At first glance, Monster High is just another trendy, fashionable doll line. However, looking at Monster High’s symbolism and at the videos relating to it, we discover that it is communicating many specific messages to young children, particularly to young girls. We’ll look at how this toy line is used to introduce children to some aspects of the Illuminati Agenda.
Monster High is a highly successful toy franchise that is somewhat similar to the Bratz doll line, as both are comprised of edgy, fashionable characters with attitude. Like many other toy franchises, Monster High is much more than a doll line: It is a multi-platform franchise comprised of toys, DVDs, a web series, music videos, video games, books, clothing accessories, and much more.
The brand distinguishes itself with its unique, twisted universe inspired by monster movies and sci-fi horror. All of the characters are either offspring of known movie monsters or some kind of undead zombies. While Monster High’s slogan is “Be yourself, be unique, be a monster!”, this franchise also communicates deeper messages to its young audience. In fact, a closer look at the stories in Monster High reveals that it is perfectly in sync with the Illuminati’s Agenda as it promotes themes such as hypersexualization, superficiality, a culture of death and even Monarch Mind Control. As seen in previous articles on this site, these themes are abundant in mass media and, the fact that they are present in a doll line for kids further proves that there’s a continuous effort to expose impressionable minds to a specific set of symbols and values.
This should not come as a surprise, as Monster High was created by the world’s largest toy company, Mattel, with revenues of over $6.2 billion per year. The chairman of the board of directors, Robert A. Eckert, is a long-time member of the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergs, the two most powerful elite circles shaping the world today. As you might know, company representatives who attend these elite meetings are there because their brands can help push the elite’s long-term Agenda. Powerful, world-reaching companies such as Mattel do not simply sell products, they sell a culture associated with them. Considering how children get attached and even obsessed with their dolls and the universe that surrounds them, what better way to reach young minds and to teach them the values of a New World Order future? Let’s look at Monster High and the universe it introduces to young children.
The Monster High Universe
The characters of Monster High are dressed in outfits that are rather inappropriate for high school. Also, their lockers are shaped like coffins with skull heads for locks. In short, it is all about pushing a culture of sex and death on young, impressionable children.
Frankengirl is the daughter of Frankenstein. Her entire body is stitched up together and, sometimes, she loses some of her body parts. In MK symbolism, this represents the powerlessness of slaves and their fragmented nature. Also, notice her “logo” at the top right: fractured and stitched up skull – representing a fragmented mind.
Frankengirl can eletroshock herself and others – a reference to electroshock torture used in Monarch Mind Control to program slaves.
Frankengirl electroshocked.
Here’s Frankengirl on a bedding set giving the One-Eye sign. Yes, little girls can now sleep draped in Illuminati symbolism.
Speaking of which, here’s a “Happy New Year” message from Monster High with another prominent One-Eye sign
Operetta is the daughter of the Phantom of the Opera. She excels in the performing arts, such as singing and dancing. In some ways, she is the star entertainer of the group. Unsurprisingly, the symbolism associated with her fit right in with the symbolism associated with today’s real-life pop stars – i.e: the inevitable One-Eye sign.
As if to highlight her connection to Illuminati music industry, all of the symbolism relating to Operatta (even her logo) revolves around the One-Eye sign. Like the Lady Gaga and the Rihannas of this world, she is almost always emphasizing one eye. Also, I’m not sure how she can walk with these shoes – but that’s another story.
Operetta practices her music in a place called the Catacombs. The symbolism of her hideout is quite blatant.
Operatta’s stage is “overseen” by a prominent All-Seeing Eye.
As we’ve seen in previous articles on this site, Sex Kitten programming is represented in popular culture with feline prints and cat-like attributes on attractive girls. The Werecat sisters are all about that.
The Werecat sisters’ symbolism is all about Kitten Programming. The twins (on the right) truly do not have a mind of their own.
The Werecat sisters “behind bars” … or re-educated by the System.
“Some children live in foster homes, or with adopted parents, or in orphanages, or with caretakers and guardians. Because these children are at the mercy of the non-related adults, these types of children frequently are sold to become mind-controlled slaves of the intelligence agencies. In review, remember that because many of these organizations are controlled by the Illuminati; an Illuminati slave may often work for one of these front groups, while the Illuminati maintain control over the base-program.”
- Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Formula to Create a Mind Control Slave
The sisters are then “recruited” by the “headmistress” of Monster High. You’ll notice that she is holding her head in her hand, a way of showing that MK Handlers are also often mind controlled.
Relevant fact: Marilyn Monroe, the prototype of Kitten Programing was also declared a “Ward of the State” and lived in foster homes during her youth. Another relevant fact: The father of MK-Ultra, Josef Mengele, experimented on thousands of twins to perfect mind-control techniques.
