December 19, 2013

News Legend: We Thought Obama Was 'Messiah'

*Source: WND

Broadcast veteran Barbara Walters has finally admitted what many news watchers have thought about people in the media and their adoration of Barack Obama.

“We thought that he was going to be – I shouldn’t say this at Christmastime – but the next messiah,” Walters told CNN’s Piers Morgan Tuesday night.

The response came after Morgan asked the co-host of “The View” why Obama has faced so much opposition, and “Why is he struggling so much to really fulfill the great flame of ambition and excitement that he was elected on originally in 2009?”

“He made so many promises,” she explained, then making the messiah comment.

“And the whole Obamacare, or whatever you want to call it, that Affordable Health Act, it just hasn’t worked for him, and he’s stumbled around on it, and people feel very disappointed because they expected more.”

She added: “It’s very difficult when the expectations for you are very high. You’re almost better off when they are low and then they rise and rise. His were very high and they’ve dropped. But you know? He still has several years to go. What does he have, three years more, Piers? And, you know, there will be a lot of changes, one thinks in that time.”

Radio host Rush Limbaugh couldn’t help but weigh in on Walters’ messianic view of Obama.

“This is how the left promoted Obama. It’s how he promoted himself, and it’s how a lot of voters saw him,” Limbaugh explained Wednesday on his national program.

“Believe me, she’s a believer. She’s not mocking or laughing at this. … If she were mocking it, she wouldn’t have paused and begged for understanding at Christmastime.”

“Who in their right mind would put this much on any politician?” he continued. “She’s not uncommon here … among people in the media. It’s all rooted in race and sympathy. It’s all related to surface things. … It was all blind faith.”

Limbaugh said Americans shouldn’t doubt “that these sycophants in the media that bought hook, line and sinker this messiah business” actually considered Obama their political savior.

“He was the messiah,” he noted. “He had come to save them, to absolve them, to once again assert them upon the pedestals of power. That’s exactly how they saw him.”

Walters is just the latest media star to wax biblical when it comes to perception of the president.

As WND reported this month, MSNBC “Hardball” host Chris Matthews sounded somewhat scriptural when he described Obama coming to the MSNBC studios to do an interview with him.

President Obama and MSNBC

Matthews gleefully told his reporter colleagues after the interview: “He came amongst us.”

In 2008, Matthews said of Obama: “I have to tell you, you know, it’s part of reporting this case, this election, the feeling most people get when they hear Barack Obama’s speech. My, I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don’t have that too often.”

Thursday night, liberal pundits Howard Fineman of the Huffington Post and David Corn of Mother Jones joined Matthews for a post-interview analysis.

Fineman noted the president appeared to be “dealing with complexities” of government and said, “Change you can believe in, but making change happen is hard.”

Corn said he “saw a president who remains frustrated with the political media culture that he has to work within and that he’s looking to rally people, students, reporters, people within the media.”

“David Corn, you skeptic, he came to us today. He came amongst us,” Matthews replied.

Corn responded that Obama is “trying to rally people behind this vision that he’s promoting for a couple years.”

Columnist Mary Katharine Ham got right to the point of Matthews’ reaction to Obama.

“And, lo, the president came upon them, and the glory of the president shone round about them: and they were sore afraid,” she wrote, satirizing on the story of the birth of Jesus in the New Testament.

Matthews, before the interview, had been giddy, saying he got “Christmas Eve excitement” about the interview.

Messianic references to Obama seem to be multiplying of late. It was just days ago when WND reported a new lesson plan for American school students, offered on an open marketplace for educators, was suggesting such a reference.

The lesson, created by Sherece Bennett, is based on the book “Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope” by Nikki Grimes.

Kyle Olson reported the plan on his Education Action Group website, commenting that it casts Obama “in a messianic light. Literally.”

In one passage, Olson points out, a young Obama sees beggars and wonders, “Will I ever be able to help people like these?’”

“Hope hung deep inside of him,” the book says.

Olson quotes another section: “Before dawn each morning, Barry rose – his mother’s voice driving him from dream land. ‘Time for learning English grammar and the Golden Rule. Be honest, be kind, be fair,’ she taught him.”

The lesson even uses biblical references to describe Obama, explaining how he changed his name from Barry.

“One morning, he slipped on the name he’d been born with. The name of his father, Barack. For the first time in his life, he wore it proudly – like a coat of many colors.”

“Uh oh,” wrote Olson, “Another Obama-inspired biblical reference in a government school!

“But there’s no controversy here. Leftists will use God and the Bible, in instances such as these, when it appropriately fits their propaganda purposes.”

WND reported over the Obama White House tenure on the widespread veneration of Obama since his 2008 campaign.

Explained talk radio host Rush Limbaugh at one time: “They happen to think Obama is the end of the world, but in a great way, he’s it. There’s nothing better, Obama is the messiah. People still have that kind of affection for him.”

Earlier, in a WND column, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson wrote: “President Barack Obama is the most divisive man to ever occupy the White House – period! Yet, 95 percent of black Americans worship him as if he’s the messiah. Why?”

He noted Hollywood personality Jamie Foxx’s comment at the Soul Train Awards: “Thank God, and our lord and savior, Barack Obama!”

Jesse Lee Peterson’s book mercilessly exposes popular black “icons” – “Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America”

Peterson continued: “Most black preachers and leaders secretly agree with Jamie Foxx, which is why there was no outcry from these people. Never mind that Obama stands for everything that is godless, i.e.: unfettered abortions, class warfare, amnesty for illegals, legalizing same-sex marriage, revoking DADT (weakening the U.S. Armed Forces) and lack of resolve in his support for Israel.”

