*Source: InfoWars
DOJ memo states: “Buybacks are ineffective unless massive and coupled with a ban.”
The National Rifle Association has obtained a Department of Justice memo calling for national gun registration and confiscation. The nine page “cursory summary” on current gun control initiatives was not officially released by the Obama administration.
The DOJ memo (downloadable here as a PDF) states the administration “believes that a gun ban will not work without mandatory gun confiscation,” according to the NRA, and thinks universal background checks “won’t work without requiring national gun registration.” Obama has yet to publicly support national registration or firearms confiscation, although the memo reveals his administration is moving in that direction.
The memo stands in stark contrast to the administration’s public stance on so-called gun control. White House spokesman Jay Carney said last month that laws proposed by Obama would not “take away a gun from a single law-abiding American.”
The NRA declined to explain how it obtained the document. The memo was written by the acting director of the Justice Department’s National Institute of Justice, Greg Ridgeway. It is dated January 4, two weeks before Obama mounted his attack on the Second Amendment following the Sandy Hook massacre. Ridgeway came to the Justice Department from the RAND corporation.
The memo says universal background checks on firearms purchases may help the government push to control and eventually outlaw firearms, but it would lead to an increase in illegally purchased guns.
It pointed out that banning high capacity ammunition clips would be ineffective due to the fact there is a large number of them already in circulation.
A Justice Department official said the memo is an unfinished review of gun violence research and does not represent administration policy.
The DOJ memo arrived a few weeks prior to a letter sent out by the Department of Veterans Affairs. “A determination of incompetency will prohibit you from purchasing, possessing, receiving, or transporting a firearm or ammunition,” the sent to military veterans states. “If you knowingly violate any of these prohibitions, you may be fined, imprisoned, or both pursuant to the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, Pub.L.No. 103-159, as implemented at 18, United States Code 924(a)(2).”
“US veterans are receiving letters from the government informing them that they are disabled and not allowed to own, purchase or possess a firearm. If the veteran does decide to purchase a firearm he will by fined, imprisoned or both,” the Gateway Pundit remarked.
NRA’s Chris Cox talks about the DOJ memo:
California Democrat senator Dianne Feinstein reveals the government agenda — confiscation:
February 25, 2013
February 24, 2013
Dr. Scott Johnson: [2.24.13] End Time Current Events.
[2.24.13] End Time Current Events.
**PDF: [2.24.13] End Time Current Events.**
*Part 1 Table of Contents:
- Dept. of Justice Memo: Outlaw and Confiscate All Guns
- FEDS BUYING ENOUGH BULLETS FOR ’24-YEAR WAR’ Radio host warns: DHS preparing for prolonged riots in U.S.
- Gun dealers report shortages of ammunition
- Government is buying up ammo that they had no use for, such as the 22LR, and just destroying it to keep it off the shelves
- Ammo Prices Have Doubled Since December At ‘America’s Largest Gun Shop’
- URGENT: Veterans Are Receiving Letters From VA Prohibiting The Ownership Of Firearms…!
- Federal Government Moves to Disarm Veterans
- DHS Supplier Provides Shooting Targets of American Gun Owners: Company produces cardboard cut-outs of “non-traditional threats”: Pregnant women, elderly & children–ANY MORE DOUBTS ABOUT WHOSE GOING TO BE KILLED ?
- Company Behind Shooting Targets of Children Received $2 Million From DHS
- Law Enforcement “Requested” Shooting Targets of Pregnant Women
- DHS Contractor Apologizes For Selling Shooting Targets of Children
- Ten Year Old Arrested For Toy Gun Has Probation Officer, Lawyers And Second Court Date
- Democrats Introduce Bill to Allow Police to Search Homes of Gun Owners
- Oklahoma House Passes Firearms Freedom Act
- Citizens Applaud Defeat of Firearms Ban in Massachusetts
- Communist Propaganda Poster from 1918: “Comrades, Turn In Your Weapons!
- Urge Your Congressman to Sign the Stockman-Broun letter–Both Reps. leading the way to defeat ALL gun control ACTION
- Every Move You Make: US to adopt new biometric surveillance system?
- Like A Swarm Of Lethal Bugs, Behold The Most Foreboding Drone Video Yet
- Big Brother Televisions: Intel Latest Firm To Announce TV Box That Spies On You
- CISPA, the Privacy-Invading Cybersecurity Spying Bill, is Back in Congress
- Top of Form
- Yes, You ARE a Criminal You Just Don’t Know it Yet
- Contending For Truth USB Drives back up for sale!
*Part 2 Table of Contents:
- Sun Myung Moon, The LaHayes, Chuck Missler, The Antichrist’s World Peace
- This is Islam!! Muslim Beheads Coptic Christians on America Soil in NJ– Mainstream Media Silent (Video)
- Proof that Devil Maitreya’s “Share International” Magazine/Website was Always Yoked up with the United Nations
- No exams on Wiccan, Pagan holidays at University of Missouri?
- Massachusetts Education Policy Now Mandates Allowing Boys in Girls’ Restrooms
- 21 Signs That U.S. Public Schools Have Become Training Centers For Sexual Deviancy
- 5,200 Names involving the Pentagon Paid for Child Pornography
- Satanic Programming On Glam Mag Covers!–Satanic Symbols Are Being Photoshopped Onto Magazine Covers At 97% Transparency! Doritos is Satanic! Mask Warning
- Senator Roger Wicker is working to pass the Life at Conception Act
- Kay Arthur to Join Contemplative/Emergents at Canadian Conference Breakforth Again This Month
- Contemplative Spirituality – the Source of the Catholic Church’s Expansion
- Pope received news of his warrant of arrest before resignation
- According to a Pew Forum study, one in five Americans claim no religious affiliation or preference
- Sharing your faith with others is so much easier when you make it a conversation and not a presentation
- The Following Muslim on Israeli Hate Crime Incident Occurred on 1-12-13 in Front of the Damascus Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem
- The audio is a teleconference that centers on scientific research into the mass geoengineering and why the spraying of the skies is occurring around the world
- HSBC DNA Bank Advertisement at Stanstead Airport
- Scientists Gather On Wednesday To Admit The Looming Specter Of Designing Life And To Ask If Babies Should Be Genetically Engineered. The Listening Audience Overwhelmingly Votes To Begin Experiments
**Dr. Scott Johnson**
Bolton Clashes With Stossel Over Obama’s Drones, Accuses Libertarians Of ‘Defending The Confederacy’cuses Libertarians of "Defending the Confederacy"
*Source: Mediaite
John Stossel‘s annual show from the International Students for Liberty Conference features not only the usual friendly libertarians, but a handful of liberals and conservatives who willfully engage a potentially hostile crowd of 1,000+ libertarian students.
As our readers are likely aware by now, Ann Coulter happened to be one of the two conservatives brought on to debate the students. And it was, shall we say, tense.
