December 24, 2012

Dr. Scott Johnson: [12.24.12] End Time Current Events

[12.24.12] End Time Current Events

**PDF: [12.24.12] End Time Current Events**

*Part 1 Table of Contents:

  • New Faked Rigged CNN Poll: 52% of Americans favor major restrictions on guns or making all guns illegal, according to a CNN/ORC poll. 
  • “To Conquer a Nation, first Disarm its Citizens.” Adolf Hitler 1933
  • Why there are no shootings in Israeli schools
  • Gallup Poll: 64 Percent of Americans Want School Officials Armed to Protect Children
  • Another Perspective: Arm the Teachers and School Staff
  • Media Blackout: Oregon Mall Shooter Was Stopped By An Armed Citizen
  • Mass Killings Stopped by Armed Citizens
  • Numerous school massacres stopped by gun owners who wielded their weapons in defense of children
  • Man Attempts To Open Fire On Crowd At Movie Theater, Armed Off-duty Sheriff’s Deputy Drops Him With One Bullet
  • Audio: Newtown Massacre – Obama’s Hypocrisy
  • Americans in denial about school violence and the obvious solution: Arm school personnel
  • From a Listener: Why I carry a gun……
  • Let’s let facts guide the gun control debate for a change
  • Solution to School Mass Murders–Free Concealed Handgun License Class to Teachers/ Administrators
  • Watch the video: How to stop a massacre
  • HOUSE DEM: ‘Turn in your guns’…
  • Stampeding Gun Control Through Crisis: Never let a crisis go to waste – especially when it is an opportunity to abridge our Constitutional rights
  • Obama seems poised to declare military dictatorship in America over Sandy Hook Elementary shooting
  • Senator Jay Rockefeller Calls for Gun Control and More Psychoactive Drugs
  • ‘This Is Not Some Washington Commission’…Obama taps Biden to lead gun grab…

*Part 2 Table of Contents:

  • Eric Holder, Obama Propose To Use Executive Orders To Impose New Gun Control Laws
  • Reuters Calls for Obama to Act as Dictator to Ban Guns
  • China Calls for ‘No Delay’ on Gun Controls in U.S.
  • Bloomberg Organizes Celebrities To Push For Huge Gun Grab
  • Obama Targets Gun Shows
  • US lobby issues point-blank ‘no’ on gun control
  • Gun enthusiasts pack shows to buy weapons
  • Firearms Supplier Sells More Than Three Years Worth Of Gun Magazines In Just Three Days
  • GOA Defending Your Rights on the Firing Line
  • Obama Vows Fast Action in New Push for Gun Control
  • Meanwhile 501c3 Corporate Whore Religious Leaders Push Congregants for Gun Control, Sensing a Watershed Moment

*Part 3 Table of Contents:

  • Brooklyn churches seeing more gun buybacks
  • Large turnout for Camden churches gun buyback
  • NYPD Sponsors Gun Buyback Program At Evergreen Baptist Church In Brooklyn
  • Baltimore church gun buyback takes in 461 guns in wake of Conn. Shooting
  • At St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in Laurel more than 150 guns were turned in at gun buyback event
  • Oakland’s Saint Benedict’s church gun buyback nets 300 guns
  • Christ Temple Missionary Baptist Church in Evanston hosts gun buyback
  • See Scott Johnson’s Teachings on the 501c3 Corporate Church of America: Feds Train 501c3 Clergy To ‘Quell Dissent’ During Martial Law (3 Parts)
  • Top Online Gun Retailer Suspends Sales of Firearms: “Effective Immediately”
  • First Amendment Rights Gone: Connecticut Police Spokesman: Newtown Will Prosecute Independant Journalist Whistleblowers (Video)  
  • Facebook now threatening to shut down accounts of users who question official narrative on Sandy Hook shooting
  • Warning–Language by bloodthirsty, demon possessed liberals: Liberals Call For Murder Of NRA President, Members & Repeal Of Second Amendment: Liberals are ticked off over a shooting that took innocent lives and they turn right around and want to murder innocent people that have done them absolutely no harm!
  • Watch & Listen to LIVE Police Audio & Television Footage proving there was more than one shooter @ Sandy Hook Elementary School
  • Footage Of Police Arresting Second Man In Woods Right After The Sandy Hook Shooting
  • Newtown: Two Shadows Running Past Gym while police are heard saying “THEY are coming toward us.” & “We got THEM”
  • I am the devil: Former classmate reveals school gunman had ‘online devil worshiping page’ as childhood barber recounts how he never spoke and just stared at floors
  • Beyond Evil “Kindergarten Killer” Video Game–NRA Says Games Like This Responsible For Mass Shooters
  • Listener Comment REGARDING the AUDIO of THE Sandy Hook SHOOTING & SSRI Medication Side Effects
  • Newtown Murders: Astonishing Hunger Games Coincidence, and killers mother now a Doomsday Prepper??
  • Sandy Hook Reference Coincidence In Batman: Dark Knight Rises Movie
  • SANDY HOOK & AURORA In The “BATMAN: Dark Knight Rises” Movie!!
  • Proof of Satanic Sacrifice? Sandy Hook Mapped In Dark Knight Movie & On Satanic Ley-Line