WND reported when an observant reporter at a Democratic National Convention came across a shocking bit of “kitsch” for sale that seemed to suggest God so loved the world, He sent us Barack Obama.

“The Cult of Obama staggers on,” wrote David Weigel of “The streets near the convention zone are dotted with vendors selling for-us-by-us Obama merch [sic].”

Among the available merchandise, Weigel came across a photo calendar attributed to James Hickman and offered by a man who reportedly claimed to be Hickman’s nephew.

Most of the calendar’s months are filled with complimentary photos of Obama and factoids about the history of black Americans. But for the August entry — the month of Obama’s birth — the photo features the short-form birth certificate originally purported to be Obama’s and the words, “Heaven Sent: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life – John 3:16.”

The calendar page, with Obama’s purported birth certificate and a separate photo of sunlight streaming on the sitting president’s profile, seems to suggest the “heaven sent” one is not Jesus, but Obama.

And as WND has reported, the adoration of Obama has often strayed into near deification.

“Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus,” the Dutch newspaper Politiken opined in 2009.

The editorial, written on the occasion of a legislative vote in favor of Obama’s plan for a health care takeover by the government, asserted “the right of every American not to be financially shipwrecked when their health fails” as well as the “biggest ever financial support package in America’s history, a major disarmament agreement and the quickest-ever re-establishment of American reputation.”

“On the other hand, we have Jesus’ miracles that everyone still remembers, but which only benefited a few. At the same time, we have the wonderful parables about his life and deeds that we know from the New Testament, but which have been interpreted so differently over the past 2000 years that it is impossible to give an unequivocal result of his work,” the newspaper said.

Then there was British recording artist Sting’s suggestion that Obama could be the divine answer to the world’s problems.

“In many ways, he’s sent from God, because the world’s a mess,” he said in interview with the Associated Press.

Earlier, it was an associate editor at a college newspaper who wrote, “Obama is my Jesus.”

Maggie Mertens, the associate editor at the campus paper at Massachusetts’ Smith College, said: “Obama is my homeboy. And I’m not saying that because he’s black – I’m saying that in reference to those Urban Outfitters T-shirts from a couple years ago that said, ‘Jesus is my homeboy.’ Yes, I just said it. Obama is my Jesus.”

Her confession came in the Smithsophian’s commentary section under the headline: “I Will Follow Him: Obama As My Personal Jesus.”

“While you may be overtly religious and find this to be idol-worshiping, or may be overtly politically correct and just know that everything in that sentence could be found offensive, I’m afraid it’s true anyway,” she wrote.

“The Truth” by Michael D’Antuono

Also, an artist who planned to unveil a portrait of Obama in a Christ-like pose with a crown of thorns upon his brow canceled the event due to “overwhelming public outrage.”

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, meanwhile, declared when Obama talks, “the messiah is absolutely speaking.”

During Obama’s 2008 campaign, a website called “Is Barack Obama the Messiah?” captured the wave of euphoria that followed the Democratic senator’s remarkable rise.

The site featured WND’s on-site coverage of an Obama campaign rally in Seattle that captured the overwhelming adoration of his followers, who witnessed the candidate toss a bottle of water to a woman who had fainted and order the masses to part so she could receive care.

The messiah website was topped by an Obama quote strategically ripped from a Jan. 7, 2008, speech at Dartmouth College just before the New Hampshire Primary in which he told students: “A light will shine through that window, a beam of light will come down upon you, you will experience an epiphany, and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote” for Obama.

The site included this:




December 18, 2013

Symbolic Pics of the Month (12/13)

*Source: The Vigilant Citizen

This edition of SPOTM is all about the One Eye sign. As the year 2013 comes to an end, it appears that the sign of the Eye of Horus is more ubiquitous than ever. It is in our faces, all around the world and in all types of media. Here are some examples.

Rihanna is the new face of Balmain fashion house. Unsurprisingly, the two promotional prics that were released feature Rihanna with one eye subtly but wholly hidden.
Rihanna is the new face of Balmain fashion house. Unsurprisingly, the two promotional pics that were released focus on Rihanna hiding one eye.

Someone defintely took some time to place Rihanna's hair in order to hide one eye. That's the kind of pop culutre we're dealing with now.
Someone definitely took some time to place Rihanna’s hair in order to hide one eye. Ads do not simply sell products anymore, they communicate something deeper about the system.

The poster of season 4B  was critised by actress Ashley Benson, claiming: “Our faces in this were from 4 years ago . . . and we all look ridiculous. Way too much Photoshop. We all have flaws. No one looks like this. It’s not attractive.”  What she might not realize is that everything was 'shopped to hide one eye of each star, making this poster a salute to the Illuminati entertainment industry.
The poster promoting season 4B of the TV series “Pretty Little Liars” was criticized by actress Ashley Benson who said: “Our faces in this were from 4 years ago . . . and we all look ridiculous. Way too much Photoshop. We all have flaws. No one looks like this. It’s not attractive.” More importantly, all four girls have one eye hidden, making this poster a salute to the Illuminati entertainment industry.

For some reason, someone thought of creating a TV show called "Lady Gaga & The Muppets Holiday Spectacular". Who wanted to see Lady Gaga doing the one eye sign around a bunch of puppets on Thanksgiving? Apparently 3.6 million viewers (including a whole bunch of children) did.
For some reason, someone thought that a TV show called “Lady Gaga & The Muppets Holiday Spectacular” would be a great idea. Unsurprisingly, it featured Lady Gaga doing the one eye sign around a bunch of puppets. 3.6 million viewers (including a whole bunch of children) watched this on Thanksgiving. They’re pushing it.