The Monster High website contains numerous animated webisodes that are extremely popular (each one of them has racked up several million YouTube views). While the main goal of these video shorts is to sell dolls, there is nevertheless a lot of symbolism in them. Also, some videos refer to mind-control concepts in a rather blatant way. Let’s look at some of these videos.Dueling Personality
This video deals with the core of Monarch Programming: The creation of completely separate alter personas. Frankengirl’s boyfriend, named Jackson, discovers that he has an alter personality that acts completely separately from him. At the beginning of the video he says:“So every time I wake up in some dark alley alone and confused, its all because of him! I’ve got so much to say to that guy. But I can’t even confront him about it … because he’s me.”
Holt, Jackson’s “cool” alter persona has a tattoo around one eye, as if to emphasize the Illuminati Mind Control stuff underlying this story.
Anyways, Jackson’s problems with his alter persona pop up in several other webisodes.
In the episode entitled “I Know What You Did Last Frightday“, the headmistress triggers Jackson’s alter persona using music – an actual MK technique – because she needs the creative Holt to paint a mural.
Undo the Voodoo
Another webisode focuses on Hoodude, a voodoo doll that is having a bad day and, because he’s a voodoo doll, everyone at school is having a bad day.
Hoodude is yet another character that is artificially created and that doesn’t really have a mind of his own. Also, there’s a one-eye thing is going on with his different-colored buttons.
“In discussing how trauma-based mind-control is done, voodoo must be included as a component. Many of the Mind-controlled slaves have had voodoo as part of their trauma, and many had voodoo dolls placed into their Systems. When vows and oaths are made, an object is given to the satanic cult or the Illuminati for the Keeper of the Seals to guard. If the vow is broken voodoo magic can be used against the offender by using the object given in the sealing.”To solve Hoodude’s problem, the girls at school ask for the help of Scarah the mind reader.
- Ibid.
Scarah reads Hoodude’s mind.
Scarah then tells her friends that they need to literally enter Hoodude’s head to fix his self-esteem issues.
The girls in some kind Mind Control lab to enter Hoodude’s head.
Scarah reconnects two loose wires inside Hoodude’s brain so he loves himself again.
Hoodude can now look at himself in the mirror and love himself again.
There are many other Monster High videos that are filled with this kind of symbolism. However, I believe we’ve all suffered enough going through just these three.
In Conclusion
I can imagine some people reading this article and thinking: “He’s talking dolls and cartoons now? How about talking about the real issues like politics, grumble, grumble”. Yes, on a superficial level, talking about dolls and cartoons may not come off as “serious” analysis. However, we must remember that, for the powers that be, there is nothing more serious than capturing the minds of children at a young age in order to mold them for the future. For propagandists, there is no age limit for pushing a message. They realize that the younger the audience, the more effective their message will be. Marketing specialists know that brand loyalty is taught at very early age (i.e. Heinz Ketchup, Kellogs cereal, etc.) and propaganda messages simply another product to market.So what kind of message does a franchise like Monster High communicate to children? There are several levels.
On a basic level, the characters of Monster High are obviously hypersexualized as they are dressed in outfits that can only be found in sex shops. Considering the doll’s target market (girls under 10 years old), we can imagine how this trains girls to believe that, in order to be cool, they have to be very sexy, very early. Then, there’s this whole death-worship thing going on, with coffin-shaped lockers and coffin-shaped cellphones and coffin-shaped guitars and skulls everywhere. Mix these two very visible aspects together and you’ve got the sex-and-death mass media cocktail that is constantly pushed to all audiences, but particularly young people. Furthermore, the characters in Monster High evolve in a context that is completely obsessed with superficiality, appearances and materialism – all values that are actively promoted to today’s youth. When Monster High fans grow out of their doll-playing phase, they will most likely start watching music videos and TV shows that promote the exact same set of values. Sadly, they will question none of it because they have been exposed to this Agenda since their tender youth.
On secondary level, almost everything in Monster High relates in one way or another to the dark, disturbing world of Illuminati Mind Control. The school can be likened to a MK-programming center, led by a “headmistress” whose own head pops off in a literal symbol of dissociation. All of the students are either artificial creations or zombies who do not have a mind of their own (funny how the line’s theme song ends with the words “Don’t you want to be a Monster too?” Concepts associated with trauma-based mind control such as alter-personas, duality, dissociation, kitten programming and even electroshock torture are represented in Monster High. As if that wasn’t enough, the whole Monster High franchise is laced with the Illuminati symbolism I’ve described time and time again on this site, proving that, not only is this symbolism not accidental, but that this Agenda is being promoted everywhere … even to young children who just want to play with dolls.
So why do they do this? Because, as Hitler stated: “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”
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