The other conservative featured in the program was John Bolton, former Bush official and he of the “neocon” variety. Last year, Bolton’s appearance on Stossel’s show (full disclosure, again: Stossel is my former boss) resulted in a bit of controversy. But despite the not-so-warm reception last year, Bolton returned again to discuss why he believes a neoconservative foreign policy is best; and continue his defense of President Obama‘s “sensible” targeted assassination program.
“It doesn’t seem morally right to just take the word of some government officials that this guy’s a terrorist and send a machine to kill him, and kill civilians along with him,” Stossel said to Bolton.
“The commander-in-chief authority vested by the Constitution in the president gives him the direction over the war capabilities of the United States,” Bolton replied. “And his efforts, both in the Bush and the Obama administration, to go after the terrorists, I think is entirely justified.”
“So America can kill anybody anywhere?” Stossel asked.
“Of course not,” Bolton shot back, “listen to what I just said.” He re-asserted that the Constitution authorizes, “subject to congressional checks,” the power for the executive to take out enemy combatants.
Stossel then asked the $64,000 question about blowback: “Don’t you think that makes us new enemies? When the drone sends something down that kills a group of people, they kill children and cousins. Doesn’t that make new terrorists who will try to kill us?”
“I believe that our military does everything that it can to avoid civilian casualties,” Bolton said. “That is not avoidable sometimes because of the way the terrorists conduct themselves, living among civilians.”
One student from George Mason University (my alma mater!) grilled Bolton over the fact that, throughout his use of drone strikes President Obama has been subjected to very little, if any, congressional authority. The audience applauded. Here’s Bolton’s answer:
The Skeptical Libertarian editor Daniel Bier then asked a question that drew massive applause from the students: “The large majority of Americans support giving the president the authority to kill American citizens without charges or trial or due process. My question is, if you were identified as a threat by some nameless official in the administration, would you want due process?”
“The issue is whether we are in a war situation, whether we are operating under the war powers of the Constitution or whether we are in a law enforcement situation,” Bolton responded. “The two have radically different approaches. We killed tens of thousands of American citizens, maybe hundreds of thousands with no due process in the Civil War, and it was the right thing to do.”
As the room erupted into some booing at the notion of suspending due process for any reason, Bolton snapped back, “You want to discredit a movement, defend the Confederacy. Go ahead.”
Because the segment had to end for time’s sake, Bier never got the chance to respond. So I’ll give him the space here:
John Stossel‘s annual show from the International Students for Liberty Conference features not only the usual friendly libertarians, but a handful of liberals and conservatives who willfully engage a potentially hostile crowd of 1,000+ libertarian students.
As our readers are likely aware by now, Ann Coulter happened to be one of the two conservatives brought on to debate the students. And it was, shall we say, tense.
The other conservative featured in the program was John Bolton, former Bush official and he of the “neocon” variety. Last year, Bolton’s appearance on Stossel’s show (full disclosure, again: Stossel is my former boss) resulted in a bit of controversy. But despite the not-so-warm reception last year, Bolton returned again to discuss why he believes a neoconservative foreign policy is best; and continue his defense of President Obama‘s “sensible” targeted assassination program.
“It doesn’t seem morally right to just take the word of some government officials that this guy’s a terrorist and send a machine to kill him, and kill civilians along with him,” Stossel said to Bolton.
“The commander-in-chief authority vested by the Constitution in the president gives him the direction over the war capabilities of the United States,” Bolton replied. “And his efforts, both in the Bush and the Obama administration, to go after the terrorists, I think is entirely justified.”
“So America can kill anybody anywhere?” Stossel asked.
“Of course not,” Bolton shot back, “listen to what I just said.” He re-asserted that the Constitution authorizes, “subject to congressional checks,” the power for the executive to take out enemy combatants.
Stossel then asked the $64,000 question about blowback: “Don’t you think that makes us new enemies? When the drone sends something down that kills a group of people, they kill children and cousins. Doesn’t that make new terrorists who will try to kill us?”
“I believe that our military does everything that it can to avoid civilian casualties,” Bolton said. “That is not avoidable sometimes because of the way the terrorists conduct themselves, living among civilians.”
One student from George Mason University (my alma mater!) grilled Bolton over the fact that, throughout his use of drone strikes President Obama has been subjected to very little, if any, congressional authority. The audience applauded. Here’s Bolton’s answer:
“The framers of the Constitution had just won our country’s independence by war. They knew what the threat was that we faced as a small country. They knew we needed an energetic capability to defend ourselves. They wanted a strong commander-in-chief. They created a Congress that had power over the purse — the principal check on the president’s war-making power. And that check is there. If Congress doesn’t want to wage war against the Taliban, against al-Qaeda, against whomever, they can cut off funding for it.So… apparently Bolton believes appropriations process is an actual check on the president assassinating American citizens without due process. Not sure how that works out in the former ambassador’s mind. In case he forgot: the due process itself is supposed to act as a check on executive power.
The Skeptical Libertarian editor Daniel Bier then asked a question that drew massive applause from the students: “The large majority of Americans support giving the president the authority to kill American citizens without charges or trial or due process. My question is, if you were identified as a threat by some nameless official in the administration, would you want due process?”
“The issue is whether we are in a war situation, whether we are operating under the war powers of the Constitution or whether we are in a law enforcement situation,” Bolton responded. “The two have radically different approaches. We killed tens of thousands of American citizens, maybe hundreds of thousands with no due process in the Civil War, and it was the right thing to do.”
As the room erupted into some booing at the notion of suspending due process for any reason, Bolton snapped back, “You want to discredit a movement, defend the Confederacy. Go ahead.”
Because the segment had to end for time’s sake, Bier never got the chance to respond. So I’ll give him the space here:
“It’s ludicrous to compare the deliberate assassination of a 16-year-old American citizen, who is not engaged in hostilities against the United States, who has never been charged with a crime, and was in a neutral country, with shooting back at Confederate soldiers on a battlefield. If Ambassador Bolton wanted to make a more apt Civil War comparison, he could have cited Lincoln’s suspension of habeas corpus for citizens in the North, the deportation of an anti-war congressman, or the imprisonment of dissident journalists. It’s a clever rhetorical twist to equate support for due process with support for slavery, but it’s a complete non-sequitur. Mr. Bolton never answered my question, and so it seems he’s quite comfortable with the idea of a single man deciding who lives and dies, without any restraint or judicial review. The president is commander-in-chief of the armed forces, not God.”(By the way, for those wondering: the liberal guest on the show was former Rep. Dennis Kucinich.)
US To Bomb Guam With Dead Mice
*Source: RT
In a desperate attempt to kill off two million brown tree snakes that are plaguing the territory of Guam, the US is bombing the island with poisoned dead mice, hoping that the snakes will eat them.
“We are taking this to a new phase. There really is no other place in the world with a snake problem like Guam,” Daniel Vice, assistant state director of the US Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services in Guam, told the Associated Press.
