June 20, 2012

Prometheus 2 In Development.

*Source: The Nexus News

According to our insider information: Prometheus 2 is under works, and it is planned for a 2014/2015 release (Note that this is only an estimation and not the final date – more accurate date will be announced after the planning stage of the film is complete). The filming is hoped to start this year (if the desired conditions are met). Currently they are at the Planning stage, where they lay out the entire plan on how to film the movie in the proper order and how to achieve some of the special effects described in both the scripts (currently in progress) and the concept arts. Later this year there would be production videos showing the progress that they made thus far, and how they didn’t waste any time.

Their ideas are very solid, and answer several questions that were asked in the first movie. Although several questions will answered throughout Prometheus 2, the story would be based on two main plot lines that were left off from the last movie. The first and most important is where will Dr. Shaw and David go, and what will they find there. It has been speculated that Elder Engineers that were cut from the last movie will play a huge role in the sequel. They were probably cut from the main movie for the same reason. Because it was thought that perhaps they need to be reworked, and represented in a whole different way.

Prometheus 2 Elder Engineers

The release date for the movie is still not yet set, but due to the heavy visual arts involved the time for the release is expected to be sometime in 2014 or 2015 (Date might change depending on the decisions made in the planning stage). At this point nothing is a sure fact. However there is one thing for sure. Although Prometheus 2 is set to answer some of the questions asked in the first movie, there sure will be more questions created that are going to be left for the third and final installment of the series Prometheus 3.


Our insider confirmed “Again” that a Prometheus 2 is in development. It was reported to us that the release date was a desired estimate, and in worse case the movie might even take up to 2017. It all depends on the various elements of film making. Same situation has happened with the first movie (Prometheus), as it was planned mainly to be released much earlier. Do notice that release dates change very frequently, and we take no responsibility for what we are told on that, since even those that are part of the planning team are changing the estimate as the plan progresses.

The only fact thus far is that a Prometheus 2 is in development and is currently being planned.

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