September 30, 2015

Breaking: Forensic report finds Planned Parenthood videos are ‘authentic’ and unaltered

*Source: LifeSite

Featured Image
A scene from footage removed from the CMP videos.

WASHINGTON, D.C., September 29, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) - The undercover videos of Planned Parenthood shot by the Center for Medical Progress are authentic and unaltered, according to a forensics report released this morning.

Every second of video footage recorded by CMP was given to Coalfire, a forensics firm that does analysis for criminal investigations.

"The video recordings are authentic and show no evidence of manipulation or editing," Coalfire said in its comprehensive, 14-page report. "This conclusion is supported by the consistency of the video file date and time stamps, the video timecode, as well as the folder and file naming scheme. The uniformity between the footage from the cameras from the two investigators also support the evidence that the video recordings are authentic."

Any edits made to online footage uploaded to YouTube was done only to "eliminate non-pertinent footage, including 'commuting,' 'waiting,' 'adjusting recording equipment,' 'meals,' or 'restroom breaks.'"
All the footage removed was "lacking pertinent conversation," Coalfire concluded in the report, requested by the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF).

"The Coalfire report had access to every second of released audio and video investigative footage recorded by CMP and analyzed that footage to verify and authenticate all of the videos on the CMP YouTube page," the ADF noted.

That report contrasts sharply with the tone of an earlier report paid for by Planned Parenthood, and produced by Fusion GPS, a D.C.-based opposition research firm linked to the Democratic Party. Its founder, Glenn Simpson, was once a lobbyist for a sheikh who approved of the burning of the U.S. flag during wartime. The Wall Street Journal referred to Fusion as "Mr. Simpson's chop shop."

Fusion also acknowledged the edits "removed likely irrelevant content" from the videos, and that it found no intention to deceive. However, the Planned Parenthood-funded report said the CMP videos have "no evidentiary value" and "lack credibility as journalistic products."

"The Coalfire forensic analysis removes any doubt that the full length undercover videos released by Center for Medical Progress are authentic and have not been manipulated," ADF Senior Counsel Casey Mattox said. "Analysts scrutinized every second of video recorded during the investigation and released by CMP to date and found only bathroom breaks and other non-pertinent footage had been removed."
For instance, Coalfire logged a one-minute-long restroom break in one video. Another gap lasted a mere four seconds.

Other breaks include footage of the investigators' commute, as the camera pointed out the window at the clouds.

"Planned Parenthood can no longer hide behind a smokescreen of false accusations and should now answer for what appear to be the very real crimes revealed by the CMP investigation," Mattox said.
The report arrives as Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards is testifying before Congress in an investigation into the claims recorded on those tapes: that Planned Parenthood alters its abortion method, may use an illegal partial birth abortion procedure, and illegally profits from the sale of fetal organs.
It also comes as Congress determines whether depriving Planned Parenthood of its $500 million-plus annual taxpayer subsidy is worth a showdown with Barack Obama and a possible, partial government shutdown next month.

Pro-life advocates say whatever tactic is used, the abortion industry in general - and Planned Parenthood in particular - must be defunded in their entirety.

“American taxpayer money should be redirected to fund local community health centers and not subsidize a scandal-ridden, billion-dollar abortion business. Planned Parenthood is an organization that cares about one thing: making a profit at the expense of women’s health. The investigative videos, whose authenticity was confirmed by the report, show that Planned Parenthood is an abortion-machine whose top executives and doctors haggle and joke about the harvesting and selling of baby body parts,” said ADF Legal Communications Director Kerri Kupec. "Women deserve far better."

September 29, 2015

Dr. Scott Johnson: [9.27.15] End Time Current Events.

[9.27.15] End Time Current Events.