Here's Ke$ha wearing a One-Eye outfit with a One-Eye bandana and One-Eye right on her hand. In short, she is litterally draped in the symbolism of her rulers.
Here’s Ke$ha wearing a One-Eyed outfit with a One-Eyed bandana and a One-Eyed tattoo on her hand. Eye sore.

Candice Swanepoel for iD-Magazine is wearing Mickey Mouse ears (symbolic of Disney MK Programming) and has on eye hidden.
Candice Swanepoel for iD-Magazine is wearing Mickey Mouse ears (symbolic of Disney MK Programming) and has on eye hidden.

Another pic of the photoshoot, proving that the One-Eye thing was not an accident.
Another pic from the photoshoot, proving that the One-Eye thing was not an accident.

A poster of the upcoming TV series "Intelligence". It features a guy hiding one eye with a microchip. Do I need to say more about it? No, but I'll still share with you the plot of the show: "In Intelligence, Josh Holloway stars as Gabriel Vaughn, a high-tech intelligence operative enhanced with a super-computer microchip in his brain. With this implant, Gabriel is the first human ever to be connected directly into the global information grid." Wow. Promotion of microchipping, transhumanism and all that crap all wrapped in one brainwashing TV show.
This is a poster promoting the TV series “Intelligence”. It features a guy hiding one eye with a microchip. Do I need to say more about what this represents? No, but I’ll nevertheless share with you the plot of the show: “In Intelligence, Josh Holloway stars as Gabriel Vaughn, a high-tech intelligence operative enhanced with a super-computer microchip in his brain. With this implant, Gabriel is the first human ever to be connected directly into the global information grid.” In  short, it is all about the promotion of micro-chipping, trans-humanism and all of that crap, all wrapped in one brainwashing TV show.

Pink dressed as Marilyn Monroe (the symbol of Kitten programming) with one eye hidden and mouth "shushed" by her hand. Sigh.
Pink dressed as Marilyn Monroe (figurehead of Kitten programming) with one eye  hidden. Is there a female star in the industry who DID NOT dress up as Monroe? Not really, as it appears to be an “initiatic” obligation.

Speaking of Kitten programming, here's a rare photo of Britney Spears from 2000. She is literally bathing in diamonds which is coincidentally the symbol used to indentify "presidential models", the highest level of Kitten Programming. Of course, she is hidding one eye to make sure we understand what's going on there.
Speaking of Kitten programming, here’s a rare photo of Britney Spears from 2000. She is bathing in diamonds and hiding one eye with a diamond. She also has a diamond butterfly (representing Monarch programming) on her right arm. In MK symbolism, diamonds are the symbol used to identify “presidential models”, the highest level of Kitten Programming.

This is the cover of "The Ultimate Guide to Talent Agencies and Casting Directors". The One-Eyed picture however tells you what is TRULY needed to make it in the entertainment industry.
This is the cover of the book entitled “The Ultimate Guide to Talent Agencies and Casting Directors”. The One-Eyed picture tells you what is TRULY needed to make it in the entertainment industry.

Speaking of book covers, here's the cover of "Fashion Now", a guide of the most influential designers. In case you didn't notice: THERE'S A ONE-EYE THING GOING ON ON THE COVER!
Speaking of book covers, here’s the cover of “Fashion Now”, a guide to the most influential fashion designers. Here’s a surprising fact that you might not have noticed: THERE’S A ONE-EYE SIGN THE COVER!

Another edition of "Fashion Now".
Another edition of “Fashion Now”. I don’t get fashion.

UK "reality star" (the saddest star category there is) poses in underwear and hiding one eye. Just doing what he can to cling to some celebrity.
UK “reality star” (the saddest category of stars there is) poses in underwear and is hiding one eye. Just doing what he has to do to say somewhat famous.
"Urban model" Stephanie Santiago showing off her tattoo. Someone gotta pay for dem shoes, AMIrITe!?! No.
“Urban model” Stephanie Santiago showing off her tattoo. “Someone gotta pay for dem shoes, AMIrITe!?! LOL!”.
Stephanie and her friends really want to be part of that biz.
Stephanie again, with her friends, trying to look as Illuminati pawns as possible.
The City of Sydney's New Years Eye celebrations' theme is "Shine". It's symbol: A WHOLE BUNCH OF CREEPY EYE EVERYWHERE. According to Sydney residents, there are eyes everywhere in the city.
The City of Sydney’s New Years Eye celebrations party is called “Shine”. The theme? A WHOLE BUNCH OF CREEPY EYES EVERYWHERE. Posters of the event are currently all around the city.

Here's a poster promoting "Shine". Eyes everywhere around the city of Sydney. How nice and comforting.
Here’s a poster promoting “Shine”. Eyes everywhere around the city of Sydney. How nice and comforting.

There's even All-Seeing eyes on space satellites and rockeyships. In order words, people in Sydney will celebrate the New Year under the theme of them being watched all the time.
There are even All-Seeing eyes on space satellites and rocket-ships. This does not make me want to celebrate the New Year. It makes me want to go hide in forest, away from all of these eyes.

Here's the logo of Race 4 Chase - a Sandy hook victim. My stomach is queezing.
Here’s the logo of Race 4 Chase – a charity for a Sandy hook victim. I feel sick to my stomach.

