**PDF - [10.27.13] End Time Current Events**
*Part 1 Table of Contents:
- America: DHS preparing for possible Riots / Martial Law on Nov 1st over Food Stamps–FOX video News Updates
- Fort Hood Soldiers Told That Christians, ProLifers & Tea Partiers are a Radical Terror Threat
- Leaked Video: FEMA Preparing Military Police For Gun Confiscations and Martial Law
*Part 2 Table of Contents:
- Bible Verses Overcoming, Protection, Answering Prayer, Comfort, Faith, Justification & Fear of the Lord
- Bring Out Your Dead! Mobile Mortuary Pandemic Response Mobilization
- H7N9 Jobs; Sudden Hiring For National Animal Health Emergency Response Corps
- DHS to Monopolize VERIZON Phone System During Emergencies
- WOW! CDC Creates New H7N9 Division To CONTROL Local PANDEMIC Response!
- Bring Out Your Dead! Mobile Mortuary Pandemic Response Mobilization
- The Days Ahead-What to Expect and How to Prepare–Proactive Measures In the Event of a Pandemic
*Part 3 Table of Contents:
- Pope Francis Thinks You Are Insane For Taking Your Faith Seriously
- 2007 NBC Report Predicts: All Americans May Receive A Microchip Implant In 2017 Per Obamacare (VIDEOS)
- Listener Question: Is it possible if you could discuss this “you can still get saved if you take the mark of the beast” heresy that’s floating around now?
- Proof RFID Microchip Is In Obama Health Care
*Part 4 Table of Contents:
- Blood Donations are Potential Biohazard from Those Vaccinated with Gardasil
- Girl Severely Damaged by Gardasil recounts Horrifying Medical Ordeal while Doctors call her a Liar
- Are polio vaccines safe?
- The Danger of GMO Vitamins
- Halal Islamic Food and the 1 Corinthians 8 argument analyzed
**Dr. Scott Johnson**