The pile of dead mice, laced with painkillers that are deadly for snakes, will rain down onto Guam’s jungle canopy as scientists drop them from helicopters in a last-ditch attempt to eradicate the invasive species.
Even though the venom of brown tree snakes is nonlethal for humans, the snake infestation has damaged infrastructure and wiped out other species in Guam. Slithering into homes, the snakes often bite people and damage power lines and wires, resulting in large-scale blackouts. The tree snakes can grow to more than 10 feet in length, although most of them are usually just a few feet long.
Nearly all of Guam’s native birds have become wiped out in the years since the tree snake first came to the island aboard a US military ship more than 60 years ago. With much of Guam’s wildlife having become endangered or extinct, tourism has dwindled, thereby inflicting an economic toll on the US territory.
Located 3,000 miles away, officials in the state of Hawaii have long feared that the snakes could make their way over to the tropical island and destroy its local habitat, as well.
Vice predicts that if the US and Guam make no attempts to contain the snakes, "the possibility of the snakes getting to Hawaii is inevitable."
The National Wildlife Research Center estimates that a Hawaiian brown tree snake infestation would inflict $593 million to $2.14 billion in economic damages each year, including widespread power outages and a significant decrease in tourism. In an attempt to control the Guam-based infestation and prevent it from spreading, the US government will bombard the island with the dead mice starting this spring. The painkillers that the mice will be laced with include acetaminophen, which is the active ingredient in medicines such as Tylenol.
Brown tree snakes are one of very few snake species that eat the corpses of dead animals that they didn’t kill themselves. Being highly vulnerable to acetaminophen, snakes that consume the dead mice will most likely expire.
Scientists will drop the dead mice individually from a helicopter. The bait will be attached to a flotation device with streamers that would ensure that the poisoned mice get caught in the branches of a tree, where the snakes live and feed.
Birds are also vulnerable to acetaminophen, but scientists claim that most of the birds have already been wiped out by the snakes anyway.
AP reports that the US government plans to begin dropping the poisoned mice in April or May.
In a desperate attempt to kill off two million brown tree snakes that are plaguing the territory of Guam, the US is bombing the island with poisoned dead mice, hoping that the snakes will eat them.
“We are taking this to a new phase. There really is no other place in the world with a snake problem like Guam,” Daniel Vice, assistant state director of the US Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services in Guam, told the Associated Press.
The pile of dead mice, laced with painkillers that are deadly for snakes, will rain down onto Guam’s jungle canopy as scientists drop them from helicopters in a last-ditch attempt to eradicate the invasive species.
Even though the venom of brown tree snakes is nonlethal for humans, the snake infestation has damaged infrastructure and wiped out other species in Guam. Slithering into homes, the snakes often bite people and damage power lines and wires, resulting in large-scale blackouts. The tree snakes can grow to more than 10 feet in length, although most of them are usually just a few feet long.
Nearly all of Guam’s native birds have become wiped out in the years since the tree snake first came to the island aboard a US military ship more than 60 years ago. With much of Guam’s wildlife having become endangered or extinct, tourism has dwindled, thereby inflicting an economic toll on the US territory.
Located 3,000 miles away, officials in the state of Hawaii have long feared that the snakes could make their way over to the tropical island and destroy its local habitat, as well.
Vice predicts that if the US and Guam make no attempts to contain the snakes, "the possibility of the snakes getting to Hawaii is inevitable."
The National Wildlife Research Center estimates that a Hawaiian brown tree snake infestation would inflict $593 million to $2.14 billion in economic damages each year, including widespread power outages and a significant decrease in tourism. In an attempt to control the Guam-based infestation and prevent it from spreading, the US government will bombard the island with the dead mice starting this spring. The painkillers that the mice will be laced with include acetaminophen, which is the active ingredient in medicines such as Tylenol.
Brown tree snakes are one of very few snake species that eat the corpses of dead animals that they didn’t kill themselves. Being highly vulnerable to acetaminophen, snakes that consume the dead mice will most likely expire.
Scientists will drop the dead mice individually from a helicopter. The bait will be attached to a flotation device with streamers that would ensure that the poisoned mice get caught in the branches of a tree, where the snakes live and feed.
Birds are also vulnerable to acetaminophen, but scientists claim that most of the birds have already been wiped out by the snakes anyway.
AP reports that the US government plans to begin dropping the poisoned mice in April or May.
Did The Pope Quit To Dodge Blame For Misdeeds Or Just To Do The Right Thing?
Source: RT
The latest allegation that a gay priest blackmail scandal was the reason for Benedict XVI’s sudden resignation shows that his sudden decision will be queried long after his departure, perhaps robbing him of his greatest achievement while in office.
Italian newspaper La Repubblica has reported that the Pope was overwhelmed when presented with evidence in mid-December last year (collected in "two volumes of almost 300 pages – bound in red”) of a network of highly-placed Vatican priests who did not only engage in illicit homosexual “worldly relations” with outsiders, but let themselves be blackmailed by their gay lovers.
Among the listed locations for alleged trysts were a sauna, a beauty parlor, and even a residence used by an archbishop.
The newspaper claims it was then that Pope decided that he could not carry on, declaring that he was “no longer suited” to the demands of the job during his resignation speech earlier this month.
With cack-handedness that marked public relations throughout Benedict’s term, the Vatican immediately issued a denial that almost invited more speculation.
"Neither the cardinals' commission nor I will make comments to confirm or deny the things that are said about this matter. Let each one assume his or her own responsibilities. We shall not be following up on the observations that are made about this," said Father Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman.
The media quickly latched onto to the simultaneous announcement on Friday of a transfer of Ettore Balestrero, a senior clergyman, to a new prestigious post in Colombia, saying it was intended to get him out of the Vatican after unnamed transgressions.
This forced Lombardi into making a second statement on the same day. The spokesman shot the insinuations down as "absurd, totally without foundation", saying the decision had been made weeks ago.
Both the report and the figure of Balestrero did not come out of the blue, but to the press they are a continuation of the scandals that rocked the Papacy last year.
Throughout 2012, the Pope’s butler, Paolo Gabriele, aided by a selection of powerful officials leaked documents to an Italian journalist, Gianluigi Nuzzi that confirmed the worst outsider prejudices about the Holy See. The Vatileaks exposed the Papacy’s spiritual home as a highly-factionalized breeding ground for gossip, plotting and dirty tricks (including an instance when one newspaper editor was removed from his post by a rival with the help of anonymous letters falsely alleging his homosexuality). Even those who leaked the revelations themselves were suspected to be jockeying for position within the Holy See.
"The Pope was never the same after that. It was like shooting Achilles in the heel," one insider told Reuters after the resignation was announced.
The quick trial of Gabriele by Vatican cardinals was seen as a whitewash (concerned only with the specifics of how he obtained the documents, not why) but Benedict did order a deeper investigation by three trusted cardinals.
It was apparently their report, which showed the situation as even worse than assumed, that tipped the Benedict’s hand.