It was placed inside a park in Newtown.
It was placed inside a park in Newtown. Speaking of which, one year later, is there any new information about the alleged shooter? No, nothing at all.

Here is what left of Sandy Hook Elementary School. Questioning the "official version" of the story with crime scene evidence is now quite difficult, isn't it?
In case someone wanted to go investigate the Sandy Hook crime scene and verify the official version of the story, here is what left of Sandy Hook Elementary School. That is how you destroy evidence.

Chinese Moon Display Contains Image of Europe Being Nuked

*Source: InfoWars

Startling detail a sign of Beijing’s plan to militarize space?

Paul Joseph Watson
December 18, 2013

A display to promote China’s Jade Rabbit Moon rover includes a background photograph of a mushroom cloud over Europe, a startling detail which some have interpreted as an indication that Beijing’s space program is a cover for the militarization of space.

The image, which was used as a backdrop at an exhibit for China’s recently deployed Yutu Rover, clearly shows a nuclear explosion occurring over eastern Europe, with some speculating that the location eerily matches that of the planned U.S. missile defense system in Romania.

The photograph was not designed deliberately for the moon rover display, it is taken from a stock image. This fact has been cited by those who claim that the selection of the image was a mere oversight on behalf of Chinese officials.

However, the title of the stock image, Nuclear Explosion on Earth from Space, has prompted more cynical observers to suggest otherwise.

“There are undoubtedly those who will interpret the choice of image as a deliberate gesture,” writes Robert Gonzales. “China – having been denied membership in the multinational partnership that operates the International Space Station – has managed to forge an increasingly impressive space program largely on its own (NASA, for instance, is banned by Congress from any contact, collaborations or partnerships with China, primarily due to concerns about technology transfer), a fact that has made for some disquieting observations about China’s rise to ascendancy.”

In addition, the author of the original image has accused the Chinese government of stealing his work and giving him no credit.

“Many thanks to the Chinese government (More precisely, The Chinese International Industry Fair) for stealing & printing my work, with no credit, permission or a damn note!” the artist stated on his website, adding, “I hope your Jade Rabbit falls into a ditch on the moon and is unable to recover, you communist bastards.”

As we previously highlighted, Chinese state media itself has bragged that the moon landing program is merely the first step towards a “Death Star” moon base from which the PLA could launch missiles against any target on Earth.

The fact that top Chinese generals have been known to occasionally threaten the west with nuclear strikes also plays into the concerns.

Last month, Chinese state-run media released a map showing the locations of major U.S. cities and how they would be impacted by a nuclear attack launched from the PLA’s strategic submarine force.

With tensions running high over the disputed Senkaku Islands, observers have warned of the threat of a new cold war and an escalating Asian arms race in the aftermath of China declaring an “air defense zone” and suggesting that it would intercept planes entering the region, a threat quickly put to the test when the United States flew two B-2 Bombers over the zone without incident.

In retaliation against what Beijing sees as the United States’ increasingly aggressive presence in the East China sea, China also sent a surveillance ship into Hawaiian waters back in October, a move analysts described as unprecedented.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

December 16, 2013

Bridge Suicide by Chris Allison

Russ Dizdar: "MIND CONTROL: BOSTON BOMBER Had A Sub Person, A Programmed Bomber! More To Come"

"MIND CONTROL: BOSTON BOMBER Had A Sub Person, A Programmed Bomber! More To Come"

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Tamerlan Tsarnaev Heard Voices In His Head: Report

*Source: Yahoo News

Suspected Boston marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev was tormented by voices in his head, according to the Boston Globe, which published the results of a five-month investigation into the attack on Sunday.

“He believed in majestic mind control, which is a way of breaking down a person and creating an alternative personality with which they must coexist," Donald Larking, a 67-year-old who attended a Boston mosque with Tamerlan, told the Globe. "You can give a signal, a phrase or a gesture, and bring out the alternate personality and make them do things. Tamerlan thought someone might have done that to him.”
The 26-year-old, who was killed in a shootout with police, carried out the twin bombings with his 19-year-old brother, Dzhokhar, who was later captured and charged with an act of terror.

According to the 18,000-word report, Tsarnaev brothers were coequals in planning the twin bombings that killed four and wounded more than 260 others. And despite suspicions that Tamerlan made contact with Islamist radicals during a 2012 visit to Kyrgyzstan, the paper concludes the brothers' violence was "more likely rooted in the turbulent collapse of their family and their escalating personal and collective failures."

Other notable parts of the paper's investigation:

• A family friend said Tamerlan was "idolized" by the rest of the Tsarnaev clan. "Anything he said was right," the friend said. "He was perfect.” When his mother, Zubeidat, told the friend that Tamerlan had said he "felt like there were two people living inside of him,” she refused the friend's advice to seek treatment for her son. "No, he’s fine," Zubeidat said, according to the friend. "She couldn’t accept the tiniest criticism of him."

• "Tamerlan had some form of schizophrenia," another family friend speculated. "That, combined with smoking marijuana and head trauma from boxing had all made him ill."

• But Zubeidat decided "medical treatment wasn’t the answer for her son," the Globe reported. "Religion was. Eventually, she would encourage Tamerlan to embrace Islam to discourage him from partying and drinking."

• At times, neighbors of the Tsarnaevs' crowded Cambridge apartment "had to put their hands over their ears to block out the noise." Zubeidat, their mother, was the loudest, a neighbor said.