**Dr. Scott Johnson**

Russ Dizdar: "DOOMS DAY DUD...The Failure Of 2012 Mayan And New Age Prophecy...What's Next?"

"DOOMS DAY DUD...The Failure Of 2012 Mayan And New Age Prophecy...What's Next?"

*Russ Dizdar Official Site:
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @
*The Black Awakening official site:
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @

December 20, 2012

How Your Phone Could Be Able To Smell, Hear And Taste By 2018: IBM Reveals Its Vision For The Future of Technology.

*Source: Daily Mail

  • Computer giant claims future gadgets will even include haptic feedback technology - allowing you to virtually feel clothes before buying them
  • firm claims machines will be able to mimic and augment our senses
If you've only just got used to talking to your phone, get ready for a major change.

IBM has revealed its predictions for the computer we will all be using in 2018 - and it believes they will have all five senses, and will communicate with us in radically different ways.

'Infrared and haptic technologies will enable a smart phone's touchscreen technology and vibration capabilities to simulate the physical sensation of touching something,' the firm said.

Scroll down for video
IBM's vision for the future of touch - it claims that in five years we will be able to touch objects through our phones
IBM's vision for the future of touch - it claims that in five years we will be able to touch objects through our phones

'So you could experience the silkiness of that catalog's Egyptian cotton sheets instead of just relying on some copywriter to convince you.

'It’s amazing when you look back over the 60+ years of the computing revolution and see how far we have come in such a relatively short time,' said IBM's Bernard Meyerso.
'The first electronic programmable computers, built in the 1940s, were essentially really fast electronic calculators.

Then came the mainframe, the PC, the Internet and social networking.
Today, we’re entering the era of cognitive computing–machines that help us think.'
'One of the most intriguing aspects of this shift is our ability to give machines some of the capabilities of the right side of the human brain.
'New technologies make it possible for machines to mimic and augment the senses. '
Today, we see the beginnings of sensing machines in self-parking cars and biometric security–and the future is wide open.
The firm claims in five years machines will be able to see, and understand, images
The firm claims in five years machines will be able to see, and understand, images

'These five predictions show how cognitive technologies can improve our lives, and they’re windows into a much bigger landscape –the coming era of cognitive systems.

'But the point isn’t to replicate human brains. 

We humans are no slouches when it comes to procreation. 

'And this isn’t about replacing human thinking with machine thinking. 

'Once again; not necessary. 

'Rather, in the era of cognitive systems, humans and machines will collaborate to produce better results–each bringing their own superior skills to the partnership. 

'The machines will be more rational and analytic. We’ll provide the judgment, empathy, morale compass and creativity.'

IBM also says machines will be able to hear in five years and know when we are talking to them
IBM also says machines will be able to hear in five years and know when we are talking to them

Computers will also be able to taste - and even predict what food we like based on out eating habits.
Computers will also be able to taste - and even predict what food we like based on out eating habits.