The other insurmountable embarrassment of 2012 was the interconnected but separate failure of the Vatican Bank to get on the “white list” of Moneyval, the EU’s banking compliance commission that had criticized the lack of transparency at the institution (something Vatileaks amply confirmed).
The man who led the Vatican’s efforts? Ettore Balestrero.
For the critics the assorted facts compose paint a picture of a Pontiff forced to abandon his post, unable to stem the tide of revelations, and possibly facing censure for personal mistakes, if not in deeds, then in appointing corrupt men to high places.
Even one of the investigating cardinals, Julian Herranz, conceded that this might have been one of the “hypotheses”.
"He could content himself with doing very little except praying ... but because the people he had in place were not adequate, instead of removing them, he removed himself," said yet another insider to Reuters.
But the does the notion of a Pope on the verge of disgrace (not only due to Vatileaks, but possibly also as a result of the sexual abuse allegations rocking the church) really stand up?
In his statement the 85-year-old Benedict XVI said his ebbing “strength of mind and body” was the reason for his resignation.
"The pope's decision was made many months ago, after the trip to Mexico and Cuba [almost a year ago] and kept in an inviolable privacy that nobody could penetrate," wrote the official Vatican newspaper l'Osservatore Romano.
It was on that trip to Mexico that the Pope fell and hurt his head while in an unfamiliar hotel room. He has also had a pacemaker installed in recent months.
But it is perhaps a description of the pontiff from his own biographer Peter Seewald, who saw him last at the end of 2012, which most vividly conveys his true state.
"His hearing had worsened. He couldn't see with his left eye. His body had become so thin that the tailors had difficulty keeping up with newly fitted clothes ... I'd never seen him so exhausted-looking, so worn down," Seewald recently wrote in the German magazine Focus.
This does not nullify the degree of decay at the Holy See, but perhaps draws a more nuanced portrait of Benedict’s final year.
There is little doubt that Benedict XVI served a calamitous eight years as the spiritual leader of the Catholic Church. His time in charge has lurched from public relations disasters, to damaging revelations, to endless lawsuits from all corners of the world.
The Vatican’s instinctive response to crisis situations has been to close ranks, hide information and try to deal with transgressions internally, something that simply amplifies the scale of any misdeed once the truth inevitably emerges in this telecommunications age.
Whatever his reported knowledge on theological matters, Pope Benedict was rarely a successful communicator, often on the defensive after making pronouncements on the most routine issues, and regarded as out-of-touch and uncharismatic.
But for all his flaws, no one has doubted the personal religious devotion of the pontiff (and none of the scandals incriminated him in anything other than passiveness in his dealing with problems).
Perhaps due to his age and inherent traditionalism, he was never the right man for the Papacy, but at least he knew his limitations.
Benedict learned from observing his close friend John Paul II in the last months of his Papacy in 2005, body trembling with symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, and voice barely above a whisper as he attempted to struggle through services in front of crowds of thousands.
For all the unexpectedness of his resignation, Benedict said as far back as in 2010 that he would step down as soon as he was unable to perform this job.
He has done as he promised, with his dignity intact.
By being the first Pope to leave his post alive in 600 years, Joseph Ratzinger may have angered the traditionalists (who say that being God’s representative on Earth isn’t a job you can just quit), but he may have also set an example to his successors that will help the Papacy avoid becoming a constant deathwatch as its decrepit heads are driven around the world in wheelchairs.
And for this he should be treated with respect, instead of having his motives queried and twisted by those pursuing their own agendas, however valid.
In the meantime, the world can switch its attention to the new man at the Vatican, who will hopefully be able to address the very problems Benedict XVI failed to overcome.
Igor Ogorodnev, RT
The latest allegation that a gay priest blackmail scandal was the reason for Benedict XVI’s sudden resignation shows that his sudden decision will be queried long after his departure, perhaps robbing him of his greatest achievement while in office.
Italian newspaper La Repubblica has reported that the Pope was overwhelmed when presented with evidence in mid-December last year (collected in "two volumes of almost 300 pages – bound in red”) of a network of highly-placed Vatican priests who did not only engage in illicit homosexual “worldly relations” with outsiders, but let themselves be blackmailed by their gay lovers.
Among the listed locations for alleged trysts were a sauna, a beauty parlor, and even a residence used by an archbishop.
The newspaper claims it was then that Pope decided that he could not carry on, declaring that he was “no longer suited” to the demands of the job during his resignation speech earlier this month.
With cack-handedness that marked public relations throughout Benedict’s term, the Vatican immediately issued a denial that almost invited more speculation.
"Neither the cardinals' commission nor I will make comments to confirm or deny the things that are said about this matter. Let each one assume his or her own responsibilities. We shall not be following up on the observations that are made about this," said Father Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman.
The media quickly latched onto to the simultaneous announcement on Friday of a transfer of Ettore Balestrero, a senior clergyman, to a new prestigious post in Colombia, saying it was intended to get him out of the Vatican after unnamed transgressions.
This forced Lombardi into making a second statement on the same day. The spokesman shot the insinuations down as "absurd, totally without foundation", saying the decision had been made weeks ago.
Both the report and the figure of Balestrero did not come out of the blue, but to the press they are a continuation of the scandals that rocked the Papacy last year.
Throughout 2012, the Pope’s butler, Paolo Gabriele, aided by a selection of powerful officials leaked documents to an Italian journalist, Gianluigi Nuzzi that confirmed the worst outsider prejudices about the Holy See. The Vatileaks exposed the Papacy’s spiritual home as a highly-factionalized breeding ground for gossip, plotting and dirty tricks (including an instance when one newspaper editor was removed from his post by a rival with the help of anonymous letters falsely alleging his homosexuality). Even those who leaked the revelations themselves were suspected to be jockeying for position within the Holy See.
"The Pope was never the same after that. It was like shooting Achilles in the heel," one insider told Reuters after the resignation was announced.
The quick trial of Gabriele by Vatican cardinals was seen as a whitewash (concerned only with the specifics of how he obtained the documents, not why) but Benedict did order a deeper investigation by three trusted cardinals.
It was apparently their report, which showed the situation as even worse than assumed, that tipped the Benedict’s hand.
The other insurmountable embarrassment of 2012 was the interconnected but separate failure of the Vatican Bank to get on the “white list” of Moneyval, the EU’s banking compliance commission that had criticized the lack of transparency at the institution (something Vatileaks amply confirmed).
The man who led the Vatican’s efforts? Ettore Balestrero.
For the critics the assorted facts compose paint a picture of a Pontiff forced to abandon his post, unable to stem the tide of revelations, and possibly facing censure for personal mistakes, if not in deeds, then in appointing corrupt men to high places.
Even one of the investigating cardinals, Julian Herranz, conceded that this might have been one of the “hypotheses”.
"He could content himself with doing very little except praying ... but because the people he had in place were not adequate, instead of removing them, he removed himself," said yet another insider to Reuters.