• Anzor, the brothers' father, was an intimidating figure to the rest of the family, once hitting Dzhokhar and ordering Tamerlan to end a relationship his younger sister was having with a man who was not Muslim. Tamerlan, Anzor's enforcer, "obliged with a neat right hook," the paper said.

• The Tsarnaev parents "were adamant that their children have marriage partners selected for them."

• In July 2012, Dzhokhar posted on Twitter: “my moms tryina arrange a marriage for me aha she needs to #chillout I’ll find my own honey.”

• There are differing accounts surrounding the family's move from Russia to the United States. Zubeidat's former co-worker said she told her Anzor had tried to prosecute some members of the Russian mob. “The mob came and took Anzor for one week and tortured him so severely that he almost died. When they were done they dumped him out of their truck in the middle of nowhere,” the co-worker said. “Zubeidat went to the hospital and when she saw how horribly beaten he was she said that she realized they had to get out of the country." Before Anzor left the hospital, the mob "took the family’s German shepherd, cut off its head, and deposited it on the Tsarnaevs’ doorstep."

• Tamerlan routinely attended parties at Salem State University when Sean Collier, the MIT police officer who was allegedly murdered by the Tsarnaev brothers as they fled Cambridge, was a student. But there's no evidence that the elder Tsarnaev and Collier ever met.

• The Tsarnaev parents were mostly absent from Dzhokhar's life, but the family would show up to Tamerlan's boxing matches religiously, believing his success in the ring "was their passport to respectability."

•  Tamerlan's former training partner made fun of his flashy clothes, dubbing him “Eurotrash.” But when his boxing career failed to materialize, he became "rudderless."

• Tamerlan once told friends he believed 9/11 was a conspiracy carried out by the U.S. government. Zubeidat also declared that 9/11 was “purposely created by the American government to make America hate Muslims.""

• After returning from a trip to Dagestan, friends said Tamerlan "had visibly changed":
His face was covered by a thick beard. Gone were the silver boots and trademark fur hat, replaced by dark clothing and a white prayer cap worn by Muslims. His prayers in the corner of the Wai Kru gym, which once took minutes, now lasted up to half an hour. His visits to the gym were rare.

“When he came back he had really dialed up the religion thing,” recalled his Wai Kru training partner, who declined to be identified. “The days of joking about his appearance, the Eurotrash, that kid was gone. In his place was a quite intense individual, one very focused on the heavy bag.”

So, too, Tamerlan’s anger over America’s foreign policy in Afghanistan and Iraq had escalated several notches. At home, he railed angrily about Muslims being killed overseas.

• Meanwhile on the UMass Dartmouth campus, Dzhokhar was earning $1,000 a week as a drug dealer known for “having the best bud on campus,” according to a longtime friend.

• At the 2012 Boston Marathon, Dzhokhar, then a freshman UMass Dartmouth, ate pizza, savored the sunshine and — as he often did — smoked a joint.

December 14, 2013

Pentagon Unveils Laser Capable of Shooting Down Drones, Mortars

*Source: RT

The US Army has successfully used a vehicle-mounted laser to shoot down numerous mortar rounds and drone aircraft for the first time.

Taking place over the course of several weeks, the test involved destroying more than 90 incoming mortar rounds and multiple drones. Eventually, the Army hopes to test an even more advanced laser system that could shoot down more dangerous weapons, such as incoming cruise missiles.

Named the High Energy Laser Mobile Demonstrator (HEL MD), the current version of the weapon features three to five lasers that can be attached to the top of a military vehicle in a dome-like turret structure. According to Terry Bauer, the Army’s program manager for the weapon at Boeing, when the HEL MD hits a target like a mortar, it heats up the insides to the point that the mortar explodes in mid-air.

“It falls as a single piece of metal with a little bit of shrapnel. It basically falls where it was going to fall, but it doesn’t explode when it hits the ground,” Bauer said to the Christian Science Monitor. “We turn it into a rock, basically.”

When it comes to shooting down drones, the laser can be used to blind an unmanned vehicle’s cameras and take apart its tail, causing the whole thing to come crashing down to earth.

The Army hopes to use the laser to protect bases that come under fire from mortar and rocket attacks. This happened frequently during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the Monitor reported that the cheap cost of using lasers would make the weapons a sensible choice for the Pentagon.

Still, officials said it is unlikely that the HEL MD will be ready for combat use before 2022, as the Army is moving to test more advanced versions over the coming years. The current system is equipped with a laser with the strength of 10 kilowatts, but future versions will be outfitted with 50- and 100-kilowatt lasers.

"If you're engaging a target at the same range, a 100 kW laser will destroy the target in one-tenth of the time than the 10kW would," Bauer told AFP.

The HEL MD is just one of the laser-equipped weapons being developed by the United States military. As RT reported in November, the Department of Defense is looking into attaching high-powered lasers to its next-generation fighter jets, which would be capable of tracking and disarming enemy sensors, destroying incoming missile attacks, and going on the offensive.

Meanwhile, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced in October its plans to develop drone-mounted laser systems that would be able to shoot missiles down from the sky.

Russ Dizdar: "NO MORE WARS Inside or Out..the Finality is in the Prince of Peace"

"NO MORE WARS Inside or Out..the Finality is in the Prince of Peace"

What the demons fear, the brutal blood slashers don't know ...
The Blood of Heaven, the Blood of the Lamb of God.. do you know the difference? One is brutal, enslaves and rips humanity letting the demons rage... the other the Blood of Christ to cleanse, free and bring the life of God into the ....