Computers will also be able to smell - and have sensitive enough noses to be able to detect infections on our breath and tell us if the food we are about to eat has bacteria in
Computers will also be able to smell - and have sensitive enough noses to be able to detect infections on our breath and tell us if the food we are about to eat has bacteria in


Sight: A pixel will be worth a thousand words
Recognition systems can pinpoint a face in a crowd. In the future, computer vision might save a life by analyzing patterns to make sense of visuals in the context of big data.

In industries as varied as healthcare, retail and agriculture, a system could gather information and detect anomalies specific to the task—such as spotting a tiny area of diseased tissue in an MRI and applying it to the patient's medical history for faster, more accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Robyn Schwartz
Associate Director, IBM Research, Retail Analytics

Hearing: Computers will hear what matters
Before the tree fell in the forest, did anyone hear it? Sensors that pick up sound patterns and frequency changes will be able to predict weakness in a bridge before it buckles, the deeper meaning of your baby's cry or, yes, a tree breaking down internally before it falls. By analyzing verbal traits and including multi-sensory information, machine hearing and speech recognition could even be sensitive enough to advance dialogue across languages and cultures.

John Smith
Senior Manager, Intelligent Information Management

Taste: Digital taste buds will help you eat smarter

The challenge of providing food—whether it's for impoverished populations, people on restricted diets or picky kids—is in finding a way to meet both nutritional needs and personal preferences. In the works: a way to compute "perfect" meals using an algorithmic recipe of favorite flavors and optimal nutrition. No more need for substitute foods when you can have a personalized menu that satisfies both the calorie count and the palate.

Dimitri Kanevsky
IBM Research Scientist

Smell: Computers will have a sense of smell

Watch the video
When you call a friend to say how you're doing, your phone will know on the full story. Soon, sensors will detect and distinguish odors: a chemical, a biomarker, even molecules in the breath that affect personal health. The same smell technology, combined with deep learning systems, could troubleshoot operating-room hygiene, crops' soil conditions or a city's sanitation system before the human nose knows there's a problem

Lav Varshney
IBM Research Scientist

VIDEO See how phones could smell, hear and taste by 2018... 

Russ Dizdar: "Earthers: Cover For The Real Plot...What I Expect Will Happen 2012 Dec.21st"

"Earthers: Cover For The Real Plot...What I Expect Will Happen 2012 Dec.21st"

*Russ Dizdar Official Site:
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @
*The Black Awakening official site:
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @

Piers Morgan resorts to name calling after losing Gun Control debate !!!

British wanker Piers Morgan resorts to childish name calling after horribly losing a gun control debate with Larry Pratt who is the executive director of the Gun Owners of America.

The Queen of England has sent her top propagandist lackey to brainwash Americans into believing that hiding behind furniture and waiting for police to show up is better than being armed against criminals and tyrannical government.

All throughout history unarmed populations have been slaughtered by their rulers and governments that promised them safety and security if they would just surrender their weapons. Unfortunately for them, they would all end up in mass graves for being so trusting and gullible.

Today the government will ban your rifles, tomorrow it will be your hand guns, after that it will be your cars claiming they want to prevent accidents...if you are still alive that is !

Wake up or learn the same lesson that hundreds of millions of gullible serfs and peons have learned before you.

Gun Inconsistencies in Sandy Hook School Mass Shooting...

So the assault rifle found outside the school in the trunk of Lanza's car was used to kill every single person?

And the 4 handguns found inside the school weren't used at all?

December 19, 2012

‘ISLAM OR DEATH’: Jihadi Leader Reportedly Gives Christians a Dire Choice On Egyptian TV

*Source: End Time Headlines

Jewish News One (JN1) has a disturbing report about Ahmad Al Baghdadi Al Hassani, a supposed jihadi leader who has some less-than-favorable views about Christians. In a recent Egyptian television appearance, he purportedly dismissed believers as polytheists and supporters of Israel, noting that they must choose between “Islam or death.”

