[4.27.14] End Time Current Events.
**PDF - [4.27.14] End Time Current Events.**
*Part 1 Table of Contents:
- Bible Verses
- Repost: Easter/Ishtar–Paganism Repackaged
- Popes Blasphemous Idolatrous Route to Catholic Sainthood
- Cliven Bundy’s Pro-Black, Pro-Mexican, Anti-Government Statements Completely Discredits New York Times
- Black Soldiers: Cliven Bundy Is Not Racist
- HOAX EXPOSED: Full Clip Of Cliven Bundy’s Non-Racist, Pro-Black, Pro-Mexican, Anti-Government Remarks Vs. NYTimes’ Deceptively Edited Version
- Chilling Truth: The Siege of the Bundy Ranch Reaches into the White House
- Barack Obama and the BLM Land Grab: The Evil Agenda of Communist Takeover
*Part 1 Table of Contents:
- BLM Selling Out America
- Bundy Ranch, 20 State Reps Form The Coalition For Western States, Oathkeepers Call 50 Militia To Stay At Ranch 90+ Days
- 50 Political Leaders from 9 states gather in Utah to discuss ways to take back control of federal lands
- Listener Update on NY Gun Registration Resistance
**Dr. Scott Johnson**
The King James Bible, its Translators & King James the I of England Defended
**PDF - The King James Bible, its Translators & King James the I of England Defended.**
*Table of Contents:
- ABOUT King James VI & I AKA: King James I of England, King James VI of Scotland, James Charles Stuart
- King James I and Papal Opposition King James and his translators were no a “closet” Catholics–This study includes excerpts of King James’ and the translators own writings
- “What about the translations of the Bible that existed before the Authorized Version of 1611? what is to be made of them?” (The King James translators themselves answer the question.
- The Translators of the King James Bible (a group of linguists unlike the world has ever known)
- Transcription of the Gunpowder Plot Trial Roman Catholics tried to kill King James I . Taken from Collection of State Trials.
- The Mayflower Compact King James I was founding monarch of the first successful colonies in America.
- Insult to Indictment The critical case against King James VI & I examined
- Did King James I Burn Baptists?
- King James and the Puritans
- KJV-The Apocryphal Books & Inspiration
- One World Bible for One World Religion
- The “KJV Translated by Sir Francis Bacon” Lie Exposed
- Reasons for Accepting the KJV as God’s Preserved Word
- King James “The VI of Scotland” & “The I of England” Unjustly Accused? Homosexual Allegations Against King James Refuted
- Who were the King James Version Translators?
**Dr. Scott Johnson**
[4.6.14] End Time Current Events.
**PDF - [4.6.14] End Time Current Events**
*Part 1 Table of Contents:
- EPIDEMIC: At Least 22 Veterans Commit Suicide Each Day…
- Army Admits Fort Hood Shooter Was on Psychiatric Drugs
- The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave
- Beyond Treason-The Horrific Reality of Gulf War Syndrome
- A Listener Testimony regarding military experimental vaccines
*Part 2 Table of Contents:
- Soviet Sweden? Model Nation Sliding to Third World
- Muslim Brotherhood in America: The Overview
- CRAZY! Pope Francis to Be Seen Worldwide In 3D on April 27th!
*Part 3 Table of Contents:
- The Noah Movie Deception Exposed
- Listener Question: Why would God let someone be born that he knows will end up in hell? Wouldn’t it be better for the person to never be born at all?
- Listener Comment & My Response on: “Faith & Works”
*Part 4 Table of Contents:
- A terrifying fight against the deadliest virus on Earth: Medic reveals true horror of Ebola outbreak as incurable disease liquefies victims from the inside
- The Ebola Outbreak Is Spreading: Pray to God It Doesn’t Hitch A Ride To The West
- Angry mob attacks Ebola treatment center…
- Outbreak is a 1995 American medical disaster film about an Ebola like Pandemic
- US Licensing LIVE Rabies Based EBOLA Vaccine, Preps Pandemic Quarantine Stations & Injury Fund
- Prospective Grant of Exclusive License: Multivalent Vaccines for Rabies Virus and Ebola and Marburg (Filoviruses)
- “Zombie Virus” Possible via Rabies-Flu Hybrid?
- Vaccine warfare! Texas air-drops rabies vaccines for animals over a 7,000 sq. miles area
- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has already conducted bizarre experiments on genetically engineered mosquitoes that carry vaccines to be silently injected into unsuspecting humans and have also invested heavily in a covert vaccination technology that could vaccinate you with a spray mist used at airport security checkpoints
- ‘I Am Legend’ and the Depopulation Agenda
- Vaccine For Rabies and their Diabolical Ingredients
- US Government Showing Major Concern For A Devastating ZERO DAY Pandemic Exploit
- Dr. Johnson’s Presentation: Avian Flu – Killer of Millions
- Recommended Protocols for Ebola and Rabies
**Dr. Scott Johnson**