January 30, 2014

Dr. Scott Johnson: [1.19.14] End Time Current Events.

[1.19.14] End Time Current Events.

**PDF - [1.19.14] End Time Current Events**

*Part 1 Table of Contents:

  • Obama Announces Plan to Rule by Executive Order
  • NSA Official Says: ‘We Are Now a Police State’..
  • Regarding this NSA Spying scandal Obama recently said to: CALM DOWN… as the
    NSA Spies Are ‘Our Neighbors and Friends’… & the WHITE HOUSE or Obama didn’t know extent of surveillance…
  • Agenda 21: California Law Would Abolish Private Property
  • Ford VP: ‘We have GPS in your car, so we know what you’re doing’
  • Child-tracking wristbands edge us closer to a dystopian future–Parents will soon be able to track, log and judge the every movement of their offspring

*Part 2 Table of Contents:

  • The Sides Are Forming for the Coming Civil War
  • The Imminent Invasion of the US Has Been Planned for Decades

*Part 3 Table of Contents:

  • Update: Grave Warnings
  • Listener Comment: 501c3 Clergy Response Team Preparations?
  • FEMA Seeking Contractors Who Can Supply Biohazard Disposal Facilities, Tarps and Housing Units With 24-48 Hours Notice
  • First North American death from H5N1 bird flu–Question
  • Colloidal Silver Testimonial For Lung Issues
  • MMS Question & Guidelines Document & How to Get the Invive Silver Outside the USA

**Dr. Scott Johnson**

Dr. Scott Johnson: [1.12.14] End Time Current Events.

[1.12.14] End Time Current Events.

**There is no PDF for this Broadcast.**

*Part 1 Table of Contents:

MASSIVE In-Home Restrictions and FORCED Appliance Change Outs – Eliminating Gas by the C.A.P.by Deborah Tavares –Climate Action Plan Alert–Joyce Riley Power Hour–12/11/2013 Guest Deborah Tavares

Green 8 Radiation Protection Devices Protection Against Cell Phone, WiFi, Laptop, Desktop, Appliances & Cell Tower Radiation

**Dr. Scott Johnson**

Dr. Scott Johnson: [12.29.13] End Time Current Events.

[12.29.13] End Time Current Events.

**PDF - [12.29.13] End Time Current Events**

*Part 1 Table of Contents:

  • Atheists, Work With Us for Peace, Pope Says on X-mas
  • The Vatican’s Billions
  • Part 1: Eastern Exodus–Some Protestant leaders are leaving their evangelical roots for Catholic and Orthodox churches

*Part 2 Table of Contents:

  • Eastern Exodus–Some Protestant leaders are leaving their evangelical roots for Catholic and Orthodox churches

*Part 3 Table of Contents:

  • A Devastating False Flag Attack Event Is Coming Our Way – The New Madrid Fault – Earthquakes – Gatlinburg TN – The Gulf Oil Disaster – The Salt Domes of Louisiana – HAARP
  • Listener Question: Have you found your topics to be dangerous or have they got you into trouble?

*Part 4 Table of Contents:

  • Cost Effective, Powerful Detoxification Regimes
  • 24 Pages of Cost Effective Powerful “Do it Yourself” Detoxification Protocols
  • The Liver and Gallbladder Flush
  • Oil Pulling For Health, Even if You Aren’t a Texas Oil Tycoon
  • Super ll Formula-Harmony Formulas strongest bowel cleanser
  • Gravity Fed Water Purification & Fluoride Removal System: ProPur
  • Extremely Important: Fluoride Treatment – 5 Ways to Detox Fluoride
  • Researchers Develop Herbal Method to Remove Fluoride from Drinking Water
  • Worried About Fluoride Exposure? Protect Yourself with Selenium
  • Reverse Osmosis & Fluoride: An Invisible Killer
  • The lemon detox diet / Master Cleanse — a recipe that really works

**Dr. Scott Johnson**

Dr. Scott Johnson: [12.15.13] End Time Current Events.

[12.15.13] End Time Current Events.