**PDF - [9.27.15] End Time Current Events**

*Part 1 Table of Contents:
• Devil Pope Addressing the UN says environmental degradation threatens the ‘Very existence of human species’ at risk…
• The Pope & the One World Religion for the One World Government
• The Pope Pushes Communism Across America

*Part 2 Table of Contents:

• The Pope’s Church is the Largest, Richest Corporation in the World!
• VATICAN HAS STRICTEST IMMIGRATION POLICY IN WORLD…Women allowed only if married to Swiss Guard or other legal citizen…

    *Part 3 Table of Contents:

    • PHOTOS: Pope’s border wall around Vatican…
    • RED ALERT : The Forked-Tongued Catholic Pope Say`s Jesus Failed at Cross!!
    • Pope Francis to Release Pop-Rock Album ‘Wake Up!’ This November-This is not Satire
    • Listener Comment About Pope Francis In Washington DC
    • Pope Francis U.S. Visit 2015 Schedule and Dates: Pontiff Invites Rick Warren To Speak at Philadelphia Conference on Family

      *Part 4 Table of Contents:

      • Pope Francis, Rick Warren, and That 2014 Catholic Interview No One Thought Important? Reminder of Its Revealing Facts About “America’s Pastor”
      • Is The Rule Of Law Being Done Away With In Order To Prepare The Reign Of The Anti-Christ? Why Is The Illuminati Spending So Much Time And Effort To Protect This Pope More Than All The Others?
      • Third World Muslim Invasion: Horrific Eyewitness Description From Germany–Human Feces is Their Favorite Weapon–September 5, 2015

        *Part 5 Table of Contents:

        • These Muslims Are Not Immigrants, They Are Colonists With Bad Intentions
        • In Fort Collins, CO, Rocky Mountain High School Principal, Tom Lopez, has his students reciting “In Allah we Trust” when saying the Pledge of Allegiance
        • The Largest “Christian” College in America: Liberty University Welcomes Socialist Bernie Sanders to Address Student Body: ‘We Have Same Goals’
        • Pro-Gay, Pro-Abortion Socialist Bernie Sanders Given Wild Applause At Apostate “Christian” Liberty University
        • New Agers Back Socialist Sanders as their Political Messiah

          **Dr. Scott Johnson**

          April 30, 2015

          Dr. Scott Johnson: [4.26.15] End Time Current Events.

          [4.26.15] End Time Current Events.

          **PDF - [4.26.15] End Time Current Events**

          *Part 1 Table of Contents:
          •  A Believers Authority In Christ and Warring in the Spirit
          • Op-Ed: Attack Now – Russian Interference Leaves Israel No Choice Soon it will be too late, if it is not too late already…
          • Top Iranian General: Nuclear Inspectors Will Not be Permitted
          • Iran marks Army Day with cries of ‘Death to Israel, USA’…
          • Iran Military Guard rejects inspection of military sites under any nuke agreement with Obama…
          • Senators Won’t Force Obama To Certify Iran Has Refrained From Terrorist Acts
          • State Department Won’t Rule Out $50 Billion ‘Signing Bonus’ For Iran
          • Quotes By Barack Obama Praising Islam and Mohammed
          • Barrack HUSSEIN OBAMA said: ‘I will stand with the Muslims. . .

            *Part 2 Table of Contents:

            Barack Obama has been wearing the same Ring for over 30 years that is inscribed: In Arabic: “There is NO God except Allah”
            • With Christians On Chopping Block, 190 US Cities Secretly Selected To Help Destroy America From Within – Is Your City On ‘The List’?
            • ISIS Terror Takedown: 6 Arrested in 24 Hours
            • INTEL REPORT: ISIS Operating Two Terrorist Camps Near Texas and New Mexico Border – Mexican Cartels Bringing ISIS Into US
            • The Muslim Brotherhood Is In Charge of Jade Helm
            • ISIS THREAT ‘INSIDE USA’…
            • Islam Boldly Infiltrating America at Alarming Rate
            • Meanwhile Documentation of More Wonderful Muslim Actions for this Week Alone

              **Dr. Scott Johnson**

              April 26, 2015

              North Carolina House Passes Pro-Life Bill for 72-Hour Abortion Waiting Period.

              *Source: LifeNews


               The North Carolina state House has approved a bill that would put in place a 72-hour waiting period before an abortion — allowing women more time to find abortion alternatives and choose life for their unborn child.
              Republican lawmakers have filed House Bill 465, which would ban healthcare facilities owned by the University of North Carolina and East Carolina University from performing abortions. Additionally, the legislation would increase the required waiting period prior to an abortion from 24 hours to 72 hour.
              Here’s more:
              After a long and emotional debate, the N.C. House on Thursday passed a bill that would make the state the fourth in the nation requiring women to wait three days before getting an abortion.
              House Bill 465 passed 74-45, falling largely along party lines and deep and long-standing fault lines.
              Republican Rep. Jacqueline Schaffer of Charlotte told members that her bill, which would extend the waiting period from 24 to 72 hours, “empowers women.”
              “We truly believe that this is a bill women who are both pro-choice and pro-life can get behind,” she said.
              The abortion bill now goes to the Senate. If enacted, North Carolina would join Missouri, South Dakota and Utah in requiring a 72-hour waiting period, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a research and policy center that supports abortion rights. Overall, 26 states require a waiting period, usually 24 hours.