It is reported that Baghdadi Al Hassani lives in Syria and that he is supporting the opposition there. Because there are a limited number of Christians in the war-torn area, JN1 reports that the impact of his words may not reverberate. That said, the network notes that the comments showcase a “growing trend of anti-Christian sentiment in the Muslim world.” corroborates these claims and has more about the religious leader’s statements and the way in which they will likely be processed in the region:

In an interview last December 13 on Egyptian television Al Baghdadia, the Shiite ayatollah Ahmad Al Hassani Al Baghdadi issued a fatwa against Christians in Iraq. Labeling them as “polytheists” and “friends of the Zionists”, the extremist leader stressed that they must choose “or Islam or death,” while “their women and girls may legitimately be regarded wives of Muslims.” Al Baghdadi is known for his “jihad” positions and for attacking Americans in the past during their presence in the country, and today he lives in Syria, supporting the armed opposition.
 Catholic sources in the capital tell AsiaNews that it is “a very serious fatwa,” but “it is unlikely that people will be upset too much.” The government pays “attention” to these proclamations by extremists, however it is possible that such words could “create panic in some areas of the capital,” where there are now “very few” Christians.
This is one of the latest examples of purported extremist rhetoric to come from Middle Eastern faith leaders. The television interview can be found below (not in English): The Blaze

December 18, 2012

"Earthers: Russ Dizdar: GATEWAYS TO VIOLENCE...'They Are Waiting'..."

"Earthers: GATEWAYS TO VIOLENCE...'They Are Waiting'..."

*Russ Dizdar Official Site:
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @
*The Black Awakening official site:
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @

Russ Dizdar: "SHOOTERS: The Synchronicity Of Dark Spirits...The Coming Red Horse"

"SHOOTERS: The Synchronicity Of Dark Spirits...The Coming Red Horse"

*Russ Dizdar Official Site:
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @
*The Black Awakening official site:
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @

December 16, 2012

Dr. Scott Johnson: [12.16.12] End Time Current Events

[12.16.12] End Time Current Events: 12-16-12

**PDF: [12.16.12] End Time Current Events: 12-16-12**

*Table of Contents:

  • Newtown Conn. school shooting story already being changed by the media to eliminate eyewitness reports of a second shooter
  • To stop school shootings we should let the criminals have all the guns; argue gun control advocates
  • ABC, NY Times reporters go full-on vulture tweeting the friends and family of the Connecticut massacre targets
  • Gun control? We need medication control! Newton elementary school shooter Adam Lanza likely on meds; labeled as having ‘personality disorder’
  • Lanza most likely had a form of Autism: Let’s look at the facts regarding Autism as Autism was virtually unknown before the modern day advent of vaccinations  
  • See Scott Johnson’s Teaching: Pharmakeia: Sorcery, Pharmaceuticals & the Roots of Modern Day Drug Industry
  • Gun control petition to White House gets large and immediate support online
  • The Documented Human “Death Toll” Cost of “Gun Control”
  • Crime & Murder Rates Plummet After a Law Required Firearms for Residents in Kennesaw, GA 
  • Dr. Johnson’s recommendations for natural alternatives to mind altering meds
  • Warning Gun Control Advocates are at a Fever Pitch to Ban Firearms

**Dr. Scott Johnson**

Dr. Scott Johnson: [12.16.12] Marijuana, it's Legalization and the Bible

[12.16.12] Marijuana, it's Legalization and the Bible

**PDF: [12.16.12] Marijuana, it's Legalization and the Bible**

*Table of Contents:

  • Listener Comment: Marijuana and the Bible
  • Scott Johnson’s Response
  • Is Vaporization of Cannabis “Harmless”?
  • How does a vaporizer work?
  • The chemical makeup of Cannabis / Pot
  • The medical facts about DAGGA/ MARIJUANA / HASHISH / CANNABIS
  • The Cannabis Religion
  • Verbiage from a Witchcraft chat room where occult practices for magical purposes were being discussed–so let’s see what practicing pagan occultists have to say about smoking/tobacco/marijuana
  • Why a Christian Should NOT Smoke
  • Dr. Johnson’s Healthy Living Newsletter: ACID REFLUX, HEARTBURN AND INDIGESTION

**For my previous study on tobacco and smoking see: End Time Current Events: 5-29-11–Part 3–Smoking Tobacco Warning**

**Dr. Scott Johnson**

December 14, 2012

Russ Dizdar: "SHOOTERS: Pain And More To Come"

"SHOOTERS: Pain And More To Come"