**PDF - [12.15.13] End Time Current Events**

*Part 1 Table of Contents:

  • One church is requiring all home bible study groups leaders to register with LifeScan registry – a database maintained by the FBI
  • The True Meaning of the word Christmas / Christ-Mass
  • Islamic Jihad—It’s NOT Coming- IT IS HERE! Oslo Police: “We Have Lost The City” to the Muslims
  • Islam Encourages Savage Rapes Of Non-Muslim Women

*Part 2 Table of Contents:

  • CDC’s Obamacare Secret Security Force, Not Very Secret, But Definitely Scary
  • ALERT H7N9 Detected In Europe; Family Under Medical Observation
  • H7N9 ALERT! EXPLOSIVE Situation In Hong Kong Emergency
  • H7N9 Hospital Spread Being Hidden In China
  • H7N9: CDC Emergency Medical Stockpile Deliveries To The Pacific
  • Video Avian Flu: Killer of Millions? by Dr. Scott Johnson
  • Horror as patient wakes up in NY hospital with doctors trying to harvest her organs for transplant profits
  • Colloidal Silver questions–Anything that MSP can do for a toothache?
  • Bleeding Ulcer Question
  • C Complete Powder Testimony
  • Bronchitis/Colloidal Silver Testimony
  • Pink eye and MSP Testimony
  • TempurPedic Beds Comment & Warning plus Alternative
  • Ecoloblue Atmospheric Water Generator Question
  • Edible – Medicinal Landscaping

**Dr. Scott Johnson**

January 24, 2014

Symbolic Pics of the Month 01/14

*Source: The Vigilant Citizen

In this edition of SPOTM: Miley Cyrus, Kanye West, Kourtney Kardashian, Jared Leto and, as usual, what the hell is wrong with the fashion world?
Miley Cyrus is the new face of Marc Jacobs. She is posing here next to what appears to be a dead girl.
In Marc Jacob’s Spring 2014 campaign, Miley Cyrus is sitting there, being stylish next to … a dead girl. So fashion forward.

In this pic, Miley looks really cool with shades on ... the dead girl looks cools as well. This ad campaign prompted a writer at The Guardian to publish an article entitled "How female corpses became a fashion trend", where the writer cited a few other examples of dead women in fashion shoots. This is simply an extension of the culture of death is prevailing in pop culture, where deshumanization is something that is being made cool and fashionable.
In this pic, Miley looks really cool with shades on … the dead girl looks cools as well. This ad campaign prompted a writer at The Guardian to publish an article entitled “How female corpses became a fashion trend“, where the writer cites a few other examples where dead women are featured in fashion shoots. This ad campaign is simply a continuation of the culture of death that is prevailing in pop culture. Dehumanization is trendy.

Speaking of the dehumanizing fashion here are Bobby Abley designs featured at London's Men Fashion Week. Yup, its a guy wearing a shirt saying "0 brains", with a Mikey Mouse hat (a symbol of mind control) and a device forcing his mouth open, like some kind of inflatable doll. In short, this model is turned into a brainless, mind controlled zombie. And people are watching this and clapping.
Speaking of the dehumanizing fashion, here are pics from a fashion show during London’s Men Fashion Week. Yup, its a guy wearing a shirt saying “Brains 0″, combined with a Mikey Mouse hat (a symbol of mind control) and a device forcing his mouth open. I do not think it is possible to make that guy look more idiotic and, even worse, more of a symbol for mind control in the fashion world.

Here's a guy with horns on his heads, the letters R.I.P. on his shirt and barb wires on his sleaves. In short, he is a celebration of Illuminati mind control and death culture. He can't say anything about it because his mouth is forced open.
Another model with horns on his heads, the letters R.I.P. on his shirt and barb wires on his sleeves. In short, he is a celebration of Illuminati mind control and death culture. He can’t say anything about it because his mouth is forced open.

Ummm...why are you trying to look like Kelly Rowland's twin brother? But seriously, why is the fashion world desperately trying to make women look masculine and men look feminine?
Dude…why are you trying to look like Kelly Rowland’s twin brother? But seriously, the fashion world is desperately trying to make women look masculine and men look feminine.

Beyoncé posted this pic on Instagram where she is posing sexily in front of a painting of the Last Supper. If you notice, she is hiding Jesus Christ on the pic, prompting commentators to dub this pics "Beyzus". While this may be dismissed as an innocent picture, it is perfectly in line with Jay-Z and Kanye West's recurrent themes of being gods themselves.
Beyoncé posted this pic on Instagram. She is posing sexily in front of a painting of the Last Supper and is hiding Jesus Christ on the pic. This prompting some people to dub her “Beyzus”. While this may be dismissed as an innocent picture, it is perfectly in line with Jay-Z and Kanye West’s recurrent themes of being/becoming Jesus, which is in line with the occult elite’s belief of seeking godhood.

Speaking of Almighty Yeezus, here's Kanye West in a photoshoot for Interview magazine. It was shot by Steven Klein who directed Lady Gaga and Britney Spears videos. Unsuprisingly, there is mind control in the photoshoot. Here, Kanye is sitting in what appears to be an electric chair with an uncomfortable mask on his head.
Speaking of Almighty Yeezus, here’s Kanye in a photoshoot for Interview magazine. It was shot by Steven Klein, who also worked with Lady Gaga and Britney Spears videos. Unsurprisingly, the photoshoot features MK imagery. In this pic, Kanye is sitting in what appears to be an electric chair with an uncomfortable mask on his head.

