, arrows point towards the second layer, which contains zodiac signs. According to F. Springmeier, zodiac signs are used as a code to assign and file body programs. The center layer surrounding the victim contains words such as "Hell", "Devil", "Blood" and "Kill" which are shock words used to further traumatize the victim.

This one, entitled "Golden Kaballa", uses the same basic layout as the previous image but replaces scenes of trauma with occult symbols and the central figure with the kabbalistic Tree of Life. Each one of the Tree of Life's colourful spheres, named Sephirots, are used in Monarch mind control as "compartments" to store alter personas. The outer layer of the work contains the name of each of the ten spheres of the Tree of Life with its associated Hebrew letter.

By overlapping the trauma depicted in “It Happens” with occult aspects of “Golden Kabballah”, we get a rather complete idea of the process of mind control. They schematize, with near mathematical precision, a process that is described by authors on mind control such as Fritz Springmeier.

“The Cabala is synonymous with Hermeticism or Hermetic magic. The Cabala was jewish-babylonian magic. The jewish black magicians brought it to Europe. It began to get widespread notice in Europe after Enlightenment period. The great pyramid according to the occult is a symbol of the Cabalistic Tree of Life–the branches of the tree form the four streams or lines to the base of the pyramid. Because the Cabala is the basis of their hermetic magic, Illuminati systems will be fairly consistent in the make of a slave’s internal Tree of Life and Tree of Evil. (…)

The rooms of the tree of life have names. Essentially, every Illuminati hierarchy victim, has the Cabalistic tree of life placed in them. This tree lies below the other trees. The circles that make up the internal Cabalistic Tree of Life are called rooms or quads by the various survivors. Alters can use the internal Tree of Life to work magic internally. It also reminds deeper alters of cult control. The circles of the tree are rooms that can be entered into. Mt. Qabbalah is a figurative mountain in the Cabala.”
- Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Formula to Create a Mind Control Slave

This next piece, entitled “Seven Levels” is another highly detailed account of the process of dissociation.

Comprised of several layers, this works depicts, from bottom to top, the “evolution” of a slave from the hell of trauma to the “heavenly” feeling of dissociation. The bottom two layers depict several horrific scenes of trauma. For example, we see in the bottom left corner a pregnant women giving birth to a dead child in a pool of blood under disturbing phrases such as “No Life”, “Death” and “Blood Death All Around”. There are also several caged children, others being electroshocked and others hung upside down. Inverted crosses are found all around these two bottom layers, reminding us that these traumatic events are Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA).

All of this trauma, pain and suffering seems to be “channeled” towards the layers above, consisting of a plethora of occult symbols such as the Tree of Life, the signs of the zodiac and All-Seeing eyes. It is during this occult level that the transformation occurs.

The top layer represents the (only) escape to all this trauma: dissociation. It is represented by an angelic figure rising to the sky. Looking closely however, we see an All-Seeing Eye in the sky, which reminds us that this escape is not true freedom, but a controlled state that has been induced by the handlers.


This alter is a teenage girl who is anorexic. Most of her paintings place a heavy emphasis on the concept of duality – one of the most basic occult concepts exploited by mind control rituals. Duality is an ancient hermetic concept which is traditionally represented with the juxtaposition of the colors black and white, as with the Masonic checkerboard pattern or the symbol of the Ying Yang.

Judy’s works often give a prominent place to the Masonic checkerboard floor, the surface on which occult rituals and ceremonies take place in secret societies. She was probably heavily exposed to the concept of duality (good girl vs evil girl – something that is also found in popular culture) and the symbol of the checkered floor was probably physically used during programming.

"Crying Rose" fully exploits the theme of duality used on mind control victims to create a "split of personality". The crying girl, who is dressed in a checkered dress, reflects the checkerboard pattern floor, therefore insinuating that duality is occurring within her.

This piece, titled "Symbolic or What", is indeed ... symbolic. Two girls (or two personas of the same girl) avoid stepping on the checkerboard floor due to the presence of a snake. They appear to be covering their genitals, implying that the snake is phallic symbol. The painting also attests to the great psychic power of the checkerboard pattern on victims, a trait that was probably part of the programming.

This painting portrays Monarch slaves as literal pawns on a chessboard, who are "played with" to then be disposed of by their handlers.