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Belgium: Senate Approves Measure Allowing Doctors to Euthanize Children

*Source: Life News

The Belgian Senate voted today 50-17 to extend euthanasia to children with disabilities, in a move pro-life advocates worldwide had been fearing would come and expand an already much-abused euthanasia law even further.

Of the 17 who voted against the bill, the majority were from the Christian Democrats, a traditionally Catholic political party.

The vote today in the full Senate comes after a Senate committee voted 13-4 to allow minors to seek euthanasia under certain conditions and the measure also would extend the right to request euthanasia to adults with dementia. No age limit would be set, but the children who are euthanized would have “to possess the capacity of discernment.”

Euthanasia has been legal in Belgium since 2002 but has, since its enactment, been prohibited for patients under 18. While euthanasia is legal in a handful of countries in Europe, Belgium is the first country in the world to lift all age restrictions on the practice.  In 2012, Belgium recorded 1,432 cases of euthanasia – a 25% increase from 2011.

There is still a chance to stop the bill in the House of Representatives, though pro-life campaigners fear it will become law.

“Currently the Belgian euthanasia law limits euthanasia to people who are at least 18 years old. This unprecedented bill would extend euthanasia to children with disabilities,” says Alex Schadenberg of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition. “The Belgian Socialist government is adamant that the euthanasia law needs to extend to minors and people with dementia even though there is significant examples of how the current law is being abused and the bracket creep of acceptable reasons for euthanasia continues to grow. The current practice of euthanasia in Belgium appears to have become an easy way to cover-up medical errors.”

“Regardless of disability, life should be valued. To pass legislation that allows termination of life for people with disabilities who are minors is unacceptable,” he added. “Instead we must make every effort to use the research provided to us to provide attentive care to relieve their physical suffering in a moral way.”

Dr Paul Saba of Physicians for Social Justice, is very concerned about the situation in Belgium.

“They are already euthanising people who are depressed or tired of life because they have taken the interpretations of saying physical and/or psychological suffering – you don’t have to have both, if you have one, why is that not enough? If you are suffering, it’s a personal experience and it would be discriminatory for someone to judge what a person is suffering,” he says. “What this teaches us is that despite the government’s assurances that they will set very strict criteria, that won’t work.”

Testifying in front of Parliament in February, Professor Chris Van Geet of Leuven University asserted that the proposed law poses “an enormous ethicalproblem.”  Following the vote on Thursday, Tom Mortier, a lecturer in chemistry at Leuven University and an anti-euthanasia campaigner, called the vote “insanity.”  Professor Mortier’s own mother, who was suffering from chronic depression at the time, was euthanized in 2012.

“Her departure wasn’t the serene family gathering, full of peace and reconciliation, which euthanasia supporters gush about,” Mortier stated.  “The University Hospital in Brussels phoned my wife the day after.”
The leaders of Belgium’s Christian, Muslim, and Jewish communities put out a joint statement opposing the vote’s outcome.  The statement read, “We mark out opposition to this extension and express our trepidation in the face of the risk of a growing trivialization of such a grave reality.”

There is enormous concern about abuses under the expanded euthanasia law.

Research conducted by the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) in 2010 found that 32% of euthanasia deaths in the Flanders region of Belgium occurred without an explicit request.

Meanwhile, according to Schadenberg:
The number of euthanasia deaths in Belgium is skyrocketing with an increase of 25% in 2012. Recent studies indicate that up to 47% of all assisted deaths are not being reported, 32% of all assisted deaths are being done without request and nurses are killing their patients, even though the law restricts euthanasia to doctors.
 Some Belgian experts are supporting the extension of euthanasia to children with disabilities because they say that it is being done already. The same medical experts suggest that the extension of euthanasia will result in an increase of 10 to 100 euthanasia deaths each year.

The Belgian euthanasia law appears out-of-control. The Belgian Euthanasia Control and Evaluation Commission appear to be in a conflict of interest. The Commission supported the euthanasia deaths of: Nathan Verhelst (44) who was born as Nancy, Ann G who had Anorexia Nervosa and was sexually exploited by her psychiatrist, Mark & Eddy Verbessem, and at least one depressed woman. These are only the cases that we know about.

Dr Wim Distelmans, who is the leading euthanasia doctor in Belgium has also been the chairman of the Belgium euthanasia commission for more than 10 years, and the commission has been stacked with supporters of the euthanasia lobby.

The Netherlands already allows children over the age of 12 to request euthanasia with the consent of their parents.

Google Removes Privacy Control In Latest Android update

*Source: RT

AFP Photo / Greg Wood
AFP Photo / Greg Wood

Enhanced privacy controls in the Android 4.3, which allowed the installation of apps while blocking their ability to gather sensitive data from a user, have been removed in the new Android 4.4.2. Google says the feature's original release was an accident.

App Ops was a privacy component installed in the Android 4.3 which shielded information that users wanted to protect from any new app.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) reported Wednesday that just a day after it had lauded the privacy feature via a blog post on its site, the organization learned that the option is no longer available on the Android 4.4.2 update, which was released earlier this week.

Google told EFF that the feature was included in 4.3 by accident, claiming the control was experimental and could ultimately break apps policed by it.

EFF stressed that there are ways Google could easily remedy such concerns if it so desired, by feeding fake information to the app or telling app developers that the privacy control could disrupt their program.

EFF called the disappearance of App Ops a “Stygian hole in the Android security model,” given that there is now no way to curb app permissions, despite the easy fixes which are available.