              “Seventy-two hours is not asking for too much for something this important,” GOP Rep. Pat McElraft said during the debate. “Why do we not want (women) to have the opportunity to change their minds? Please let women have this opportunity to reach out to pregnancy clinics to guide her … for alternatives.”
              “Once conception occurs, you’re talking about the rights of two human beings,” said GOP Rep. Debra Conrad of Winston-Salem. “I want to hear about the rights of these young babies.”

              Naturally, abortion proponents oppose the bill.

              The vice president of public policy at Planned Parenthood, Melissa Reed, commented on the legislation and said, “This delay, coupled with the additional restrictions, further demonstrates that politicians are attempting to practice medicine with absolutely no understanding of the scope of practice of abortion care.”

              She continued, “In reality, these bills have nothing to do with patient safety and are just attempts by politicians to insert their own political agendas into medical care, It is shameful North Carolina legislators continue to sacrifice women’s health in their ideological attempts to take this state backwards.”

              As LifeNews previously reported, in 2013 a North Carolina abortion facility was shut down after the
              Department of Health and Human Services found that it “present an imminent danger to the health, safety and welfare of the clients and that emergency action is required to protect the clients.” The Baker Clinic for Women, located in Durham, failed to perform adequate quality control in blood banking as well as controlled testing on 108 patients that received Rh(D) (Rhesus) testing.

              In severe cases, this can be deadly because it can lead to stillbirths. Rhesus can also result in learning difficulties for the child, deafness, anemia, jaundice or blindness.

              GoFundMe Shuts Down Fundraiser for Christian Bakers, Claims Money Was for ‘Illegal Purpose’

              *Source: Christian News Network


              GRESHAM, Ore. – The popular fundraising site GoFundMe shut down a fundraiser Friday night for a Christian couple that was ordered to pay $135,000 in “emotional damages” to two lesbians, stating that the fundraising effort was for “illegal purposes” because the bakery had been found guilty of “discrimination” for declining to make a cake for their ceremony due to their religious convictions.

              According to reports, a competitor of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, run by Aaron and Melissa Klein, contacted GoFundMe in seeking to stop the fundraiser, which had raised over $100,000 within a day before being shut down hours later.
              Watson“This business has been found guilty of discrimination and is being allowed to fund raise to pay their penalty,” Lisa Watson of Cupcake Jones, a homosexual advocate, wrote on her Facebook page. “The GoFundMe terms of service address hate speech, bigotry, criminal activity and sexism among other things in their campaign … The amount of money they have raised in a matter of a few hours by thousands of anonymous cowards is disgusting.”

              Within an hour of her complaint, the fundraiser was removed, and Jones posted a screenshot Friday night of the “campaign not found” message where the crowdfunding effort had been to rejoice that the page had been taken down. According to her Facebook page, she made the photo her profile picture, but later replaced it with an award that her business received for their homosexual advocacy.

              GoFundMe released an explanation for removing the page, stating that the fundraising site doesn’t allow crowdfunding campaigns for those who have been found guilty of violating laws.

              “After careful review by our team, we have found the ‘Support Sweet Cakes By Melissa’ campaign to be in violation of our terms and conditions,” it wrote. “[T]he subjects of the ‘Support Sweet Cakes By Melissa’ campaign have been formally charged by local authorities and found to be in violation of Oregon state law concerning discriminatory acts. Accordingly, the campaign has been disabled.”

              “The GoFundMe account that was set up to help our family was shut down by the administrators of GoFundMe because they claimed it was raising money for an illegal purpose,” Melissa Klein said that she had been told by the outlet. “We have told GoFundMe that the money is simply going to be used to help our family, and there is no legitimate breach of their terms and conditions.”

              Others state that a number of campaigns may be found on the site that seek to raise funds surrounding those fighting criminal convictions.