But the does the notion of a Pope on the verge of disgrace (not only due to Vatileaks, but possibly also as a result of the sexual abuse allegations rocking the church) really stand up?
In his statement the 85-year-old Benedict XVI said his ebbing “strength of mind and body” was the reason for his resignation.
"The pope's decision was made many months ago, after the trip to Mexico and Cuba [almost a year ago] and kept in an inviolable privacy that nobody could penetrate," wrote the official Vatican newspaper l'Osservatore Romano.
It was on that trip to Mexico that the Pope fell and hurt his head while in an unfamiliar hotel room. He has also had a pacemaker installed in recent months.
But it is perhaps a description of the pontiff from his own biographer Peter Seewald, who saw him last at the end of 2012, which most vividly conveys his true state.
"His hearing had worsened. He couldn't see with his left eye. His body had become so thin that the tailors had difficulty keeping up with newly fitted clothes ... I'd never seen him so exhausted-looking, so worn down," Seewald recently wrote in the German magazine Focus.
This does not nullify the degree of decay at the Holy See, but perhaps draws a more nuanced portrait of Benedict’s final year.
There is little doubt that Benedict XVI served a calamitous eight years as the spiritual leader of the Catholic Church. His time in charge has lurched from public relations disasters, to damaging revelations, to endless lawsuits from all corners of the world.
The Vatican’s instinctive response to crisis situations has been to close ranks, hide information and try to deal with transgressions internally, something that simply amplifies the scale of any misdeed once the truth inevitably emerges in this telecommunications age.
Whatever his reported knowledge on theological matters, Pope Benedict was rarely a successful communicator, often on the defensive after making pronouncements on the most routine issues, and regarded as out-of-touch and uncharismatic.
But for all his flaws, no one has doubted the personal religious devotion of the pontiff (and none of the scandals incriminated him in anything other than passiveness in his dealing with problems).
Perhaps due to his age and inherent traditionalism, he was never the right man for the Papacy, but at least he knew his limitations.
Benedict learned from observing his close friend John Paul II in the last months of his Papacy in 2005, body trembling with symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, and voice barely above a whisper as he attempted to struggle through services in front of crowds of thousands.
For all the unexpectedness of his resignation, Benedict said as far back as in 2010 that he would step down as soon as he was unable to perform this job.
He has done as he promised, with his dignity intact.
By being the first Pope to leave his post alive in 600 years, Joseph Ratzinger may have angered the traditionalists (who say that being God’s representative on Earth isn’t a job you can just quit), but he may have also set an example to his successors that will help the Papacy avoid becoming a constant deathwatch as its decrepit heads are driven around the world in wheelchairs.
And for this he should be treated with respect, instead of having his motives queried and twisted by those pursuing their own agendas, however valid.
In the meantime, the world can switch its attention to the new man at the Vatican, who will hopefully be able to address the very problems Benedict XVI failed to overcome.
Igor Ogorodnev, RT
Catholic church,
New World Order,
Pope Benedict,
The Pope,
The Vatican
Media Fakes War Propaganda | Weapons of Mass Distraction
Abby Martin takes a look at MSNBC's recent documentary about the lies
leading up the Iraq war, and the closer look at the corporate media's
complicity in selling war to the American people by highlighting
multiple staged events.
Targeting Doomsday Preppers | Interview with Fernando Salguero
Abby Martin talks to Prepper and Firefighter, Fernando Salguero, about his encounter with New Jersey police targeting him as a threat based off his survivalist lifestyle.
Jesse Jackson's Shopping Spree, No Heroes in Sight | Heroes and Villains
Abby Martin calls out Rep Jesse Jackson Jr. as the day's villain for his lavish expenditures including a fedora that once belonged to pop star Michael Jackson all with taxpayer dollars.
February 21, 2013
Russ Dizdar: "CONSPIRACY: Why Even Look Into It Pt. 4"
"CONSPIRACY: Why Even Look Into It Pt. 4"
*Russ Dizdar Official Site: http://www.ShatterTheDarkness.net
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @ http://preemptionbroadcast.podomatic.com/
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/russ-dizdar
*The Black Awakening official site: http://www.theblackawakening.com
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @ http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/RussDizdar
*Russ Dizdar Official Site: http://www.ShatterTheDarkness.net
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @ http://preemptionbroadcast.podomatic.com/
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/russ-dizdar
*The Black Awakening official site: http://www.theblackawakening.com
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @ http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/RussDizdar
Jesus Christ,
Russ Dizdar,
the bible
Law Enforcement “Requested” Shooting Targets of Pregnant Women
*Source: InfoWars
DHS supplier responds to outrage over “no hesitation” targets which include children
Law Enforcement Targets, Inc., a provider of shooting targets to the Department of Homeland Security, has admitted that targets depicting pregnant women were “requested” by law enforcement agencies.
DHS supplier responds to outrage over “no hesitation” targets which include children
Law Enforcement Targets, Inc., a provider of shooting targets to the Department of Homeland Security, has admitted that targets depicting pregnant women were “requested” by law enforcement agencies.
As you can hear in the YouTube clip above, Blaine Cooper
enquired about the company’s “no hesitation” targets, which also
feature children, elderly gun owners and mothers in playgrounds, and was
told that the target showing a pregnant woman was a “requested law
enforcement target for training.”
The representative refused to answer why police would be
interested in training to shoot pregnant women, but went on to explain,
“unfortunately our world is made up of people, pregnant or otherwise,
that are gun owners not for the right reasons,” adding that the targets
were to “train police officers”.
The woman refused to give her name, accusing Cooper of
being “angry.” “Could you understand why I’m upset if the government is
trying to make targets to kill citizens – I don’t feel that’s right,” he
Cooper also makes reference to the DHS’ purchase of 2 billion bullets, “enough rounds to kill every citizen of the United States five times over.”
The representative also claims that the targets could be
used for “don’t shoot” training, which is somewhat dubious given that
they are called “no hesitation” targets and every single one of them is
described as a “threat” target in the product description.
The shooting targets, intended to “help the transition
for officers who are faced with these highly unusual targets for the
first time,” include “pregnant woman threat,” “older man with shotgun,”
“older man in home with shotgun,” “older woman with gun,” “young school
aged girl,” “young mother on playground,” and “little boy with real
Our story yesterday about the targets caused outrage, crashing Law Enforcement Targets, Inc.’s website and leading the company to release a statement on Facebook inviting comment and criticism about the products.
LET Inc brags on its website that
it is a full service provider of training targets for the DHS, the
Justice Department and thousands of law enforcement agencies throughout
the country. The company has has racked up $5.5 million worth of contracts with the federal government, with almost $2 million dollars coming from Homeland Security.
Another customer who called the company claims he was
told that the targets were, “strictly for Department of Homeland
Security and other law enforcement agencies.”