The digital rights group urged Google to renew App Ops for Android while improving the feature. Google could do this, EFF says, by adding targeted controls for users to be able to pick and choose which apps have access to sensitive data. In addition, Google could make App Ops workable for app developers in the process, the organization stated.

EFF says at the moment, though, Android users must choose between privacy and overall protection, as Android 4.4.2 includes updates to security and denial-of-service bugs.

The loss of the security feature comes at a time when mobile phone users are having to deal with unwanted snooping by the apps that they download - even when such data sharing is opt-out.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently came down on the makers of the ‘Brightest Flashlight,’ a popular free Android app that adapted the flash built into a handset to make it behave like a standard flashlight. Unbeknownst to users, however, the app had been secretly harvesting location and unique device identifier data and sharing it with advertisers and marketing networks.

Goldenshores Technologies, the US developer behind the Brightest Flashlight app, recently reached a settlement with the FTC. The app had been installed on “tens of millions” of Android devices, according to the agency.

December 12, 2013

Russ Dizdar: "WAR IS HELL, Soldier Don't Say Suicide...There Is Peace Like A River"

"WAR IS HELL, Soldier Don't Say Suicide...There Is Peace Like A River"

What the demons fear, the brutal blood slashers don't know ...
The Blood of Heaven, the Blood of the Lamb of God.. do you know the difference? One is brutal, enslaves and rips humanity letting the demons rage... the other the Blood of Christ to cleanse, free and bring the life of God into the ....

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Russ Dizdar: "THE POWER OF THE BLOOD OF ....... JESUS"


What the demons fear, the brutal blood slashers don't know ...
The Blood of Heaven, the Blood of the Lamb of God.. do you know the difference? One is brutal, enslaves and rips humanity letting the demons rage... the other the Blood of Christ to cleanse, free and bring the life of God into the ....

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*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @ 
*Project Josiah official site:
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*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers  and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @

Russ Dizdar: "Vampires, Brutal, Blood, Demonic Blood Lust....They Don't Want You To Know"

"Vampires, Brutal, Blood, Demonic Blood Lust....They Don't Want You To Know"

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*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @ 
*Project Josiah official site:
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*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers  and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @

December 7, 2013

Russ Dizdar: "Vampires: Blood Lust And The Demons Pt. 2"

"Vampires: Blood Lust And The Demons Pt. 2"

*Russ Dizdar Official Site: 
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @ 
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @ 
*Project Josiah official site:
*The Black Awakening official site: 
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers  and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @

Russ Dizdar: "Vampires: Vlad The Impaler And Blood Lust Pt. 1"

"Vampires: Vlad The Impaler And Blood Lust Pt. 1"

*Russ Dizdar Official Site: 
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @ 
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @ 
*Project Josiah official site:
*The Black Awakening official site: 
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers  and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @

‘Nothing Is Beyond Our Reach’: Evil Octopus Strangling The World Becomes Latest US Intelligence Seal.

*Source: RT

Billions of dollars annually are being used to fund operations conducted by the United States intelligence community, the likes of which allow the government to eavesdrop on emails, listen to world leaders’ phone calls and about everything in-between.

One thing that budget hasn’t bought, however, is subtlety. The US National Reconnaissance Office launched a top-secret surveillance satellite into space Thursday evening, and the official emblem for the spy agency’s latest mission is, well, certainly accurate, to say the least.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence live-tweeted Thursday’s launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, and throughout the course of the ordeal made no effort to ignore the logo for the NROL-39 mission.

The latest spy satellite to be sent into orbit by the NRO can be recognized by its seal: a malevolent octopus with furrowed brows that also happens to be wrapping its tentacles around all corners of the Earth.

Nothing is beyond our reach,” the NRO boasts on the bottom half of the emblem just below the most sinister-looking cephalopod likely ever to be sent into space.
Along with the National Security Agency and more than a dozen others, the NRO is one of 16 federal offices under the directive of DNI James Clapper and is responsible for building and operating the spy satellites used to collect intelligence around the world. NRO-gathered intelligence was reportedly instrumental in the mission that brought US Navy SEAL’s to the home of former al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in 2011, and decades earlier the agency launched a school-bus sized satellite into orbit to spy on Soviets at the height of the Cold War.

In preparation for launch, the NROL-39 payload, encapsulated within a 5-meter diameter payload faring, is transported and mated to its United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V booster at Vandenberg's Space Launch Complex-3. (Photo from
In preparation for launch, the NROL-39 payload, encapsulated within a 5-meter diameter payload faring, is transported and mated to its United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V booster at Vandenberg's Space Launch Complex-3. (Photo from

This time around the ODNI says the satellite’s payload is mostly classified, but did admit over Twitter that around a dozen mini satellites funded by both the NRO and NASA will be brought along to orbit as well. Another thing they didn’t bother to acknowledge, of course, is how the lack-of-subtlety apparent in the Earth-strangling octopus emblem could quickly be used by critics of the US intelligence community as fodder to further condemn the government for admitting to their sheer and unmatched ability to control the world’s information.

Thursday’s launch of the latest NRO satellite occurred almost exactly six-month-to-the-day after The Guardian and Washington Post newspapers published the first of what has since been revealed to be a trove of leaked national security document showing proof of the NSA’s widespread and extensive ability to monitor people around the world. On June 6 those papers first disclosed evidence in which the NSA was documented to demand telephony metadata from millions of people daily, and a steady stream of leaked files attributed to former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden have since captivated the world while also raising a number of questions.