              “So if your throat is already under the government boot, you’re [disqualified],” wrote Jay Richards for The Stream. “This is a form of cronyism—of collusion between a private business and the state to destroy that business’s competitors. … Note that Lisa Jones is motivated by disgust, not only at her competitor, but at those who stepped forward to help her competitor in a time of need.”

              As previously reported, in January 2013, Aaron Klein was approached by a mother and her daughter as the two were interested in a cake for the daughter’s upcoming wedding—to her lesbian partner.
              “My first question was what’s the wedding date,” Klein told television station KTW in Portland. “My next question was [the] bride and groom’s name. … The girl giggled a little bit and said, ‘It’s two brides.’”
              He then informed the women that the bakery does not make cakes for homosexual events.

              “I apologized for wasting their time and said that, unfortunately, we do not do same-sex marriages,” Klein explained.

              The women left Sweet Cakes upset about the incident, and later, one of them filed a complaint with the state. The Oregon attorney general’s office soon launched an investigation against the Klein’s as the state’s non-discrimination laws prevent public accommodations from being denied to any individual on the basis of “race, color, religion, sex [or] sexual orientation.”

              But Klein states that he regularly serves homosexuals. He believes that there is a difference between serving homosexuals in general and having to personally facilitate same-sex ceremonies, which is an act of participation.

              “I have customers come in almost on a weekly basis that are homosexual,” he said. “They can buy my stuff. I sell stuff. I talk with them. That’s fine. … This was not the first time we’ve served these girls.”

              “We were being asked to participate in something that we could not participate in,” Klein’s wife, Melissa, noted.

              Some Christians believe that being a part of a same-sex event violates the biblical command in 1 Timothy 5:22 not to be “partakers in other men’s sins,” as well as the command in Ephesians 5:7, “Be not ye therefore partakers with them.”

              In February, a judge with the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries ruled that the Christian bakers are guilty of discrimination for declining to make the cake, thus moving the matter into the sentencing phase. On Friday, Alan McCullough, an administrative judge with the bureau, recommended a fine of $135,000, with one of the women receiving $75,000 and the other $60,000. Prosecutors had sought damages of $75,000 each. McCullough clarified that “[t]he amounts are damages related to the harm suffered by the complainants, not fines or civil penalties which are punitive in nature.”

              According to the Daily Signal, the two women, who have been identified as Rachel Cryer and Laurel Bowman, submitted individual lists of just under 100 aspects of suffering in order to receive the damages. They included “mental rape,” “distrust of men,” “distrust of former friends,” “discomfort,” “high blood pressure,” “impaired digestion,” “loss of appetite,” “migraine headaches,” “loss of pride,” “resumption of smoking habit,” “shock” “stunned,” “surprise,” “uncertainty,” “weight gain” and “worry.”

              But the Kleins told the court that they too had suffered because of the attacks that they received over their desire to live out their Christian faith in the workplace. They stated that they endured “mafia tactics” as their car was vandalized and broken into on two occasions, their vendors were harassed by homosexual advocates resulting in some businesses breaking ties with them, and they received threatening emails wishing rape, death and Hell upon the family. As a result, they had to close their business and move it into their private home.

              After Samaritan’s Purse, led by Franklin Graham, learned that the fundraiser for the Klein’s had been removed by GoFundMe, they set up their own fundraising page for the couple.

              “They have taken a stand for the word of God, and they should not have to stand alone,” Graham said. “I believe that Christians across our nation will rally around Aaron and Melissa and their five children.”

              “Please pray for Aaron and Melissa, and pray for our nation,” he continued. “When our judges are punishing Christians for practicing what they believe, that’s persecution, plain and simple.”

              GoFundMe says that the Kleins will still receive the funds that were raised before the page was disabled.
              Editor’s Note: Those wishing to donate to the Kleins, may click here for the fundraising page set up by Samaritan’s Purse.

              April 21, 2015

              Biorevolution: Humans Will Live 1000 Years Staying Forever Young.

              *Source: Pravada.Ru 

              The scientists said that it can become reality grace to a growing regiment of researchers who believe a biological revolution enabling humans to experience everlasting youthfulness is not that far.

               The most steps ahead are made by Aubrey de Grey - a Cambridge gerontologist and the co-founder of the California based Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation.

              Aubrey de Grey refuses to use this word immortality, because it's enormously damaging, it is not just wrong, it is damaging.