Asked by Mike Riggs at Reason about
the targets, the company responded, “The subjects in NMH targets were
chosen in order to give officers the experience of dealing with deadly
force shooting scenarios with subjects that are not the norm during
training. I found while speaking with officers and trainers in the law
enforcement community that there is a hesitation on the part of cops
when deadly force is required on subjects with atypical age, frailty or
condition (one officer explaining that he enlarged photos of his own
kids to use as targets so that he would not be caught off guard with
such a drastically new experience while on duty). This hesitation time
may be only seconds but that is not acceptable when officers are losing
their lives in these same situations. The goal of NMH is to break that
stereotype on the range, regardless of how slim the chances are of
encountering a real life scenario that involves a child, pregnant woman,
etc. If that initial hesitation time can be cut down due to range
experience, the officer and community are better served.”
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
February 20, 2013
Company Behind Shooting Targets of Children Received $2 Million From DHS.
*Source: InfoWars
Contracts were for “training aids” and “paperboard”
Contracts were for “training aids” and “paperboard”
The company behind controversial shooting targets that include images of children, pregnant women and elderly gun owners received almost $2 million dollars in contracts from the Department of Homeland Security.
Minnesota-based Law Enforcement Training Inc., which brags of its close relationship with the DHS and thousands of law enforcement agencies, has stoked outrage after producing shooting targets which feature “non traditional” threats amidst banal environments such as a pregnant woman in a nursery, a mother in a school playground and a little boy.
The company reacted to the furore by asserting the products helped override “hesitation on the part of cops when deadly force is required on subjects with atypical age, frailty or condition,” and to “break that stereotype on the range, regardless of how slim the chances are of encountering a real life scenario that involves a child, pregnant woman, etc.”
Following concerns that the issue could be linked with Homeland Security’s purchase of around 2 billion bullets over the last year, which many fear is linked to preparations for domestic disorder, it has now emerged that Law Enforcement Training Inc. has racked up contracts worth almost $2 million dollars with the DHS over the last three years.
The vast majority of those contracts were for “training aids” and “paperboard,” according to the USASpending.gov website, which lists numerous different contracts each in the region of $150,000 and $180,000 dollars stretching back to early 2010 and running through to July 2012.
While it is not known whether the DHS purchased the “no hesitation” targets, a company representative admitted to a customer that law enforcement agencies had “requested” at least one of the images which depicted a pregnant woman as a “threat”.
A customer who called Law Enforcement Inc. yesterday told Infowars that the company informed him the targets were, “strictly for Department of Homeland Security and other law enforcement agencies.”
The story has prompted widespread condemnation on the Internet, with Law Enforcement Inc. being slammed by Facebook users after it issued a statement.
Retired City of Houston police officer T.F. Stern reacted to the issue by remarking, “There’s something wrong, seriously wrong here. If we start to desensitize law enforcement officers, have them disregard humanity, to feel nothing’s wrong in shooting a pregnant lady or an old man with a shotgun inside his own home…then what kind of society have we become? How will police officers react after they no longer believe they are part of the society which they have been charged with policing, when they have become used to shooting pregnant ladies and old men?”
View all the “no hesitation” targets, which are still available on the company’s website, below.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
Russ Dizdar: "CONSPIRACY: Expose It But Avoid The Junk...Pt. 3"
"CONSPIRACY: Expose It But Avoid The Junk...Pt. 3"
*Russ Dizdar Official Site: http://www.ShatterTheDarkness.net
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @ http://preemptionbroadcast.podomatic.com/
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/russ-dizdar
*The Black Awakening official site: http://www.theblackawakening.com
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @ http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/RussDizdar
*Russ Dizdar Official Site: http://www.ShatterTheDarkness.net
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @ http://preemptionbroadcast.podomatic.com/
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/russ-dizdar
*The Black Awakening official site: http://www.theblackawakening.com
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @ http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/RussDizdar
Jesus Christ,
Russ Dizdar,
the bible
Russ Dizdar: "CONSPIRACY: Hunting It Down Pt. 2"
"CONSPIRACY: Hunting It Down Pt. 2"
*Russ Dizdar Official Site: http://www.ShatterTheDarkness.net
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @ http://preemptionbroadcast.podomatic.com/
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/russ-dizdar
*The Black Awakening official site: http://www.theblackawakening.com
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @ http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/RussDizdar
*Russ Dizdar Official Site: http://www.ShatterTheDarkness.net
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @ http://preemptionbroadcast.podomatic.com/
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/russ-dizdar
*The Black Awakening official site: http://www.theblackawakening.com
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @ http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/RussDizdar
Jesus Christ,
Russ Dizdar,
the bible
February 19, 2013
DHS Supplier Provides Shooting Targets of American Gun Owners
*Source: InfoWars
Company produces cardboard cut-outs of “non-traditional threats”: Pregnant women, elderly & children.
Company produces cardboard cut-outs of “non-traditional threats”: Pregnant women, elderly & children.
A provider of “realistic” shooting targets to the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies has created a line of “non-traditional threat” targets that include pregnant women, mothers in playgrounds and elderly American gun owners.
Law Enforcement Targets, Inc. is a 21-year designer and full service provider of training targets for the DHS, the Justice Department and thousands of law enforcement agencies throughout the country.
The company’s website offers a line of “No More Hesitation” targets ”designed to give officers the experience of dealing with deadly force shooting scenarios with subjects that are not the norm during training.” The targets are, “meant to help the transition for officers who are faced with these highly unusual targets for the first time.”
The targets include “pregnant woman threat,” “older man with shotgun,” “older man in home with shotgun,” “older woman with gun,” “young school aged girl,” “young mother on playground,” and “little boy with real gun.”
Why are top training target suppliers for the government supplying the likes of the DHS with “non-traditional threat” targets of children, pregnant women, mothers in playgrounds, and elderly American gun owners unless there is a demand for such items?
This is particularly alarming given the fact that the Department of Homeland Security has purchased roughly 2 billion rounds of ammunition over the course of the last year, enough to wage a near 30 year war.
In comparison, during the height of active battle operations in Iraq, US soldiers used 5.5 million rounds of ammunition a month.
The DHS also purchased no less than 7,000 fully automatic assault rifles last September, labeling them “Personal Defense Weapons.”
The fact that targets of armed pregnant women, children, mothers in playgrounds, and American gun owners in general are being represented as “non traditional threats” “for the first time” is deeply concerning given the admitted preparations for civil unrest undertaken by Homeland Security as well as other federal agencies.
A leaked US Army Military Police training manual for “Civil Disturbance Operations” also outlines how military assets are to be used domestically to quell riots, confiscate firearms and even kill Americans on U.S. soil during mass civil unrest.
This also dovetails with the continuing characterization of Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right-wing” terrorists by DHS-funded studies.
The US military trained last year to take on another “unusual target” – zombies – which some fear is just a ruse to get troops used to engaging crowds of people with deadly force. As Alex Jones documented in his film Police State 2000, numerous “urban warfare” training drills stretching back well over a decade have revolved around incarcerating and battling the American people on domestic soil.