A United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket carrying a payload for the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) lifted off from Space Launch Complex-3 on Dec. 5 at 11:14 p.m. (Photo from
A United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket carrying a payload for the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) lifted off from Space Launch Complex-3 on Dec. 5 at 11:14 p.m. (Photo from
For half a year now, leaked NSA documents have let the world learn that the US monitors the phone habits of not just Americans, but also foreigners sitting atop the governments of allied nations.

Reporters with access to the cache of pilfered papers have reportedly released only a sliver of what’s been reported to be 50,000 documents during those six months, but the response has already been widespread. The leaders of countries such as Brazil and Germany have lashed out at the NSA’s behavior, and DNI Clapper and his deputy manning the NSA, Gen. Keith Alexander, have easily become two of the most embattled public figures in Washington.

That being said, you’d think ODNI would reconsider launching a new spy satellite. Or maybe even not put an octopus strangling the Earth on the outside.

"You may want to downplay the massive dragnet spying thing right now,” Chris Soghoian, the chief technologist at the American Civil Liberties Union, tweeted Thursday. “This logo isn't helping."
According to a top-secret budget document released by Snowden and first reported on in August, the NRO is in the midst of modernizing their signals intelligence, geospatial and communications system to replace current capabilities.

December 3, 2013

The Kardashian 2013 Christmas Card: A Tribute to the Illuminati Entertainment Industry

*Source: The Vigilant Citizen

If there was an award for the less Christmas-y Christmas card in the History of the world, I believe that the 2013 Kardashian Christmas card would take the prize. Shot by elite fashion photographer David Lachapelle, the card is a rather grim and depressing summation of the entertainment world – an industry ruled by a shadowy elite that is turning popular culture into a toxic wasteland populated with vacuous celebs such as the Kardashians.

The wide panoramic card is filled with symbolism and references describing everything that the Illuminati entertainment industry is about. The shot takes place in an abandoned movie theater, one that appears to destroyed and vandalized.  Here’s the card (click to enlarge).


There’s a lot going on there, so let’s look at it from left to right.

First, there's Kim Kardashian posing with a revealing outfit. Her curves are pretty much the only reason why her entire family is famous right now. That is maybe one there's a huge dollar sign next to her.
First, there’s Kim Kardashian posing with a revealing outfit. Her curves are main reason why her entire family is famous right now. That is maybe why there’s a huge dollar sign next to her.

Behind the Jenner sisters are two Illuminati pyramids, complete with the All-Seeing Eye. Can't say that this card is subtle about who "owns" this entire family. Scaterred around them are dismembered mannequins, a symbol that is often used to represent Mind Control, a practice that is rampant in the Illuminati entertainment industry.
Behind the Jenner sisters are two Illuminati pyramids, complete with the All-Seeing Eye. The card can’t be clearer about “owns” this entire family. Scattered around the card are dismembered mannequins, a symbol that is often used to represent Mind Control, a practice that is rampant in the Illuminati entertainment industry.

The sister on the left wears a vulva-shaped headdress making her look like some kind of priestess. They stand on a pile of "celeb-worship" magazines, mountain of garbage on which their careers are built on (Kanye depicted as Jesus on the cover of Rolling Stones part of it). Behind the sisters (at the base of the pyramid) is an almost ironic box of Wheaties featuring Bruce Jenner when he was an Olympic athlete.
Kylie (left) wears a vulva-shaped headdress making her look like some kind of high priestess. The sisters stand on a pile of “celeb-worship” magazines, the mountain of garbage on which their careers are built on (Kanye depicted as Jesus on the cover of Rolling Stones is part of it). Behind the sisters (at the base of the pyramid) is an almost ironic box of Wheaties featuring Bruce Jenner when he was an Olympic athlete.

Khloe Kardashian is posing on the backseat of a car (why?) while Kourtney's son Mason lays on it as if life was sucked out of him. Above them is a baby-Jesus looking cutout with glory around the head. Is that North West? No idea. The matriarch of the family, Kris Jenner looks like some kind of female Pharaohe while Bruce is stuck in a tube, about to run out of air. Between them is the word "cashier", maybe meaning that its all about money transactions. Above both of them is tagged the word "fame", maybe implying that they're ready to do whatever it takes to be famous.
Khloe Kardashian poses sitting on the backseat of a car (why?) while Kourtney’s son Mason lays on it, looking as if life was sucked out of him. Above them is a cardboard cutout looking like a baby-Jesus, with a glory around its head. Is that North West? The matriarch of the family, Kris Jenner looks like some kind of female Pharaoh while Bruce is distress, stuck in a tube, about to run out of air. Between them is the word “cashier”, maybe meaning that it is all about money transactions. Above both of them is tagged the word “fame”, implying that they’re ready to do whatever it takes to be famous.

Next to Bruce is a disemembered mannequin wearing his Olympic medal. Did Bruce lose his "hero" status to become an encapsulated pawn of the entertainment industry?
Next to Bruce is a dismembered mannequin wearing his Olympic medals. Did Bruce lose his “hero” status to become an encapsulated pawn of the entertainment industry?

Contrasting with the family’s obsession with fame and fortune are images of African mothers and babies in the background. Of course, nobody appears to care about them, the world prefers to gossip about the family that is “famous for being famous”.

In short, this card sums up what popular culture in 2013 is all about: Illuminati, mind control, superficiality, exploitation of children and all around mind-numbing, time-wasting idiocy. Merry Christmas!