Here he appears to be suffocating, a common torture used on MK slaves. While this shoot may represent Kanye's "trials and tribulations" and whatnot, the imagery still reinforces the promotion of deshumanziation and torture in mainstream media.
In this pic, he appears to be suffocating, a common torture used on MK slaves. While this shoot may represent Kanye’s “trials and tribulations”, the imagery is still in line with the promotion of dehumanization and torture in mainstream media.

Kanye wearing the world's most elaborate mask which features one hole for one eye. More MK symbolism.
Kanye wearing the world’s most elaborate mask which features one hole for one eye. More MK symbolism.

Now let's look at Yeezus' sister-in-law Chloe Kardashian and her photoshoot for The Coveteur magazine. This seemingly innoncent article on her "Louboutin-filled" closet is actually more filled with MK imagery. Here she is posing weirdly with the now non-avoidable Mickey Mouse hat, the symbol of mind control in the entertainment industry.
Now let’s look at Yeezus’ sister-in-law, Kourtney Kardashian, and her photoshoot for The Coveteur magazine. This seemingly innocent article about her “Louboutin-filled” closet is actually more filled with MK imagery. For no obvious reason, Kourtney is wearing a Mickey Mouse hat (symbol of mind control).

Mikey Mouse hat + cat = Beta Kitten Programming.
Mikey Mouse hat + cat = Beta Kitten Programming.

Animal prints are used to identify Beta slaves aka Sex Kittens.
Animal prints are used to identify Beta slaves aka Sex Kittens.

No MK-themed shoot would be complete without a one-eye sign. Here it is.
No MK-themed shoot would be complete without a one-eye sign. Here it is.

Here are Khloe's sisters (notice how people in the above pics are all related?) 2013 Christmas card. The word "Naughty" is used to hide one of her eyes. Yes, being an Illuminati pawn forces you into become "naughty". But that word is probably not strong enough.
Here are Khloe’s half-sisters Kendall and Kylie (notice how people in the above pics are all related) 2013 Christmas card. The word “Naughty” is used to hide one of her eyes. Yes, being an Illuminati pawn forces you into become “naughty”. But that word is probably not strong enough.

Speaking of Kendall Jenner, here's a picture she posted on Instagram. Guess she's under Baphomet's spell now.
Here’s a picture posted by Kendall on Instagram. Guess she’s under Baphomet’s spell now.

Here's Jared Leto (a regular at SPOTM) doing a triangle with his hands and conveniently hiding one eye with it.
Here’s Jared Leto (a regular at SPOTM) forming a triangle with his hands and conveniently hiding one eye with them.

Jared on the cover of Hollywood magazine. He wears an All-Seeing Eye ring so you fully understand why he is always hiding one eye.
Jared on the cover of Hollywood magazine. He wears an All-Seeing Eye ring so you fully understand why he is always hiding one eye.

Here's Jared trying hard to look like Jesus. Can someone maybe send a memo to Jared, Beyoncé and Kanye to let them know that they are NOT Jesus? They seem confused about that. But seriously, this simply goes with the Agenda of de-holifying and humanizing Christianity in mass media.
Here’s Jared trying hard to look like Jesus. Can someone maybe send a memo to Jared, Beyoncé and Kanye to let them know that they are NOT Jesus? They seem confused about this fact.

Here's what people in Sydney saw on New Years Eve: A giant All-Seeing Eye watching the city. Creeptacular.
Here’s what people in Sydney saw on New Years Eve: A giant All-Seeing Eye watching the city. Creeptacular.

This coin was issued by the Royal Australian Mint to commemorate the 2014 New Year's Eve. Once again, its all about that Eye.
This coin was issued by the Royal Australian Mint to commemorate the 2014 New Year’s Eve. Once again, its all about that Eye.

This is a page from a children's book called 'Olivia Goes to Vennice'. Why is Olivia "very pleased" about being searched by these two pigs? Looks like an attempt at normalizing TSA searches to young children.
This is a page from a children’s book called ‘Olivia Goes to Venice’. Why is Olivia “very pleased” about being searched by these two pigs? Looks like an attempt at normalizing TSA searches to young children.

This is a screenshot taken from the official website of the movie Devil's Due. It asks people to convert their Facebook religion to satanism to receive an "offering". Just another way of making pushing satanism to the masses.
This is a screenshot taken from the official website of the movie Devil’s Due. It asks people to convert their Facebook religion to satanism to receive an “offering”. Just another way of pushing satanism to the masses.