See the other “non-traditional threats” that are being provided in the form of shooting targets to the DHS and thousands of law enforcement agencies below.
Note: The website containing these targets has crashed since this article was published, but this graphic shows a screenshot of the page with the URL visible.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
February 18, 2013
Russ Dizdar: "CONSPIRACY: Behind The Scenes Connecting The Dots..Pt. 1"
"CONSPIRACY: Behind The Scenes Connecting The Dots..Pt. 1"
*Russ Dizdar Official Site: http://www.ShatterTheDarkness.net
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @ http://preemptionbroadcast.podomatic.com/
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/russ-dizdar
*The Black Awakening official site: http://www.theblackawakening.com
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @ http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/RussDizdar
*Russ Dizdar Official Site: http://www.ShatterTheDarkness.net
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @ http://preemptionbroadcast.podomatic.com/
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/russ-dizdar
*The Black Awakening official site: http://www.theblackawakening.com
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @ http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/RussDizdar
Jesus Christ,
Russ Dizdar,
the bible
Dr. Scott Johnson: [2.17.13] End Time Current Events
[2.17.13] End Time Current Events.
**PDF: [2.17.13] End Time Current Events.**
*Part 1 Table of Contents:
*Part 2 Table of Contents:
**Dr. Scott Johnson**
**PDF: [2.17.13] End Time Current Events.**
*Part 1 Table of Contents:
- Pope Resigns & the Malachy Prophecy
- Tom Horn, Cris Putnam & Raiders News Network are at it again: Promoting the Catholic Death Cult and its “Prophets” as an “End Time” Source of Truth
*Part 2 Table of Contents:
- Cardinal Peter Turkson Has Emerged As The Oddsmakers 3-to-1 Favorite to become the Next Pope
- A Sign From Above? Lightning Strikes Vatican On Pope’s Shock Resignation
- Anglicans seeking full communion with Rome: We Are In a Particular Way Spiritual Children of Benedict XVI
- Pope accused of crimes against humanity by victims of sex abuse
- The Most Evil Pictures of Pope Benedict (Suitable for Framing or an 8X10 Glossy-Sarcasm)
- Open Letter and Appeal to Giorgio Napolitano, President of the Republic of Italy from Kevin D. Annett, Secretary of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State
- Reuters Bombshell Report: Roman Church admits the Pope’s Guilt: Joseph Ratzinger to Evade Justice and will hide out in the Vatican for his own legal immunity and “protection” against being convicted on Catholic, pedophilic sex crimes cover-up
- Benedict XVI the Vatican Last Tsar: Final despotic acts-Vatican jails: worldwide locations
- Benedict XVI’s Role in Global Ecumenism
- As Pope Benedict XVI prepares to leave office, one Jewish journalist takes a hard look backward to the Pope’s attitude toward Jews.
- Catholicism & Freemasonry both are Sun Worship / Phallic Baal Worship.
**Dr. Scott Johnson**
February 17, 2013
Feds Buying Enough Bullets For '24-Year War'.
*Source: WND
Federal, non-military agencies, noted radio host Mark Levin last week, have purchased enough ammunition recently to not only shoot every American five times, but also engage in a prolonged, domestic war.
The numbers are based on recent reports that put the total federal ammunition buy in the last 10 months at approaching two billion rounds.
“To provide some perspective,” Levin noted, “experts estimate that at the peak of the Iraq war American troops were firing around 5.5 million rounds per month. At that rate, the [Department of Homeland Security] is armed now for a 24-year Iraq war. A 24-year Iraq war!”
What do federal agencies need with all that ammunition?
The government’s only official explanation for the massive ammo buy is that law enforcement agents in the respective agencies need the bullets for “mandatory quarterly firearms qualifications and other training sessions.”
The staggering number and lack of details in the official explanation, however, has led to rampant speculation, including concerns the DHS is arming itself to fight off insurrection among Americans.
“I’m going to tell you what I think is going on,” Levin offered. “I don’t think domestic insurrection. Law enforcement and national security agencies, they play out multiple scenarios. … I’ll tell you what I think they’re simulating: the collapse of our financial system, the collapse of our society and the potential for widespread violence, looting, killing in the streets, because that’s what happens when an economy collapses.
“I suspect that just in case our fiscal situation, our monetary situation, collapses, and following it the civil society collapses, that is the rule of law, they want to be prepared,” Levin said. “I know why the government’s arming up: It’s not because there’s going to be an insurrection; it’s because our society is unraveling.”
Audio of Levin’s discussion on the ammunition buy can be heard below:
As WND reported, even major gun-rights organizations like the National Rifle Association have attempted to tamp down worries over the amount of ammunition, suggesting the number of bullets bought, spread out over five years and across all the federal agencies with armed agents – considering the number of rounds needed for training, qualification and service bags – isn’t exorbitant.
At the same time, however, others have wondered if billions of bullets isn’t too many to equip the sheer number of federal agents, what does that say about the number of federal agents?
“It’s not the number of bullets we need to worry about,” Jeff Knox, director of The Firearms Coalition, told WND, “but the number of feds with guns it takes to use those bullets.”
“There are currently more than 70 different federal law enforcement agencies employing over 120,000 officers with arrest and firearms authority, according to Bureau of Justice Statistics data for 2008,” explained Knox in a recent WND column. “That’s an increase of nearly 30 percent between 2004 and 2008. If the trends have continued upward at a relatively steady rate, that would put the total number of federal law enforcement officers at somewhere between 135,000 and 145,000.
“That’s a pretty staggering number,” Knox continued, “especially when you consider that there are only an estimated 765,000 state and local law enforcement officers. That means that about one in seven law enforcement officers in the country works directly for the federal government, not a local jurisdiction.”
For years, WND has been at the forefront of reporting the growth in federal police power being dispersed across dozens of government agencies:
“But bureaucrats who inspect the records of retailers and manufacturers have no business carrying guns and badges,” Knox opined, “nor do those who investigate white-collar crime for the Small Business Administration and the Department of Education.”
Chris Knox, director of communications for The Firearms Coalition, told WND legitimate concerns about a police state stem from “a set of three intertwined problems,” namely, “militarization of local police, federalization of law enforcement (including local cops getting goodies from federal forfeiture actions) and the expansion of federal law enforcement, where nearly every agency has its own armed service, not just the Drug Enforcement Agency, but administrative agencies like the Department of Education.”
Give all those federal cops two billion bullets, Jeff Knox says, and now there’s cause for concern.
Federal, non-military agencies, noted radio host Mark Levin last week, have purchased enough ammunition recently to not only shoot every American five times, but also engage in a prolonged, domestic war.
The numbers are based on recent reports that put the total federal ammunition buy in the last 10 months at approaching two billion rounds.
“To provide some perspective,” Levin noted, “experts estimate that at the peak of the Iraq war American troops were firing around 5.5 million rounds per month. At that rate, the [Department of Homeland Security] is armed now for a 24-year Iraq war. A 24-year Iraq war!”