              To achieve the goal the researcher develops a therapy to kill dead cells to allow healthy cells to multiply and to replenish the tissue.

              But still his quest is on the way and the therapies are not yet perfect. De Grey says that these therapies are going to be good enough to take middle age people, say people aged 60, and rejuvenate them thoroughly enough so they won't be biologically 60 again until they are chronologically 90.

              That means we have essentially bought 30 years of time to figure out how to re-rejuvenate them when they are chronologically 90 so they won't be biologically 60 for a tVery possible that the first person who will live up to 1,000 years is already alive today.hird time until they are 120 or 150.

              As per Mr de Grey the technique for achieving eternal youthfulness is far more likely to be developed before the theories explored by other gerontologist that focus on preventing the metabolism from causing damage to the body.

              Now the researcher trying to take middle aged mice in the laboratory and rejuvenate them. After the successefull experiments on mice people will know that's it will not take a long time to do it for human beings.
              By the opinion of Aubrey de Grey he needs from six to eight years from now to realize it.

              Read article in Russian on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru

              April 14, 2015

              Dr. Scott Johnson: [4.12.15] End Time Current Events.

              [4.12.15] End Time Current Events.

              **PDF - [4.12.15] End Time Current Events**

              *Part 1 Table of Contents:
              MUST LISTEN: The Darkest Side of CERN The CONSEQUENCES Are Earth Shattering, Literally

                *Part 2 Table of Contents:

                Countering Evil–Bible Verses Regarding God’s Love
                • CERN and the Unleashing of the Dark Kingdom
                • Critical Insights Regarding CERN
                • Bizarre ‘Dance Of Destruction’ Video Performed At CERN Ahead Of Launch

                  *Part 3 Table of Contents:

                  • ‘Operation Iron Focus’ Storms Texas Ahead Of Jade Helm 15 And Christian Pastor Gives Us The Latest News On The Martial Law Takeover Plan Of America
                  • Please, tell the people, be aware of their pastor’s comings and goings and take note of resignations. The fox is in the hen house, and the sheep are being set up for the slaughter
                  • Jade Helm is Operational! Militia Units Fired Up! Gun Grabs Are Back! Jade Helm IS NOT A DRILL! Phase 1 and Phase 2 Exposed!
                  • Russia is conducting another big military drill
                  • EMPIRE STATE REBELLION: Hundred of Thousands of New Yorkers Refuse To Register So-Called ‘Assault Weapons’ Ahead Of April 15 Deadline
                  • JADE HELM: Train with Massive Military Equipment Headed for West Coast from Canada

                  *Part 4 Table of Contents:

                  • U.S. House Candidate Says Militias On High Alert in Response to Jade Helm
                  • Jade Helm is Operational!
                  • Wildcard Command Press Release 4/5/2015
                  • Report: DHS officially considers Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Utah and a couple of other states to be “terrorist” states
                  • WASHINGTON STATE: I counted 106 military vehicles heading East on I-90. On my Way East on I-90 heading home I counted 20 more military vehicles. That’s 126 in 2 days!
                  • Washington State Flies Chinese Communist Flag At State Capitol – US Patriots Come Out And Take It Down, Assisted By Law Enforcement
                  • Massive Military Convoy Spotted Headed Towards Texas! ‘I’ve Never Seen Anything Like It’ – More Jade Helm 15 Prep In America – Photos
                  • Jade hale – living in UT – what we see
                  • PILOT–We were in Tulsa yesterday on a scheduled flight and were delayed for a time while F16’s were flying with full bomb, missile and long range tank loads, while training at the airport
                  • This is the first time I’ve seen a B-52 flying in this area since maybe 20 years ago. What was even more strange was the chemtrail that appeared instantly as if someone flipped a switch on

                  *Part 5 Table of Contents:

                  • JADE HELM’S USE OF DEATH SQUADS
                  • Take Your Money Out of the Bank Before Jade Helm Ushers in Martial Law
                  • Red Flags Everywhere As NWO Prepares To Kill 240+ Million Americans In The Next 10 Years!
                  • US To Lose 78% Of Population By 2025 And Now We Know Why – A Confluence Of Crisis With A Devastating Result – Comes Out Of Closet – ‘Death Toll Will Be Horrible’

                  **Dr. Scott Johnson**