*Russ Dizdar Official Site:
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @
*The Black Awakening official site:
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @

December 13, 2012

Russ Dizdar "Earthers: NEW AGERS 2012ERS TO BLAME"

"Earthers: NEW AGERS 2012ERS TO BLAME"

*Russ Dizdar Official Site:
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @
*The Black Awakening official site:
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @

December 12, 2012

Russ Dizdar: "Earthers: I Have No Guide, Nothing To Guide Me Says The Shop Owner"

"Earthers: I Have No Guide, Nothing To Guide Me Says The Shop Owner"

*Russ Dizdar Official Site:
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @
*The Black Awakening official site:
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @

Russ Dizdar: "Earthers: That's A Good Question...What Are The Answers?"

"Earthers: That's A Good Question...What Are The Answers?"

*Russ Dizdar Official Site:
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @
*The Black Awakening official site:
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @

December 11, 2012

Dr. Scott Johnson: [12.10.12] The Zombie Phenomenon Examined

[12.10.12] The Zombie Phenomenon Examined

**PDF: [12.10.12] The Zombie Phenomenon Examined**

*Table of Contents:

  • Contending For Truth Flash Drive Update
  • On Halloween, US military forces trained for zombie apocalypse at counterterrorism summit
  • Last month, the Department of Homeland Security released its own webinar about zombie preparation as one FEMA official noted.
  • In May of 2011 a blog post by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention mentioned a ”zombie apocalypse” and being prepared for it.
  • Zombie Neuroscientist Explains the Ant-Like Behavior of World War Z’s Running Dead
  • Listener Comment on World War Z movie
  • Zombie Research Society Information
  • Fears Of Zombie Apocalypse Pushes Record Gun Sales In The U.S.
  • Zombie Craze Advertisement–From Optics Planet
  • Scott Johnson’s Previous Studies Where the Zombie Phenomenon is Discussed

**Dr. Scott Johnson**

Russ Dizdar: "RENNES LE CHATEAU..and the Spirit of Antichrist, the Mysterion"

"RENNES LE CHATEAU..and the Spirit of Antichrist, the Mysterion"

*Russ Dizdar Official Site:
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @
*The Black Awakening official site:
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @

December 10, 2012

Russ Dizdar: "Reep Mission To France ''Upside Mountain" A Media Hoax?"

"Reep Mission To France ''Upside Mountain" A Media Hoax?"

*Russ Dizdar Official Site:
*Download Russ Dizdar Podcast @
*Russ Dizdar's "The Ragged Edge Live Radio Show" @
*The Black Awakening official site:
*Purchase "The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos" as Ebook or Paperback @

December 7, 2012

Symbolic Pics of the Month (12/12)

Source: The Vigilant Citizen

In this edition of SPOTM: Jared Leto, Rihanna, Big Sean and a whole lot of other symbolic weirdness.

The photoshoot entitled “Surrealismo De Los Pies A La Cabesa” (Surrealism from Head to Toe) appeared in the November issue of Bazaar Espana and is chock-full of mind control symbolism. Here’s model Eugenia Volodina is a picture evoking duality and confusing reflections, two important techniques in MK programming. The doll versions of the model can allude to an alter persona.

Here we have two opposing personas blinding each other

Eyes hidden, mask representing an alter persona.

Gotta do the one-eye thing in this Illuminati mind control photoshoot.

Gotta do it again to make sure the message is understood.

…and again for those that are really slow to understand.

Do the gloves on the model’s head represent the HANDlers messing with her mind?

Standing on a Masonic checkerboard pattern floor, the model is wearing red (symbol of sacrifice). The model appears in pain and the image is torn at the level of her face, representing the fracturing of her personality…Yes, all of the above imagery was found in a single photoshoot.

Speaking of checkerboard pattern floors, here’s Rihanna performing at SNL. The backdrop was very Masonic, complete with a checkerboard pattern floor at twin pillars.

The cover of the  single “Marble Floors” by rapper French Montana features the exact same imagery. Why be different when you can be a pawn?

Jared Leto posing with creepy-ass Terry Richardson. You know about that hand sign.

You know about that hand sign too.