What do federal agencies need with all that ammunition?
The government’s only official explanation for the massive ammo buy is that law enforcement agents in the respective agencies need the bullets for “mandatory quarterly firearms qualifications and other training sessions.”
The staggering number and lack of details in the official explanation, however, has led to rampant speculation, including concerns the DHS is arming itself to fight off insurrection among Americans.
“I’m going to tell you what I think is going on,” Levin offered. “I don’t think domestic insurrection. Law enforcement and national security agencies, they play out multiple scenarios. … I’ll tell you what I think they’re simulating: the collapse of our financial system, the collapse of our society and the potential for widespread violence, looting, killing in the streets, because that’s what happens when an economy collapses.
“I suspect that just in case our fiscal situation, our monetary situation, collapses, and following it the civil society collapses, that is the rule of law, they want to be prepared,” Levin said. “I know why the government’s arming up: It’s not because there’s going to be an insurrection; it’s because our society is unraveling.”
Audio of Levin’s discussion on the ammunition buy can be heard below:
At the same time, however, others have wondered if billions of bullets isn’t too many to equip the sheer number of federal agents, what does that say about the number of federal agents?
“It’s not the number of bullets we need to worry about,” Jeff Knox, director of The Firearms Coalition, told WND, “but the number of feds with guns it takes to use those bullets.”
“There are currently more than 70 different federal law enforcement agencies employing over 120,000 officers with arrest and firearms authority, according to Bureau of Justice Statistics data for 2008,” explained Knox in a recent WND column. “That’s an increase of nearly 30 percent between 2004 and 2008. If the trends have continued upward at a relatively steady rate, that would put the total number of federal law enforcement officers at somewhere between 135,000 and 145,000.
“That’s a pretty staggering number,” Knox continued, “especially when you consider that there are only an estimated 765,000 state and local law enforcement officers. That means that about one in seven law enforcement officers in the country works directly for the federal government, not a local jurisdiction.”
For years, WND has been at the forefront of reporting the growth in federal police power being dispersed across dozens of government agencies:
- In 1997, WND blew the lid off 60,000 federal agents enforcing over 3,000 criminal laws, a report that prompted Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America to remark, “Good grief, that’s a standing army. … It’s outrageous.”
- Also in 1997, as part of a ongoing series on the militarization of the federal government, WND reported on the armed, “environment crime” cops employed by the Environmental Protection Agency and a federal law enforcement program that had trained 325,000 prospective federal police since 1970.
- WND also reported on thousands of armed officers in the Inspectors’ General office and a gun-drawn raid on a local flood control center to haul off 40 boxes of … paperwork.
- WND further reported on a plan by then Delaware Sen. Joe Biden to hire hundreds of armed Hong Kong policemen into dozens of U.S. federal agencies to counter Asian organized crime in America.
- In 1999, WND CEO Joseph Farah warned there were more than 80,000 armed federal law enforcement agents, constituting “the virtual standing army over which the founding fathers had
nightmares.” Today, that number has nearly doubled. - Also in 1999 WND reported plans made for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, to use military and police forces to deal with Y2K.
- In 2000, Farah discussed a Justice Department report on the growth of federal police agents under President Clinton, something Farah labeled “the biggest arms buildup in the history of the
federal government – and it’s not taking place in the Defense Department.” - A 2001 report warned of a persistent campaign by the Department of the Interior, this time following 9/11, to gain police powers for its agents.
- In 2008, WND reported on proposed rules to expand the military’s use inside U.S. borders to prevent “environmental damage” or respond to “special events” and to establish policies for “military support for civilian law enforcement.”
- Most recently, WND reported that while local police have found themselves short of necessary ammunition, the federal government has been stockpiling billions of rounds for its non-military, non-FBI law enforcement officers.
“But bureaucrats who inspect the records of retailers and manufacturers have no business carrying guns and badges,” Knox opined, “nor do those who investigate white-collar crime for the Small Business Administration and the Department of Education.”
Chris Knox, director of communications for The Firearms Coalition, told WND legitimate concerns about a police state stem from “a set of three intertwined problems,” namely, “militarization of local police, federalization of law enforcement (including local cops getting goodies from federal forfeiture actions) and the expansion of federal law enforcement, where nearly every agency has its own armed service, not just the Drug Enforcement Agency, but administrative agencies like the Department of Education.”
Give all those federal cops two billion bullets, Jeff Knox says, and now there’s cause for concern.
February 15, 2013
Russ Dizdar: "Clarifying Glorification: Seeing God Face To Face"
"Clarifying Glorification: Seeing God Face To Face"
*Russ Dizdar Official Site: http://www.ShatterTheDarkness.net
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @ http://preemptionbroadcast.podomatic.com/
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/russ-dizdar
*The Black Awakening official site: http://www.theblackawakening.com
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @ http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/RussDizdar
*Russ Dizdar Official Site: http://www.ShatterTheDarkness.net
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @ http://preemptionbroadcast.podomatic.com/
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/russ-dizdar
*The Black Awakening official site: http://www.theblackawakening.com
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @ http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/RussDizdar
February 14, 2013
Russ Dizdar: "Clarifying Glorification: Where Angels Fly"
"Clarifying Glorification: Where Angels Fly"
*Russ Dizdar Official Site: http://www.ShatterTheDarkness.net
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @ http://preemptionbroadcast.podomatic.com/
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/russ-dizdar
*The Black Awakening official site: http://www.theblackawakening.com
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @ http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/RussDizdar
*Russ Dizdar Official Site: http://www.ShatterTheDarkness.net
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @ http://preemptionbroadcast.podomatic.com/
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/russ-dizdar
*The Black Awakening official site: http://www.theblackawakening.com
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @ http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/RussDizdar
February 13, 2013
Russ Dizdar: "Clarifying Glorification From Mortal To Immortality"
"Clarifying Glorification From Mortal To Immortality"
*Russ Dizdar Official Site: http://www.ShatterTheDarkness.net
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @ http://preemptionbroadcast.podomatic.com/
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/russ-dizdar
*The Black Awakening official site: http://www.theblackawakening.com
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @ http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/RussDizdar
*Russ Dizdar Official Site: http://www.ShatterTheDarkness.net
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @ http://preemptionbroadcast.podomatic.com/
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/russ-dizdar
*The Black Awakening official site: http://www.theblackawakening.com
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @ http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/RussDizdar
Symbolic Pics of the Month (02/13)
*Source: The Vigilant Citizen
In this edition of SPOTM: Taylor Swift, Justin Timberlake, Rihanna and a whole lot of MK-Themed fashion. (I know, I did state last month that the SPOTM series of articles was over. I however realized that I wanted to discuss about a bunch of pics, so there you go).
In this edition of SPOTM: Taylor Swift, Justin Timberlake, Rihanna and a whole lot of MK-Themed fashion. (I know, I did state last month that the SPOTM series of articles was over. I however realized that I wanted to discuss about a bunch of pics, so there you go).
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