This self-portrait depicts Judy as a person divided into opposite entities. The concept of duality is therefore very present and represented by the juxtaposition of the colors black and white. The shock words and insults on the image recall the violent and abusive process that leads to the fragmentation of the personality.

Ria Pratt

The paintings made by Ria Pratt are the most graphic and disturbing but also the most revealing. The alter believes she is a 12 year old girl and has vivid recollections of the trauma she has been subjected to, whether it be sexual, physical or dehumanizing. Simply watching these paintings is a difficult experience – it is further disheartening to realize that she actually lived these situations.

"It's a Dog's Life" depicts mind control victims being held on a leash like dogs - a technique to humiliate and dehumanize the victims. Notice the "transparent" version of the children floating in the air, representing their dissociated alter personality. An inscription on the wall says "Pratt Was Here" which emphasizes the fact that she saw and lived these things first hand.

Entitled "Too Much", the painting depicts a victim being electroshocked by a handler with a sick smile. The pain is "Too Much" to handle, resulting in the victim's dissociation.

"What Ted Saw" depicts the abuse of a small child by its handlers. "Ted" is the small Teddy Bear sitting on the floor. Young mind control victims are often given Teddy Bears by their handlers to make them develop an emotional attachment to them. This attachment is then exploited by the handlers to create emotional trauma.

In "Ted's Legless", Ria's handler rips off one of her best friend's legs while forcibly holding her on the ground. The trauma causes dissociation, which is represented by the transparent version of the girl. Haunting words are inscribed on the wall: "Help Me Please" and "Pratt was Here".

The symbol of a teared up teddy bear sometimes utilized by mass media in works containing hidden references to mind control. This scene is from a music video from pop singer Jessie J's (see full article here), which contains several references to Monarch programming.

"Unspeakable" depicts the unspeakable: the abuse of small children by their handlers. Strange phrases a written on the wall along with an inverted cross, a symbol that appears to be hardwired into the brains of Monarch slaves.

"No No!" depicts a forced abortion or premature birth. The bloody operation is witnessed by Ria, probably to traumatize her. According to Ellen P. Lacter, fetuses are either sacrificed in rituals or used as slaves.

Another of abuse involving children, who have dissociated (transparent bodies floating).

Children caged up like animals about to be tortured by a handler (who also appears to have dissociated).

This sums up the life of a Monarch slave.

In Conclusion

Although Kim Noble enjoyed some mainstream exposure, the true source of the artist’s condition – Monarch programming – is nowhere to be found in mass media. Analyzed in its entirety, Noble’s body of work describes a highly organized and complex system that appears to hold great amounts of knowledge- occult and scientific – as well as material resources. This system also appears to literally own humans, mostly children, who are abused and traumatized to create within them programmable alter personas. The fact that no newspapers dared to investigate (or even mention) anything related to MK-Ultra, a program that was proved to use the exact techniques described in the paintings, tells volumes about the power of those operating it. The soulless handlers depicted in Noble’s paintings are not lone psychopaths, but high level officials of the Illuminati system who enjoy media immunity. In fact, they are sometimes part of the media as the worlds of the entertainment business and Monarch programming often collude.

Partly for this reason, the symbolism used during Monarch programming has spilled over to the mainstream entertainment business. Some of the world’s biggest stars are products of mind control. The same symbols used in the programming of Monarch slaves is sent to the world through mass media. High level mind control handlers and slaves (those who have “succeeded” at the various levels of programming) end up operating in show business. Some of our favorite entertainers are nothing more than puppets whose strings are pulled by unseen handlers. These handlers are “unseen” to most, but they certainly make themselves “seen” through the symbolism placed in the media.

Many of the symbols described on this site directly originate from the shady world of Monarch programming, which uses a complex system of occult images and powerful triggers. Although most of us are fortunate enough not to live through the hell endured by these MK slaves, we are still subject to a form of programming using movies, television, music and other forms of mass media. Those who operate behind the scenes attempt to slowly normalize their existence and their depraved behaviour. Why are children being so aggressively sexualized in mass media? Is it because people in the entertainment business are connected with the people who commit the horrific acts portrayed above? Sadly, the reality is sicker than the fiction.


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