Very original Jared, keep it up, I’m proud of you.

The December issue of XXL magazine features rapper Big Sean hidding one eye and  showing you why he’s “living the good life”.

Azelia Banks in her video “Atlantis” is eager to throw up Illuminati symbolism whenever she can.

Glee’s Lea Michelle in Flare magazine. This pic contains several symbols referring to mind control: Masonic floor, bird cage, animal prints (referring to Sex Kitten programming).

Anna-Nicole Smith’s daughter is apparently entering the fashion industry at a very early age.

Her deceased mother Anna-Nicole Smith was the face of Guess for several years. Smith’s multiple breakdowns, her strange death and the symbolism in her work (she is here portrayed as Marilyn Monroe) have all of the marking of a MK slave. I hope her daughter does not follow in her footsteps.

BBC’s foundation “Children in Need” (yes, BBC is the company that protected pedophile Jimmy Savile) created “high fashion” versions of the foundation’s logo: A one-eye bear. These bears were promoted celebrities. Here’s child-star Chloe Moretz posing with a bear in leopard-print (which represents Beta programming in mind control). That is all so twisted.

A creepy looking Kristen McMenemy posing with a bear created by Alexander McQueen, a designer whose work is permeated with MK symbolism. Who better to create stuff to supposedly help children?

Jessie J promoting her bear while doing the one-eye thing. It is as if these pics are saying “Give your money to BBC so it can continue abusing children”.

On the night of the American elections, the entire world saw the results displayed in real time on the Rockefeller building which is owned by the…Rockefellers. Between the bars representing the Democratic and the Republican party is an artwork depicting a Demiurge “shaping” the world with a Masonic compass – an important gnostic symbol in Secret Societies. The symbolism of this scene is quite telling and flagrant:  No matter who wins, it is the Masonic compass that will ultimately shape the world…And that’s pretty much all you need to know about politics.

December 3, 2012

Dr. Scott Johnson: [12.2.12] End Time Current Events

[12.2.12] End Time Current Events

**PDF: [12.2.12] End Time Current Events**

*Part 1 Table of Contents:

  • Blasphemy Calling Obama “Our Lord and Savior”–Controversy Over Obama Depicted as “The Christ”
  • Federal Land Seizure Act Resuscitating Itself from the Dead
  • URGENT: Senate UN Treaty Vote Set – Call Now!
  • WW3 IMMINENT? BREAKING! Canada cuts all ties with Iran, closes embassy, orders diplomats home within 5 days
  • Shock Video: Syrian Rebel Massacres 10 Unarmed Prisoners 
  • Hamas: Killing Jews is worship of Allah “Repeat in the name of your Jihad: Death to Israel!”
  • Obama punts to Congress over repercussions for UN Palestine vote
  • Abbas ‘Victory Speech’: Jerusalem ‘Eternal Capital of Palestine’
  • 15 Seconds in Israel

*Part 2 Table of Contents:

  • Properly Defining the Terms: Zionism & Zionist
  • So from a Biblical Standpoint is Zionism Predicted?

*Part 3 Table of Contents:

  • Alex Jones Cancels Speaking Tour 3 Days After Exposure As Possible STRATFOR Double Agent
  • Alex Jones Hires CIA / Stratfor agent as Publishing Editor in Chief

*Part 4 Table of Contents:

  • Mayan Shaman Elder’s Prediction for Dec. 21st 2012: Not the End of the World but the Return of the “Ancestors and Men of Wisdom”
  • Another Mayan Shaman Elder Confirms Dec. 21st 2012 is not the End of the Earth:
  • Another Mayan Shaman explanation of what will happen on 21st December 2012
  • Planetary Alignment with the Giza Pyramids on Dec 3, 2012
  • Massive Sinkhole Still Growing – Ohio: 4 Football Fields Long, 30′ Deep Shuts Down 8 Mile Stretch Of Road + LA Sinkhole Situation Getting Worse
  • Is The New Madrid Sleeping Giant Awakening?
  • The Little Known New Madrid Pipeline Bomb
  • Mississippi River could become impassable in two weeks
  • Worlds Waters Turn Blood-Red

**Dr. Scott Johnson**